Question for believers in man made climate change


My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output

There's nothing sensible about reducing our carbon output? It will cost $trillions, and CO2 is actually beneficial. Why would we even want to reduce it?

Water is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

Salt is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

A lot of things are beneficial in the proper quantities

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When the earth had 20 times what it has now, life thrived.
You mean 800 million years ago when the Sun was 30% COOLER!?

It can't take much more Carbon added to the atmosphere.

It can take plenty more.

Co2 isn't doing anything.

Ocean temps haven't budged either, yet there your side is blaming it for coral bleeching, not noticing the fisherment who squirt chemicals, including actual bleach, into coral to flush out fish.

Your "coral bleeching" BS is as laughable as the 3 sinking island chains.... all on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, on the subduction side.

And, by the way, hurricanes are not breaking out... we've just finished a 10 year period where canes were way below normal.... because the oceans are not warming either.

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output
Indeed. 5-8% leaves a lot of room to "reduce"

Conservatives are running around yelling....Liberals want to ban fossil fuels!

Nobody wants to ban. Lets look for a 10% reduction over ten years
More efficient cars, more electric cars
Push industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, cleaner burning coal, more solar and wind

10% reduction will not kill our economy
So you want to drop that 5-8% down to 4-7%?
PARROTING is always PROOF... to sub humans....

But at least your chart shows what I've documented, that it claims WARMEST EVER when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS....

So what does CO2 have to do with tectonic plate movement?


Why are we concerned about CO2 when it has nothing to do with Earth climate change?

A: the LEFT lies and steals every day

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output

There's nothing sensible about reducing our carbon output? It will cost $trillions, and CO2 is actually beneficial. Why would we even want to reduce it?

Water is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

Salt is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

A lot of things are beneficial in the proper quantities

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When the earth had 20 times what it has now, life thrived.
You mean 800 million years ago when the Sun was 30% COOLER!?

This is the type of bullshit that detracts from the clear truth of the issue. There is no evidence at all that the Sun fluctuates, or has in the past several hundred million years.

99% plus of Earth climate change is WHERE LAND IS.
It can't take much more Carbon added to the atmosphere.

It can take plenty more.

Co2 isn't doing anything.

Ocean temps haven't budged either, yet there your side is blaming it for coral bleeching, not noticing the fisherment who squirt chemicals, including actual bleach, into coral to flush out fish.

Your "coral bleeching" BS is as laughable as the 3 sinking island chains.... all on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire, on the subduction side.

And, by the way, hurricanes are not breaking out... we've just finished a 10 year period where canes were way below normal.... because the oceans are not warming either.
Coral bleeching isn't laughable. You should get out of your house more.
I'm sorry but let me know when you idiots start believing in science.

Without that I'm wasting my time & you'll always be stupid.

More CO2 => more greenhouse effect => higher temps.

Well, get back to us when you have a REAL solution, instead of a bunch of communist bullshit and higher taxes.
The solution is to cut emissions to stop the rise in CO2 & reduce the peak degree increase and get to the point where the planet can naturally decrease CO2 concentrations.

That is the FUCKING PLAN.

What is communistic about that?

Where are the higher taxes for that?

Your problem is that you are uneducated & ignorant & have your head too far up Rush Limbaugh's ass.
Coral bleeching isn't laughable.

Your explanation for it is...

The Marshall islands sinking is not laughable.

Your explanation for it is....

Still waiting for you to answer

Why Greenland froze while NA thawed during the past million years...

Did CO2 heat up NA while freezing Greenland???

That is your "mentally" unstable "answer..."
PARROTING is always PROOF... to sub humans....

But at least your chart shows what I've documented, that it claims WARMEST EVER when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS....

So what does CO2 have to do with tectonic plate movement?


Why are we concerned about CO2 when it has nothing to do with Earth climate change?

A: the LEFT lies and steals every day

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output

There's nothing sensible about reducing our carbon output? It will cost $trillions, and CO2 is actually beneficial. Why would we even want to reduce it?

Water is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

Salt is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

A lot of things are beneficial in the proper quantities

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When the earth had 20 times what it has now, life thrived.
He doesn't realize the sun was 30% cooler back then.
The Bottom of the Ocean Is Sinking
measurements and predictions of sea-level rise may have been incorrect since 1993
It clearly says that the ocean floor is sinking due to the weight of rising oceans.
PARROTING is always PROOF... to sub humans....

But at least your chart shows what I've documented, that it claims WARMEST EVER when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS....

So what does CO2 have to do with tectonic plate movement?


Why are we concerned about CO2 when it has nothing to do with Earth climate change?

A: the LEFT lies and steals every day

CO2 is driving the warmer global temperatures that drive climate change.

You do realize that the Antarctic has a land mass. Right?
Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?

Their goal is to control the American people and make us slaves to a world government

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output

There's nothing sensible about reducing our carbon output? It will cost $trillions, and CO2 is actually beneficial. Why would we even want to reduce it?

Water is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

Salt is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

A lot of things are beneficial in the proper quantities

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When the earth had 20 times what it has now, life thrived.
You mean 800 million years ago when the Sun was 30% COOLER!?


It was only 150 million years ago. The Sun was the same temperature as it is now.

Coral bleeching isn't laughable.

Your explanation for it is...

The Marshall islands sinking is not laughable.

Your explanation for it is....

Still waiting for you to answer

Why Greenland froze while NA thawed during the past million years...

Did CO2 heat up NA while freezing Greenland???

That is your "mentally" unstable "answer..."
Coal bleeching is temperature dependent.

Greenland has more days of sub-freezing temperatures, and is 10,000 feet in average elevation, compared to North America, which is exposed to Tropical Cyclones dumping hot rain across most of the country in the summer.
What is communistic about that?

It is 100% consistent with the four core values of the Democrats


Earth ain't warming, not a bit. Sea levels are actually dropping...
I am no climate expert, but I know when a solution is designed to fix the problem it purports to fix.

The AGW proponents have done a poor job of defining the actual problem. What is the end result if we do nothing? Higher sea levels?

What is the solution?

How do we enforce it?

I have stated over and over again that the true cause of climate change is overpopulation, and solution is war (to decrease the population). All other solutions are simply bullshit or nefarious.

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output

There's nothing sensible about reducing our carbon output? It will cost $trillions, and CO2 is actually beneficial. Why would we even want to reduce it?

Water is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

Salt is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

A lot of things are beneficial in the proper quantities

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When the earth had 20 times what it has now, life thrived.
You mean 800 million years ago when the Sun was 30% COOLER!?


It was only 150 million years ago. The Sun was the same temperature as it is now.


The Sun was not the same temperature as it was now, nuclear physics proves this.
Coal bleeching is temperature dependent.

unless you find out ocean temps are unchanged, and that fact is backed up by the lack of 'canes.

Squirting bleech into coral couldn't possibly cause it to bleech, because your sub human BIRDBRAIN isn't PARROTING that right now...
How can we talk about solutions when people cannot agree on the problem?
Simple... stop asking people who know jack shit about any of it what they think. If a doctor diagnoses you with cancer, do you go to a landscaper for a second opinion?

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