Question for Christians

Then why bother with the thread?

This is like trying to describe one of the great wonders of this world to someone...but despite all the descriptions, all he can imagine is a squash. If, after all this time, the best you can do is "sky pixie" (i.e., squash) we've got to accept both our descriptive limitations and that your understanding will never progress beyond imagining a squash.

Squashes actually exist... God doesn't. I mean, you can totally describe all sort of awesome things about something that you are never, ever required to produce evidence of. Most people would call that a con, but if you dress it up in vestments and call it a religion, it becomes okay.


The Bible says that we will go through dark valleys, dark times--but no matter how dark or how bad these experiences are, God is still with us. With this, I'll leave you to your squash. I do hope you have a nice day.

The bible also says, "happy is the one who smashes thy little one's heads against the stones", but most of us would consider that a bit harsh.
Because he doesn't exist.
How do you know?
He's just here to try to rattle chains.
I know. I figure turnabout is fair play.
We coulds ask Joe if there is anything about the Bible that has ever touched his heart? I think he's probably more against the religious mantra than the faith...well see....
I suspect he has never given that any serious consideration. He's been too busy confirming his bias.
We coulds ask Joe if there is anything about the Bible that has ever touched his heart? I think he's probably more against the religious mantra than the faith...well see....

Actually, no, there is very little in the Bible that is heartwarming. Mostly it's about a Sky Pixie who is a complete narcissist who spends most of his time torturing even his most devoted followers.

Like that hilarious time he drowned ever person in the world because they made choices he didn't like after he gave them free will.

Or that time he killed King David's baby to teach David a lesson.

My personal favorite - when he made Jephthah the Gileadite sacrifice his own daughter because he made a foolish vow to win a war against an enemy.

You know, sweet heartwarming stories like that they never talk about in Church.

11 year old me. "Sister Mary Butch, why did God drown all the babies?"
Sister Mary Butch "Because they were WICKED babies.. WIIIIIIIICKED!!!!"

Actual no shit conversation I had in 5th Grade.
The bible reveal how God does things. Like when God let Goliath spout off against God for 40 days.
God could have shut Goliath's mouth in variety of ways the first time Goliath began spouting off against God.
But God let Goliath spout off and draw a crowd.
In like manner, right now, many are spouting off against God. Why doesn't God do this or that ......?
Spout off such as "God does not even exist" God could shut their mouths immediately. But God let's them spout off.
Because he doesn't exist.
We are approaching a time of "signs and wonders"
when Jesus WILL do such as regenerating limbs .... And much more. And word of the miracles will spread all over the world.

You bible thumpers have been predicting that for, what, 2000 years now. Religion is a long wait for a train that never comes.

Evidently you are so stupid you think that not only do you know all that is happening now around the world ....
you also think you know all that has happened over the course of the past 2000 years.

Now continue to spout off ..... The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on
We coulds ask Joe if there is anything about the Bible that has ever touched his heart? I think he's probably more against the religious mantra than the faith...well see....

Actually, no, there is very little in the Bible that is heartwarming. Mostly it's about a Sky Pixie who is a complete narcissist who spends most of his time torturing even his most devoted followers.

Like that hilarious time he drowned ever person in the world because they made choices he didn't like after he gave them free will.

Or that time he killed King David's baby to teach David a lesson.

My personal favorite - when he made Jephthah the Gileadite sacrifice his own daughter because he made a foolish vow to win a war against an enemy.

You know, sweet heartwarming stories like that they never talk about in Church.

11 year old me. "Sister Mary Butch, why did God drown all the babies?"
Sister Mary Butch "Because they were WICKED babies.. WIIIIIIIICKED!!!!"

Actual no shit conversation I had in 5th Grade.
I recall you mentioning similar type of scenarios before in your upbringing with the nuns. Also you have made me chuckle with some of your upbringing stories. Curios did the nuns ever have an answer for you?

A lot of people have been reading the bible wrong as they have missed the part about the host of heaven and earth that comes with breath. Those hosts are things that are birthed into the human's spirit. the children are the little things that we bring forth in us. That was the importance for me to search out was what these names of all of the characters in the bible are, the meanings. With a adam/human with a living soul walking in the garden of eden/their own pleasures unaware/asleep us humans cannot understand these things. It is like asking how did Adam live for 930 years. Generally people will say adam was perfect until he fell or some other wild guess as they do not consider the spirit but only the flesh. Just like you seem to be doing. The soul lives on, in the spirit and new flesh bodies are given and that is how it works whether people will accept that or not is a different issue.
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Evidently you are so stupid you think that not only do you know all that is happening now around the world ....
you also think you know all that has happened over the course of the past 2000 years.

Yeah, guy, I've got a pretty good idea of what is going on around the world.

And all of it has rational, scientific explanations.

It's the 21st century. We have computers and space shuttles now, along with an expanding understanding of the universe.
I recall you mentioning similar type of scenarios before in your upbringing with the nuns. Also you have made me chuckle with some of your upbringing stories. Curios did the nuns ever have an answer for you?

Yes, they did. Most of them involved a wooden ruler over the knuckles.

Most of the rest of them were silly. Like when I asked why the Geneologies of Luke and Matthew had two different sets of names, and why they were both through Joseph. They said Mary was descended from David, too! (Inbreeding!!!)

Or when they tried to tell us Adam and Eve were apes, because the Catholics hadn't quite figured out how to reconcile the whole Bible and Evolution things.

But yeah, most of us had "Nun Horror Stories" growing up in my generation. Then it became cool to be a Lesbian, and women stopped doing that.

A lot of people have been reading the bible wrong

Okay, I have to cut you off here, because you Christians and Jews and Muslims have been murdering each other for the last 2000 years over how the Bible is being "read".

"No, no, the Body and Blood thing is only symbolic!"


The crazy stories in the bible are in there. I'll admit, the nuns never read us the story of Jephthah killing his daughter and burning her as an offering to God. Now, in the larger context of the Book of Judges, the story makes sense. Israel had no King, and people were just winging it on the morality. Yet the New Testament called Jephthah a man of valor despite the horrible things he did.

Now, there are bunch of apologists like yourself and Meri who come on here and tell us why God had 'good reasons" for doing this that or the other... They just don't wash with me.

In the context of how it was written, the OT was written by Bronze Age savages who saw God as every force of nature they didn't understand. The NT writers were slightly less savage Iron Age types who had to give it more meaning, like promises of an awesome afterlife if you put up with this crap.
I recall you mentioning similar type of scenarios before in your upbringing with the nuns. Also you have made me chuckle with some of your upbringing stories. Curios did the nuns ever have an answer for you?

Yes, they did. Most of them involved a wooden ruler over the knuckles.

Most of the rest of them were silly. Like when I asked why the Geneologies of Luke and Matthew had two different sets of names, and why they were both through Joseph. They said Mary was descended from David, too! (Inbreeding!!!)

Or when they tried to tell us Adam and Eve were apes, because the Catholics hadn't quite figured out how to reconcile the whole Bible and Evolution things.

But yeah, most of us had "Nun Horror Stories" growing up in my generation. Then it became cool to be a Lesbian, and women stopped doing that.

A lot of people have been reading the bible wrong

Okay, I have to cut you off here, because you Christians and Jews and Muslims have been murdering each other for the last 2000 years over how the Bible is being "read".

"No, no, the Body and Blood thing is only symbolic!"


The crazy stories in the bible are in there. I'll admit, the nuns never read us the story of Jephthah killing his daughter and burning her as an offering to God. Now, in the larger context of the Book of Judges, the story makes sense. Israel had no King, and people were just winging it on the morality. Yet the New Testament called Jephthah a man of valor despite the horrible things he did.

Now, there are bunch of apologists like yourself and Meri who come on here and tell us why God had 'good reasons" for doing this that or the other... They just don't wash with me.

In the context of how it was written, the OT was written by Bronze Age savages who saw God as every force of nature they didn't understand. The NT writers were slightly less savage Iron Age types who had to give it more meaning, like promises of an awesome afterlife if you put up with this crap.
Actually I'm not an apologist I just asked the questions to God. I did not depend not another human to give me the answers to my questions. I had a similar experience of getting mad because people die when I was 11 years old. My bestest friend ever was going away because she was dying and when she told me that i was so angry with God because I couldn't understand why she had to go away. She was like an place of rest and peace for me to go see her and be around her after living through years of extreme abuses and in my eleven year old mind back then it was like God was punishing me and my dear friend by taking her away from me. Through the years that answer of my question 'why' was revealed for I could understand it. With a child's mind I couldn't. Hopefully you can find that peace within one day and overcome your broken heart.
Actually I'm not an apologist I just asked the questions to God. I did not depend not another human to give me the answers to my questions.

Okay, if you asked the question to God, and you got an answer, those are voices in your head. We have medications for that now.

She was like an place of rest and peace for me to go see her and be around her after living through years of extreme abuses and in my eleven year old mind back then it was like God was punishing me and my dear friend by taking her away from me. Through the years that answer of my question 'why' was revealed for I could understand it. With a child's mind I couldn't. Hopefully you can find that peace within one day and overcome your broken heart.

actually, I find I operate much more effectively without a heart, thanks.

But to the point, I'm not seeing how the Christian Heaven is much of a reward to anyone but a religious nut. You basically spend your whole eternity kissing God's backside, because he's REALLY REALLY NEEDY. More needy than Donald Trump, if you can imagine such a thing.

So honestly, I can't see him snuffing out the life of an 11 year old as being anything but purely fucking evil.

And this is another of my problems with Christianity. God essentially goes on a 500 page killing spree with floods and plagues and bears and demands of stoning for minor offenses. And yet he is the "Good" one. Satan is the "evil" one. Even though Satan only kills 10 people in the whole bible, (the Children of Job) and that was on a bet with God.
Actually I'm not an apologist I just asked the questions to God. I did not depend not another human to give me the answers to my questions.

Okay, if you asked the question to God, and you got an answer, those are voices in your head. We have medications for that now.

She was like an place of rest and peace for me to go see her and be around her after living through years of extreme abuses and in my eleven year old mind back then it was like God was punishing me and my dear friend by taking her away from me. Through the years that answer of my question 'why' was revealed for I could understand it. With a child's mind I couldn't. Hopefully you can find that peace within one day and overcome your broken heart.

actually, I find I operate much more effectively without a heart, thanks.

But to the point, I'm not seeing how the Christian Heaven is much of a reward to anyone but a religious nut. You basically spend your whole eternity kissing God's backside, because he's REALLY REALLY NEEDY. More needy than Donald Trump, if you can imagine such a thing.

So honestly, I can't see him snuffing out the life of an 11 year old as being anything but purely fucking evil.

And this is another of my problems with Christianity. God essentially goes on a 500 page killing spree with floods and plagues and bears and demands of stoning for minor offenses. And yet he is the "Good" one. Satan is the "evil" one. Even though Satan only kills 10 people in the whole bible, (the Children of Job) and that was on a bet with God.
You can keep the meds Joe as I am perfectly content with what I have seen in the spirit.

I suppose if you "find you operate much more effectively without a heart" your bitterness towards things you cannot perceive may remain.

I did not say my friend was 11 years old, I was eleven. It is actually pretty cool how I met my friend but I find no need to write that all down here on a message board.

Just curious how do you reconcile 'thou shall not kill' with thinking that God ordered the massacre of what you are saying is humans and not recognizing that these are spiritual hosts within a human?
Just curious how do you reconcile 'thou shall not kill' with thinking that God ordered the massacre of what you are saying is humans and not recognizing that these are spiritual hosts within a human?

i don't.

You see, the OT God didn't offer an afterlife, and there's no mention of one in the OT. God just slaughtered people for shits and grins, because he could. (He did no such thing, of course, this is just how their bronze age minds interpreted the universe as being generally hostile)

God orders his little minions to murder people all the time, for not being virgins on the wedding nights, for making graven images (somebody warn the Catholics!), for being gay, for picking up sticks on the Sabbath.

The OT God is a mean little tribal God, nothing more.

Then the NT had to start offering more because getting more followers was the key. that's when you get all this happy horseshit about an afterlife, because even back in the Iron Age, people were starting to figure out praying to Sky Pixies was as effective as flipping a coin.

"what, Zeus is only offering you some Elysium where you wander around all day. Well, we'll do better than that!"

That was followed by the Mulsim promising 76 virgins, and the Mormons promising you that you can rule a whole planet!

All you have to do is keep holding out for a better deal!
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
God doesn't want to heal anyone, he just wants you to adore him.
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?

because EINSTEIN SAID " 'god' does not play dice with the cosmos " -------got that?
Just curious how do you reconcile 'thou shall not kill' with thinking that God ordered the massacre of what you are saying is humans and not recognizing that these are spiritual hosts within a human?

i don't.

You see, the OT God didn't offer an afterlife, and there's no mention of one in the OT. God just slaughtered people for shits and grins, because he could. (He did no such thing, of course, this is just how their bronze age minds interpreted the universe as being generally hostile)

God orders his little minions to murder people all the time, for not being virgins on the wedding nights, for making graven images (somebody warn the Catholics!), for being gay, for picking up sticks on the Sabbath.

The OT God is a mean little tribal God, nothing more.

Then the NT had to start offering more because getting more followers was the key. that's when you get all this happy horseshit about an afterlife, because even back in the Iron Age, people were starting to figure out praying to Sky Pixies was as effective as flipping a coin.

"what, Zeus is only offering you some Elysium where you wander around all day. Well, we'll do better than that!"

That was followed by the Mulsim promising 76 virgins, and the Mormons promising you that you can rule a whole planet!

All you have to do is keep holding out for a better deal!
^that is all^ more of a goobered up mess than I feel like making a response to Joe so from here I'll drop out of conversing with you about it. Have a good one!
At some point in time the realization comes for many that is was much more than just self generated good old dreams.


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