Question for believers in man made climate change

It breaks down when my side realizes that your side can't understand shit.
First off, don't assume I am on any "side." Secondly, it breaks down when no one ever discusses the worst-case scenario if we do nothing (the risk) and the solutions have NOTHING to do with the alleged problem.

Assuming the science on whether humans are causing warming is settled (it's not), the REAL solution is to reduce the population down to about 2 billion people. That REAL solution will not fly, so what else do you have?

Don't pretend you have not taken a side.

See, you just proved my point when you claim the solutions suggested to fight global warming have nothing to do with rising temperatures.

Your solution is unnecessary. Let's solve the problem by killing all of mankind. Great plan. Much better than driving higher mpg vehicles & burning fewer fossil fuels.
Please fill in the blanks:

If we do nothing about climate change, _____________ will happen.

The solution to prevent _______________ from happening is ________________.

Thank you.
Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?
Firstly, climate denial is a serious issue only in the US, so when you say 60 percent of humans. You mean only Republicans,who aren't even 60 percent of the US.
Secondly. If I accept your premise, then I have to ask why would you reject clean air and water because you don't agree on climate change? Something that is being done by your party as we speak. Coal polutes the air it creates smog yet you accept Trump promoting it. Why if you are for clean air?

see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
You & your denier buddies claim CO2 is not a pollutant.

Why should we lie because your ilk is stupid?

Because we need CO2 to live..and you call us the stupid one?
We obviously don't need this much CO2, since the Earth had 225ppm for quite some time.
Well, then, cryuto, you and your own money can pony up to reduce that which

1. isn't warming anything
2. has nothing to do with the beginning and ending of ice ages
3. doesn't affect sea levels
4. doesn't affect canes
5. doesn't move the tectonic plates
If we do nothing about climate change _____________ will happen.

Correct, assuming ______________ means

All this debate and no talk about the worst-case scenario and the solution to prevent it.


It goes here every time.

We know what the worst case scenario is: We do nothing & continue to spew shit & have the average global temps rise 3-4 degrees C & watch mass starvation & wars over food, unlivable areas of the planet. mass flooding of our coastlines.

We know a solution - spew less shit.

The discussion ends when you are too stupid to get those simple things.
Well, then, cryuto, you and your own money can pony up to reduce that which

1. isn't warming anything
2. has nothing to do with the beginning and ending of ice ages
3. doesn't affect sea levels
4. doesn't affect canes
5. doesn't move the tectonic plates

No, the problem is the Big Oil companies, and they will pay.

CO2 has everything to do with it, you haven't proven to the contrary.
Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?
Firstly, climate denial is a serious issue only in the US, so when you say 60 percent of humans. You mean only Republicans,who aren't even 60 percent of the US.
Secondly. If I accept your premise, then I have to ask why would you reject clean air and water because you don't agree on climate change? Something that is being done by your party as we speak. Coal polutes the air it creates smog yet you accept Trump promoting it. Why if you are for clean air?

see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
You & your denier buddies claim CO2 is not a pollutant.

Why should we lie because your ilk is stupid?

Because we need CO2 to live..and you call us the stupid one?

You need water, let me dump you in the ocean with a cement block tied to your foot. You'll have lots of waster so you will live that much better.

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS Greenland

97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to an Earth pole... and land MOVES....

So what really causes the Earth's climate to change?

How much land is by the poles... during Jurassic, there were two polar OCEANS.... WARM EARTH parameter....

Here's a good clue. Earth is like a room with two air conditioning units, Arctic and Antarctic, each with settings 0-off and 10=maxCOOL.

Right now, the Arctic AC is set at 1 and the Antarctic AC is set at 9. The Antarctic circle is on average 50F cooler than the Arctic, and it puts 9 times the ice into the oceans vs the Arctic, some 46 times the H2o the Mississippi puts in the Gulf...

The flaw with your statement is the fact that 54 million years ago was when the Earth was the hottest and by then Antarctica had moved mostly over the south Pole.

The flaw with your statement is the fact that 54 million years ago was when the Earth was the hottest

LMAO , read a fucking science book tard, the earth was a lot hotter 4 billion years ago you ignoramus sock. It was a Molton rock

4.5 Billion Years of the Earth’s Temperature
Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?
Firstly, climate denial is a serious issue only in the US, so when you say 60 percent of humans. You mean only Republicans,who aren't even 60 percent of the US.
Secondly. If I accept your premise, then I have to ask why would you reject clean air and water because you don't agree on climate change? Something that is being done by your party as we speak. Coal polutes the air it creates smog yet you accept Trump promoting it. Why if you are for clean air?

see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
You & your denier buddies claim CO2 is not a pollutant.

Why should we lie because your ilk is stupid?

Because we need CO2 to live..and you call us the stupid one?

We need water to live, go jump in the middle of the ocean and see what happens when you have too much of something you need to live.

The deniers that have half a brain should be pissed about morons like you who make their side look even more stupid and uneducated

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