Question for believers in man made climate change

Carbon has no IR Transitive Properties.

Also, the amount of Carbon on Earth is static.

Carbon is just recycled on Earth.

We are a carbon based planet with carbon based life forms.

The Left's war against Carbon is actually a War Against Life.

We cannot exist without carbon. The very air The Left Exhales is Carbon.

Our entire modern world cannot exist without carbon.

The Loony Left can't pollute our airwaves, message boards and children's minds without carbon.

We cannot have oxygen, water, plant life without carbon.
More poppycock.
54 million years ago was when the Earth was the hottest

And your documentation is???


Let's start with ICE AGE. What is an ICE AGE? What causes an ICE AGE? Are ICE AGES planetary or CONTINENT SPECIFIC?

Is ANTARCTICA an ICE AGE right now???

and I do not think Antarctica was on the South Pole 54 million years ago... I think it was still attached to South America and quite a ways from it... and here is the evidence of that....

List of Australian and Antarctic dinosaurs - Wikipedia

My documentation? Hothouse Earth from 54 Million years ago is a well documented fact, and by that time the magnetic south Pole was already demonstrably over Antarctica. fact file/History/Gondwana080Ma_hg-Hannes-Grobe-AWI-CC3-Att-Un.jpg

So, a chart of the plates moving proves 54 million years ago was hottest ever??

Proof #2 that Co2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change, and that ICE AGES are CONTINENT SPECIFIC.

One million years ago, NA was frozen down to Indiana, and Greenland was completely green...

Today, NA has thawed, and Greenland has froze, all at the same time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, proving that CO2 had NOTHING TO DO WITH EITHER EVENT....

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

"The DNA is proof that sometime between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, much of Greenland was especially green and covered in a boreal forest that was home to alder, spruce and pine trees, as well as insects such as butterflies and beetles."

and this is what NA looked like 1 million years ago....

Did you just discover the milankovich cycles in your science class?
54 million years ago was when the Earth was the hottest

And your documentation is???


Let's start with ICE AGE. What is an ICE AGE? What causes an ICE AGE? Are ICE AGES planetary or CONTINENT SPECIFIC?

Is ANTARCTICA an ICE AGE right now???

and I do not think Antarctica was on the South Pole 54 million years ago... I think it was still attached to South America and quite a ways from it... and here is the evidence of that....

List of Australian and Antarctic dinosaurs - Wikipedia

My documentation? Hothouse Earth from 54 Million years ago is a well documented fact, and by that time the magnetic south Pole was already demonstrably over Antarctica. fact file/History/Gondwana080Ma_hg-Hannes-Grobe-AWI-CC3-Att-Un.jpg

So, a chart of the plates moving proves 54 million years ago was hottest ever??

Are you a middle schooler?
Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum - Wikipedia
Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?
People cant see or smell CO2. How do you propose we get people to care about carbon emissions?
I'm sorry but let me know when you idiots start believing in science.

Without that I'm wasting my time & you'll always be stupid.

More CO2 => more greenhouse effect => higher temps.

Well, get back to us when you have a REAL solution, instead of a bunch of communist bullshit and higher taxes.
PARROTING is always PROOF... to sub humans....

But at least your chart shows what I've documented, that it claims WARMEST EVER when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS....

So what does CO2 have to do with tectonic plate movement?


Why are we concerned about CO2 when it has nothing to do with Earth climate change?

A: the LEFT lies and steals every day
PARROTING is always PROOF... to sub humans....

But at least your chart shows what I've documented, that it claims WARMEST EVER when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS....

So what does CO2 have to do with tectonic plate movement?


Why are we concerned about CO2 when it has nothing to do with Earth climate change?

A: the LEFT lies and steals every day
It doesn't show that at all! You're delusional.

By 80 million years ago Antarctica was over the south pole.

By 54 million years ago the earth reached its Thermal Maximum in the PETM.
By 80 million years ago Antarctica was over the south pole

and your pathetic little left wing BIRDBRAIN cannot explain how Antarctica supported the lives of DINOSAURS while being on the pole....

DINOSAURS did not live at -60F on top of miles of ice, idiot.

Try to THINK instead of PARROT, but that requires a human brain, and you have a BIRDBRAIN....

and you absolutely will not respond to the documentable truth that during the past million years NA thawed while Greenland froze....
By 80 million years ago Antarctica was over the south pole

and your pathetic little left wing BIRDBRAIN cannot explain how Antarctica supported the lives of DINOSAURS while being on the pole....

DINOSAURS did not live at -60F on top of miles of ice, idiot.

Try to THINK instead of PARROT, but that requires a human brain, and you have a BIRDBRAIN....

and you absolutely will not respond to the documentable truth that during the past million years NA thawed while Greenland froze....
Are you that ignorant? The dinosaurs you're talking about was 100s millions years ago. Not 80 million years ago or more recent.

Even with Antarctica over the pole, it remained ice free until AFTER the PETM.

What's up with that? Do you even have an explanation? You tried to claim that a continent over the poles acted like MORE of a refrigerator.

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output
Indeed. 5-8% leaves a lot of room to "reduce"

Conservatives are running around yelling....Liberals want to ban fossil fuels!

Nobody wants to ban. Lets look for a 10% reduction over ten years
More efficient cars, more electric cars
Push industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, cleaner burning coal, more solar and wind

10% reduction will not kill our economy
Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?
Firstly, climate denial is a serious issue only in the US, so when you say 60 percent of humans. You mean only Republicans,who aren't even 60 percent of the US.
Secondly. If I accept your premise, then I have to ask why would you reject clean air and water because you don't agree on climate change? Something that is being done by your party as we speak. Coal polutes the air it creates smog yet you accept Trump promoting it. Why, if you are for clean air?

see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
Again you seem to equate Republicans to all of humanity. The climate change deniers are a VERY small part of humanity. And calling it claims implies that there is serious doubt by scientists, this is demonstrably false. Human caused climate change is a scientific fact. It's been demonstrated to be true. Predictions can and are being made on the bases of those facts. It meets the objective criteria used in science.
Only a minority POLITICAL party in a single country on this planet rejects it.
As you demanding clean air and power. You can correct me if I'm wrong but being a Republican and supporting clean air and water seems a contradiction. I assume you're a Republican based on your stance on climate change, so if you're not I apologize.A Running List of How Trump Is Changing the Environment. This is what has happened the last year. A lot of it has nothing to do with climate change, do you support it?

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output
Indeed. 5-8% leaves a lot of room to "reduce"

Conservatives are running around yelling....Liberals want to ban fossil fuels!

Nobody wants to ban. Lets look for a 10% reduction over ten years
More efficient cars, more electric cars
Push industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, cleaner burning coal, more solar and wind

10% reduction will not kill our economy
But it will kill the earth. It can't take much more Carbon added to the atmosphere.

Remember the last time CO2 reached 450 ppm the entire coral biome died off from Ocean acidity. The Earth can't sustain Human farming/aquaculture if we kill off the coral reefs.
The dinosaurs you're talking about was 100s millions years ago. Not 80 million years ago or more recent.

Fossil Hunters Uncover 71-Million-Year-Old Trove in Antarctica | Smart News | Smithsonian

But for an international team of scientists, the hard work recently paid off with a prize of over a ton of fossils from ancient marine creatures, dinosaurs and birds that lived during the late Cretaceous Period, roughly 71 million years old.
Read more: Fossil Hunters Uncover 71-Million-Year-Old Trove in Antarctica | Smart News | Smithsonian
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My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output
Indeed. 5-8% leaves a lot of room to "reduce"

Conservatives are running around yelling....Liberals want to ban fossil fuels!

Nobody wants to ban. Lets look for a 10% reduction over ten years
More efficient cars, more electric cars
Push industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, cleaner burning coal, more solar and wind

10% reduction will not kill our economy
But it will kill the earth. It can't take much more Carbon added to the atmosphere.

Remember the last time CO2 reached 450 ppm the entire coral biome died off from Ocean acidity. The Earth can't sustain Human farming/aquaculture if we kill off the coral reefs.
The dinosaurs you're talking about was 100s millions years ago. Not 80 million years ago or more recent.

Fossil Hunters Uncover 71-Million-Year-Old Trove in Antarctica | Smart News | Smithsonian

But for an international team of scientists, the hard work recently paid off with a prize of over a ton of fossils from ancient marine creatures, dinosaurs and birds that lived during the late Cretaceous Period, roughly 71 million years old.
Read more: Fossil Hunters Uncover 71-Million-Year-Old Trove in Antarctica | Smart News | Smithsonian
Give the gift of Smithsonian magazine for only $12! Give the gift of Smithsonian
Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitter

I already had told you quite blatantly that Antarctica was OVER the pole, but ICE FREE up until after the PETM.

This disproves your claim that continental positioning matters in ice coverage.

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output

There's nothing sensible about reducing our carbon output? It will cost $trillions, and CO2 is actually beneficial. Why would we even want to reduce it?

Water is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

Salt is beneficial, too much of it will kill you.

A lot of things are beneficial in the proper quantities

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When the earth had 20 times what it has now, life thrived.

My goal is to introduce sensible reductions in our current carbon output
Indeed. 5-8% leaves a lot of room to "reduce"

Conservatives are running around yelling....Liberals want to ban fossil fuels!

Nobody wants to ban. Lets look for a 10% reduction over ten years
More efficient cars, more electric cars
Push industry to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, cleaner burning coal, more solar and wind

10% reduction will not kill our economy
But it will kill the earth. It can't take much more Carbon added to the atmosphere.

Remember the last time CO2 reached 450 ppm the entire coral biome died off from Ocean acidity. The Earth can't sustain Human farming/aquaculture if we kill off the coral reefs.
Oh no, a weather map!

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