Question about this ongoing race war.

Does anyone think this latest brouhaha crap is going to push whites to push back by joining KKK and other "racist" organizations? After all, they have the black panthers. They are the ones doing to shoving and rioting and bullshit to keep the hate alive. One can only bend so much before flat out breaking.

Black Miss America
White Men Can't Jump and other assorted movies
Losing a job for saying the N word
Losing a job for calling someone black
Black Only parties, circles, proms & it not being considered racist
Black Panthers
Announcing to media and world to BURN THIS TOWN DOWN
etc etc etc

If caucasians did HALF of the crap being done now, all hell would be breaking loose. Oh. Wait. It is breaking loose but it's been changed in favor of looting, thuggery, bottle throwing, murders, rioting, etc. and anyone that tries to fight back...well. We all know what happens then. The name calling. The accusations of racism. The MONEY being paid out. Yadda yadda.
White people in general have a problem with not being the center of the universe. Thats why they cant stand it when Black people say fuckem and start their own groups. Of course this attitude frightens whites and thats exactly what the KKK depends on. Fright. Of course this will push more whites toward hate groups. Just depends on how many are frightened out of their wits.

I dont think there will ever be a race war. Its easier to make threats than to actually spill blood when you dont have a real cause. If there was a larger population of Blacks in the US that might do it but by then it would be too late.
There is no race war. There is nothing even remotely resembling a race war taking place. The entire premise of the OP should be dismissed.
No, it should not be dismissed. Perhaps "war" is the wrong term, but there IS major...yes MAJOR....race problems rampant around us all. ALL. To say nothing of the sort is happening is ludicrous. A town was burned down, NINE blacks were murdered while in church, people are fired for what they write on a check, yadda yadda. Is this what is wrong? PEOPLE refusing to SEE?

You want to see major race problems --- check out what was going on a hundred years ago.

- Red Summer (1919)...

- Tulsa Race Riots (1921) -- 35 city blocks destroyed, ten thousand left homeless....
- Ku Klux Klan restarted (1915) when a Georgia salesman sees "Birth of a Nation" and decides to act it out....
- Innumerable lynchings going on nationwide, where victims' bodies were burned, hacked up and sold as souvenirs....

Our history books kinda "forget" to mention the rancid racial environment of that period. In the opposite way that our contemporary media overkill the current one, because after all it sells papers.

If what we're in is a "war", then what we used to be in must have been a "holocaust".
So....there is no race "war" then? All is hunky dory? No more drivebys, knock out games, punks with rebel flags killing black folks, black folks killing white folks, hispanics killing asians, etc?

That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
So....there is no race "war" then? All is hunky dory? No more drivebys, knock out games, punks with rebel flags killing black folks, black folks killing white folks, hispanics killing asians, etc?

That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.
So....there is no race "war" then? All is hunky dory? No more drivebys, knock out games, punks with rebel flags killing black folks, black folks killing white folks, hispanics killing asians, etc?

That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.

Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
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There is no race war. There is nothing even remotely resembling a race war taking place. The entire premise of the OP should be dismissed.

I agree....but there is a great deal of racial unrest that is frankly unnecessary. I fucking hate hypenated America. Do they call black folks in Canada African-Canadians? Painfully stupid.

Please people, stop that divisive shit.
That there's no "race war" going on? You're damn right.

I live in Oakland, surrounded by black people. Not a single one of them is at war with me, nor I with them.

You're making an argument that as you don't see war around you, therefore it's not happening elsewhere.

Kind of like, if it's cold here, that means global warming isn't happening sort of logic.

No, that's not my argument at all.

I don't see a race war anywhere. No evidence of it exists.

I use the fact that I live in Oakland as an example to demonstrate that I live right in the middle of what you guys see on TV - and it's nothing close to a "race war". need to get out more. Oakland has had multiple race riots since 2010 including riots allegedly related to Baltimore or Ferguson in the last few months.

No offense....but either you are willfully ignorant....deluded....or lying.

Oakland riots The Weekly Standard
So....there is no race "war" then? All is hunky dory? No more drivebys, knock out games, punks with rebel flags killing black folks, black folks killing white folks, hispanics killing asians, etc?

That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.

Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.
So....there is no race "war" then? All is hunky dory? No more drivebys, knock out games, punks with rebel flags killing black folks, black folks killing white folks, hispanics killing asians, etc?

That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.

Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.

It's just funny that Doc lives in Oakland and basically says he sees zero evidence of any racial discord....and yet various news outlets basically indicate Oakland is the race riot capital of America. I mean....WTF??? Oakland/riots. It's unbelievable.

I dunno....maybe Doc lives in a bunker or something or never gets out. Maybe he lives in a panic room with no windows or TV.

Btw....this is a pic from Oakland two months ago. Try google images Oakland riots 2015. Not pretty. But again....maybe Doc doesn't get out much.

That there's no "race war" going on? You're damn right.

I live in Oakland, surrounded by black people. Not a single one of them is at war with me, nor I with them.

You're making an argument that as you don't see war around you, therefore it's not happening elsewhere.

Kind of like, if it's cold here, that means global warming isn't happening sort of logic.

No, that's not my argument at all.

I don't see a race war anywhere. No evidence of it exists.

I use the fact that I live in Oakland as an example to demonstrate that I live right in the middle of what you guys see on TV - and it's nothing close to a "race war". need to get out more. Oakland has had multiple race riots since 2010 including riots allegedly related to Baltimore or Ferguson in the last few months.

No offense....but either you are willfully ignorant....deluded....or lying.

Oakland riots The Weekly Standard


Those weren't "race riots", they were just "riots".

It's not the same thing. Most of the people I saw at the "riots" were white kids.
So....there is no race "war" then? All is hunky dory? No more drivebys, knock out games, punks with rebel flags killing black folks, black folks killing white folks, hispanics killing asians, etc?

That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.

Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.

It's just funny that Doc lives in Oakland and basically says he sees zero evidence of any racial discord....and yet various news outlets basically indicate Oakland is the race riot capital of America. I mean....WTF??? Oakland/riots. It's unbelievable.

I dunno....maybe Doc lives in a bunker or something or never gets out. Maybe he lives in a panic room with no windows or TV.

Btw....this is a pic from Oakland two months ago. Try google images Oakland riots 2015. Not pretty. But again....maybe Doc doesn't get out much.


Ooooooh.. Scary....

You can tell they're "race riots" because of the black folks in the picture. Right?
That there's no "race war" going on? You're damn right.

I live in Oakland, surrounded by black people. Not a single one of them is at war with me, nor I with them.

You're making an argument that as you don't see war around you, therefore it's not happening elsewhere.

Kind of like, if it's cold here, that means global warming isn't happening sort of logic.

No, that's not my argument at all.

I don't see a race war anywhere. No evidence of it exists.

I use the fact that I live in Oakland as an example to demonstrate that I live right in the middle of what you guys see on TV - and it's nothing close to a "race war". need to get out more. Oakland has had multiple race riots since 2010 including riots allegedly related to Baltimore or Ferguson in the last few months.

No offense....but either you are willfully ignorant....deluded....or lying.

Oakland riots The Weekly Standard


Those weren't "race riots", they were just "riots".

That's not what multiple media reports say...sorry. If there were riots in Oakland in response to the Freddie Gray situation (and there were) it was about race. You really cannot reasonably argue otherwise.
That does happen, and what the term "war" has to establish is degree. But when exactly do you think all that started?

Here's a hint: "1865"
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.

Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.

It's just funny that Doc lives in Oakland and basically says he sees zero evidence of any racial discord....and yet various news outlets basically indicate Oakland is the race riot capital of America. I mean....WTF??? Oakland/riots. It's unbelievable.

I dunno....maybe Doc lives in a bunker or something or never gets out. Maybe he lives in a panic room with no windows or TV.

Btw....this is a pic from Oakland two months ago. Try google images Oakland riots 2015. Not pretty. But again....maybe Doc doesn't get out much.


Ooooooh.. Scary....

You can tell they're "race riots" because of the black folks in the picture. Right?

Why so racist? No....the account was based on media reports and the nature of the riots.

And hint....they were not rioting over bunt cake. :)
Lincoln dies? Lots of things happened in 1865.

Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.

It's just funny that Doc lives in Oakland and basically says he sees zero evidence of any racial discord....and yet various news outlets basically indicate Oakland is the race riot capital of America. I mean....WTF??? Oakland/riots. It's unbelievable.

I dunno....maybe Doc lives in a bunker or something or never gets out. Maybe he lives in a panic room with no windows or TV.

Btw....this is a pic from Oakland two months ago. Try google images Oakland riots 2015. Not pretty. But again....maybe Doc doesn't get out much.


Ooooooh.. Scary....

You can tell they're "race riots" because of the black folks in the picture. Right?

Why so racist? No....the account was based on media reports and the nature of the riots.

And hint....they were not rioting over bunt cake. :)

Let me guess - Fox News and talk radio?

What defines a "race riot", in your mind?
That there's no "race war" going on? You're damn right.

I live in Oakland, surrounded by black people. Not a single one of them is at war with me, nor I with them.

You're making an argument that as you don't see war around you, therefore it's not happening elsewhere.

Kind of like, if it's cold here, that means global warming isn't happening sort of logic.

No, that's not my argument at all.

I don't see a race war anywhere. No evidence of it exists.

I use the fact that I live in Oakland as an example to demonstrate that I live right in the middle of what you guys see on TV - and it's nothing close to a "race war". need to get out more. Oakland has had multiple race riots since 2010 including riots allegedly related to Baltimore or Ferguson in the last few months.

No offense....but either you are willfully ignorant....deluded....or lying.

Oakland riots The Weekly Standard


Those weren't "race riots", they were just "riots".

That's not what multiple media reports say...sorry. If there were riots in Oakland in response to the Freddie Gray situation (and there were) it was about race. You really cannot reasonably argue otherwise.

No, they were about police brutality, not "race".

I saw at least as many white people there as black.
Civil War ended and by the end of the year slavery was abolished. In the South the ex-slaves were suddenly free to move about, ask for fair wages, etc, and for this, in an already devastated economy, they were often whipped in public, attacked, beaten, lynched, even burned alive and/or skinned.

You read that correctly -- SKINNED. With the carcass left hanging in public. Another era our standard history books stop short of explaining, and then leave us to uninformed conclusions. Read some of the accounts from that time; it will make your teeth curl. Once that's understood, the practice of public lynchings made into postcards with body parts sold as souvenirs, at least shows a historical connection that begins to explain it didn't just generate from nothing.

Counting from the time black people were legally citizens, i.e. not counting treatment of individual slaves which goes back way before the country was formed, that's where the "race war" started.

All of which makes my sigline all the more dumbfounding.
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.

It's just funny that Doc lives in Oakland and basically says he sees zero evidence of any racial discord....and yet various news outlets basically indicate Oakland is the race riot capital of America. I mean....WTF??? Oakland/riots. It's unbelievable.

I dunno....maybe Doc lives in a bunker or something or never gets out. Maybe he lives in a panic room with no windows or TV.

Btw....this is a pic from Oakland two months ago. Try google images Oakland riots 2015. Not pretty. But again....maybe Doc doesn't get out much.


Ooooooh.. Scary....

You can tell they're "race riots" because of the black folks in the picture. Right?

Why so racist? No....the account was based on media reports and the nature of the riots.

And hint....they were not rioting over bunt cake. :)

Let me guess - Fox News and talk radio?

What defines a "race riot", in your mind?

Doc....try this mkay. Google Oakland/riots. See the various media outlets that covered them and what they said. I found in a few seconds a local ABC Station (you must not have looked at my link) the Weekly Standard (you must not have looked at my link) and Huffington Post.

There are dozens more. Since you seemed to be completely unaware of any problems in Oakland maybe you should educate yourself.

And yes...riots regarding Freddie Gray (among others) were about race. :)
You're making an argument that as you don't see war around you, therefore it's not happening elsewhere.

Kind of like, if it's cold here, that means global warming isn't happening sort of logic.

No, that's not my argument at all.

I don't see a race war anywhere. No evidence of it exists.

I use the fact that I live in Oakland as an example to demonstrate that I live right in the middle of what you guys see on TV - and it's nothing close to a "race war". need to get out more. Oakland has had multiple race riots since 2010 including riots allegedly related to Baltimore or Ferguson in the last few months.

No offense....but either you are willfully ignorant....deluded....or lying.

Oakland riots The Weekly Standard


Those weren't "race riots", they were just "riots".

That's not what multiple media reports say...sorry. If there were riots in Oakland in response to the Freddie Gray situation (and there were) it was about race. You really cannot reasonably argue otherwise.

No, they were about police brutality, not "race".

I saw at least as many white people there as black.

Black Lives Matter. It's not about race? Freddie Gray not about race? racial component.

Sure Doc....go with that. :lol:
Yep, and it was all done by racist Democrats.

It's just funny that Doc lives in Oakland and basically says he sees zero evidence of any racial discord....and yet various news outlets basically indicate Oakland is the race riot capital of America. I mean....WTF??? Oakland/riots. It's unbelievable.

I dunno....maybe Doc lives in a bunker or something or never gets out. Maybe he lives in a panic room with no windows or TV.

Btw....this is a pic from Oakland two months ago. Try google images Oakland riots 2015. Not pretty. But again....maybe Doc doesn't get out much.


Ooooooh.. Scary....

You can tell they're "race riots" because of the black folks in the picture. Right?

Why so racist? No....the account was based on media reports and the nature of the riots.

And hint....they were not rioting over bunt cake. :)

Let me guess - Fox News and talk radio?

What defines a "race riot", in your mind?

Doc....try this mkay. Google Oakland/riots. See the various media outlets that covered them and what they said. I found in a few seconds a local ABC Station (you must not have looked at my link) the Weekly Standard (you must not have looked at my link) and Huffington Post.

There are dozens more. Since you seemed to be completely unaware of any problems in Oakland maybe you should educate yourself.

And yes...riots regarding Freddie Gray (among others) were about race. :)

I don't have to "google" them, I was there.

I marched in the protests, and stayed to watch the riots - there's a thread here where I posted live updates, from last December I think.

If they were "race riots", why were there so many white people there?
No, that's not my argument at all.

I don't see a race war anywhere. No evidence of it exists.

I use the fact that I live in Oakland as an example to demonstrate that I live right in the middle of what you guys see on TV - and it's nothing close to a "race war". need to get out more. Oakland has had multiple race riots since 2010 including riots allegedly related to Baltimore or Ferguson in the last few months.

No offense....but either you are willfully ignorant....deluded....or lying.

Oakland riots The Weekly Standard


Those weren't "race riots", they were just "riots".

That's not what multiple media reports say...sorry. If there were riots in Oakland in response to the Freddie Gray situation (and there were) it was about race. You really cannot reasonably argue otherwise.

No, they were about police brutality, not "race".

I saw at least as many white people there as black.

Black Lives Matter. It's not about race? Freddie Gray not about race? racial component.

Sure Doc....go with that. :lol:

Do you understand what the term "race riots" means?

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