Question for Christians

Evidently you are so stupid you think that not only do you know all that is happening now around the world ....
you also think you know all that has happened over the course of the past 2000 years.

Yeah, guy, I've got a pretty good idea of what is going on around the world..............


You don't even know what going on behind you. Matter of fact, oft people don't know what's going on in their own homes.
I remember Cheryl Prewitt winning the 1980 Miss American pageant for two reasons.
First, her last name is nearly same as mine.
Second, because Jesus lengthened her leg 2 inches.

"she survived it all -- survived the stitches, suffered through having one leg crushed in the accident which made it two inches shorter than the other. And through most of her high school years she walked with a limp. That was before she went to a faith seminar years later where she was healed and the leg grew, she says, two inches that very day."

Cheryl Prewitt's Born-Again American Beauty
I remember Cheryl Prewitt winning the 1980 Miss American pageant for two reasons.
First, her last name is nearly same as mine.
Second, because Jesus lengthened her leg 2 inches.

"she survived it all -- survived the stitches, suffered through having one leg crushed in the accident which made it two inches shorter than the other. And through most of her high school years she walked with a limp. That was before she went to a faith seminar years later where she was healed and the leg grew, she says, two inches that very day."

Cheryl Prewitt's Born-Again American Beauty
Someone will be along shortly to try to dispute her testimony.
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
I remember Cheryl Prewitt winning the 1980 Miss American pageant for two reasons.
First, her last name is nearly same as mine.
Second, because Jesus lengthened her leg 2 inches.

"she survived it all -- survived the stitches, suffered through having one leg crushed in the accident which made it two inches shorter than the other. And through most of her high school years she walked with a limp. That was before she went to a faith seminar years later where she was healed and the leg grew, she says, two inches that very day."

Cheryl Prewitt's Born-Again American Beauty
There's no actual proof that this happened. She's just another con(wo)man. Man, you guys are SO gullible. :lol:
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
Just more testing of our faith I suppose...not sure what people would think if it actually happened...
Or, God loves gullible people and not the arrogant. So to hell with you! :dev2:
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?

Hi Bonzi
The healing process that God designed is consistent with the laws of nature.
The mind and body normally are designed to heal themselves,
except when diseases cause degeneration or damage to cells
and something obstructs the natural ability to heal and regenerate.

There are limits to laws of nature that even God cannot break.
Butterflies cannot turn into Elephants.
You cannot plant a pumpkin seed and expect to grow an apple tree.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed but converted from form to form, etc.

How spiritual healing works is identifying the spiritual and mental blocks
to healing, usually by forgiving and letting go or renouncing an unresolved
conflict from the past causing an obstruction, obsession or wound to fester,
then freeing up the natural spiritual energy to flow through the mind and body.

So this can heal conditions of both the mind and body by enhancing
and restoring that flow. Or amplifying it in the form of team prayer healing.
This method was formally studied with Francis MacNutt's ministry in Florida
applied to Rheumatoid Arthritis patients, and published in a medical journal
as funded by the Templeton Foundation. There were a range of effects
on patients, including some completely healed, and going from being
crippled in pain and bedridden to walking completely cured and pain free without need for any medications.
The effects were attributed to the spiritual healing methods since no medicine is able to cure the cause of RA
but only placate symptoms. The complete cure in some patients could only be attributed to the spiritual healing.
The limitation of this study is it only applies to that team's method of therapy.
This is based on diagnosing and praying for inner and generational healing
by removing any causes of obstruction by group prayer in the authority of Christ Jesus
which Christians teach as having sole authority to remove demonic influences and oppression that block the natural healing.

The studies on prayer that didn't involve forgiveness and generational healing
don't necessarily work. In fact in one study on "intercessory prayer" on heart patients,
some patients came out worse. This study only involved external prayer
and did not involve the deeper therapy of identifying people's past issues
and praying to remove all those obstructions to receive the fuller healing process.

Dr MacNutt (and other spiritual healing ministers and teams I have found to be
reputable and recommend for both healing help or for further research)
all will tell you that nobody can control or dictate
the healing process or its results or effects or degrees.

The part we control is agreeing to forgive and/or ask help to forgive and remove what is beyond our ability. the healing that results is whatever comes out.
like not being able to predict or choose if you have
a boy or girl, or what your child will be like.
you accept what you are given as a gift.

the real healing practictioners know that they never try to dictate the process.
sometimes they get nothing, other times they get a lot more than they expected.

the doctors cannot always explain the results,
but they have to remain within the laws of science.

If you want to read an interesting case look up
90 minutes in heaven and explain how a man
can go without his heart beating or blood to his
brain for that long, and recovery with no brain damage.

that's considered miraculous but still within the limits of science.
somehow the brain didn't get damaged or was able to recover.
the man said his heart had to stop or he would have bled out.

there are stories like that, but they still are possible physically.
Just not making body parts regenerate if that's not the normal process.

We may not be able to predict or control if "Nature or God" gives us a boy or a girl,
but we can be sure a human couple will not give birth to an Elephant!
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Apologists, they have an excuse for everything.

Yes. Much like a repairman has an "excuse" for everything. He can explain why refilling windshield wiper fluid will not fix the brakes.

In the gospels Jesus heals the physically ill. Go and sin no more. Are you trying to say the ill are sinful and or have demons?

Dear Penelope
Unforgivness is a sin. And yes we all have things we can't forgive since we are human
and are designed with defense mechanisms such as fear and learning from experience to avoid danger or risks. This is what it means for Christian to say all humans are sinner,
we are not perfect in our forgiveness, and there are going to be things we refuse to forgive because we are too hurt or too afraid. We are going to fall short of perfect love that God represents. None of us is that selfless that we can forgive and understand all things that happen.

*Some* illnesses are not able to heal because of unforgiveness or demonic blockages.
Not all, but SOME rely on removing the source of unforgiveness emotional blocks first,
before the person can be healed.

1. if someone can't forgive their parents for abuse, and keep drinking and smoking
to harbor and suppress the resentment, that can cause both mental addiction and physical diseases.
These cannot be fully healed if the person keeps holding onto the resentment fueling the addiction
and blocking their mind and body from healing.

it's not their fault they were abused by others, but the unforgiveness
is like "swallowing poison while waiting for the other person to die"
it harms the victim and prolongs the sickness.
this is how child abusers take their own abuse and pass it on to other victims.
so they infect other people with self-blame and loathing that keeps them stuck.

forgiveness can break this cycle and that's why spiritual healing or similar methods (such as AA mixed
with either Christian faith or Buddhist meditation) has worked for people I know.
the common key to healing and recovery is forgiveness.

2. and it's the demonic influence that most often obstructs that forgiveness
with anger, blame, jealousy, resentment, fear, any number of negative ills
that keep the mind stuck where it is. so the "demonic" energy can keep
feeding on the NEGATIVE energy like a parasite invading a host.
it's like rats or roaches wanting to keep feeding on garbage so they don't want the
rotten food to be cleaned up but to keep piles of it around so they can feast on it.

If you want to read two observations of the use of exorcism to confront
"demonic" voices or personalities in schizophrenic patients, I recommend
"Glimpses of the Devil" by Scott Peck.
Peck did not believe these "demonic obsessions" were real but just mental delusions
from chemical imbalances and dysfunctions in the brains of his patients.
He made a bet with his friend, the priest Malachi Martin the Exorcist was based on,
that as a scientist, he could prove that this demonic nonsense was all mental delusion and hallucination.

So the priest sent 2 patients to Peck to observe, to see if this would change his mind.
Within the second interview, after one of the patients verbally attacked Peck
with knowledge of his unconscious memories and fears, he was convinced
this had to be psychic or spiritual forces because the patients had no conscious knowledge of Peck's past.
From there, the patterns of these "demonic" forces escalated and followed
the same methods and stages that the priest had been teaching and practicing for years
to deal with sick patients suffering from 'demonic obsessions and voices" or personalities taking over their own mind and will.

Peck was able to follow the process and see one patient completely
healed of the demonic personality and voices, where she returned to normal,
completed the treatment that she had previously rejected because of her 'demonic rebellion'
that had rendered her dysfunctional and unable to comply or receive any help.
She even gave up religion and turned to medical science because she was intrigued
by getting her free will and reason restored, where she could follow the same "scientific method"
that Dr. Peck used to study her condition, apply therapy, check if it worked, then take more steps until
all the problems were solved. She decided to study some field of medicine and lost interest in religion.

For the other patient, the influence was not completely removed, and the damage and diseased
conditions were too far gone from years of abuse, from self-destruction all her adult life,
that she died of other complications. Peck concluded that the deliverance to remove the
demonic influence obstructing and hijacking the person's mind had to be done EARLIER on.
So I compare it to cancer, that the earlier the treatment the better chances of success before
it "metastasizes" and fully invades the whole person.

My atheist friend who underwent this procedure also complained it "felt like rape"
it hurt like hell because it is like chemotherapy killing off all the good and bad cells together,
scraping out all your insides, and starting over. So all the attached memories and
feelings you had about the abuse and addictions that followed, all that gets SCRAPED out of you.

But after this is removed, then the person regains the ability to
say NO to the demonic impulses that can no longer hijack their will.
They are able to choose to block out and not let those negative influences
take over. So forgiving the negatives takes away their fuel source.

3. Penelope Not All illnesses are caused by demons.
Not all sicknesses are caused by biohazardous pathogens as Ebola is.

It's just that when you have a case of Ebola, you cannot treat it as you would a common cold.
There has to be a special antidote that especially kills the Ebola Virus or the person dies.
The sooner you remove it the better chances of living and recovering.

With demonic sicknesses, if there is such a demonic "virus" causing the sickness
the normal human immune system may not be strong enough to fight it off alone.
That's why the spiritual healing ministers pray to IDENTIFY what type of virus
or infection is causing the sickness. And treat and remove that first. then the person can heal naturally.

So for normal colds, no we do not need mass surgery to remove the cause
like we might for cancerous tumors that have to be cut out.

With spiritual and mental ills, it depends on the cause, which determines the cure.
Or, God loves gullible people and not the arrogant. So to hell with you! :dev2:

No, but the poor in spirit are among the blessed. Poor in spirit does not mean listless, but rather is aware that he is lacking and therefore puts his trust in God. In essence, this beatitude is saying, Joyful is the person who trusts in God.

Happy is the person who trusts there is a God who is both good and loving.

Atheists: Are you joyful people (as a whole)? Are those who say God is an evil, homicidal maniac incredibly happy people in all their endeavors?

I know atheists who had a very hard religious upbringing, while not claiming joy do say they now have peace in their lives--a peace like they had never experienced before. Many atheists I know feel that God has let them down--i.e., they have no trust in God. Perhaps trust in God is what opens doors for some to more fully experience God and/or recognize His touch in their lives.
Apologists, they have an excuse for everything.

Yes. Much like a repairman has an "excuse" for everything. He can explain why refilling windshield wiper fluid will not fix the brakes.

In the gospels Jesus heals the physically ill. Go and sin no more. Are you trying to say the ill are sinful and or have demons?

Dear Penelope
Unforgivness is a sin. And yes we all have things we can't forgive since we are human
and are designed with defense mechanisms such as fear and learning from experience to avoid danger or risks. This is what it means for Christian to say all humans are sinner,
we are not perfect in our forgiveness, and there are going to be things we refuse to forgive because we are too hurt or too afraid. We are going to fall short of perfect love that God represents. None of us is that selfless that we can forgive and understand all things that happen.

*Some* illnesses are not able to heal because of unforgiveness or demonic blockages.
Not all, but SOME rely on removing the source of unforgiveness emotional blocks first,
before the person can be healed.

1. if someone can't forgive their parents for abuse, and keep drinking and smoking
to harbor and suppress the resentment, that can cause both mental addiction and physical diseases.
These cannot be fully healed if the person keeps holding onto the resentment fueling the addiction
and blocking their mind and body from healing.

it's not their fault they were abused by others, but the unforgiveness
is like "swallowing poison while waiting for the other person to die"
it harms the victim and prolongs the sickness.
this is how child abusers take their own abuse and pass it on to other victims.
so they infect other people with self-blame and loathing that keeps them stuck.

forgiveness can break this cycle and that's why spiritual healing or similar methods (such as AA mixed
with either Christian faith or Buddhist meditation) has worked for people I know.
the common key to healing and recovery is forgiveness.

2. and it's the demonic influence that most often obstructs that forgiveness
with anger, blame, jealousy, resentment, fear, any number of negative ills
that keep the mind stuck where it is. so the "demonic" energy can keep
feeding on the NEGATIVE energy like a parasite invading a host.
it's like rats or roaches wanting to keep feeding on garbage so they don't want the
rotten food to be cleaned up but to keep piles of it around so they can feast on it.

If you want to read two observations of the use of exorcism to confront
"demonic" voices or personalities in schizophrenic patients, I recommend
"Glimpses of the Devil" by Scott Peck.
Peck did not believe these "demonic obsessions" were real but just mental delusions
from chemical imbalances and dysfunctions in the brains of his patients.
He made a bet with his friend, the priest Malachi Martin the Exorcist was based on,
that as a scientist, he could prove that this demonic nonsense was all mental delusion and hallucination.

So the priest sent 2 patients to Peck to observe, to see if this would change his mind.
Within the second interview, after one of the patients verbally attacked Peck
with knowledge of his unconscious memories and fears, he was convinced
this had to be psychic or spiritual forces because the patients had no conscious knowledge of Peck's past.
From there, the patterns of these "demonic" forces escalated and followed
the same methods and stages that the priest had been teaching and practicing for years
to deal with sick patients suffering from 'demonic obsessions and voices" or personalities taking over their own mind and will.

Peck was able to follow the process and see one patient completely
healed of the demonic personality and voices, where she returned to normal,
completed the treatment that she had previously rejected because of her 'demonic rebellion'
that had rendered her dysfunctional and unable to comply or receive any help.
She even gave up religion and turned to medical science because she was intrigued
by getting her free will and reason restored, where she could follow the same "scientific method"
that Dr. Peck used to study her condition, apply therapy, check if it worked, then take more steps until
all the problems were solved. She decided to study some field of medicine and lost interest in religion.

For the other patient, the influence was not completely removed, and the damage and diseased
conditions were too far gone from years of abuse, from self-destruction all her adult life,
that she died of other complications. Peck concluded that the deliverance to remove the
demonic influence obstructing and hijacking the person's mind had to be done EARLIER on.
So I compare it to cancer, that the earlier the treatment the better chances of success before
it "metastasizes" and fully invades the whole person.

My atheist friend who underwent this procedure also complained it "felt like rape"
it hurt like hell because it is like chemotherapy killing off all the good and bad cells together,
scraping out all your insides, and starting over. So all the attached memories and
feelings you had about the abuse and addictions that followed, all that gets SCRAPED out of you.

But after this is removed, then the person regains the ability to
say NO to the demonic impulses that can no longer hijack their will.
They are able to choose to block out and not let those negative influences
take over. So forgiving the negatives takes away their fuel source.

3. Penelope Not All illnesses are caused by demons.
Not all sicknesses are caused by biohazardous pathogens as Ebola is.

It's just that when you have a case of Ebola, you cannot treat it as you would a common cold.
There has to be a special antidote that especially kills the Ebola Virus or the person dies.
The sooner you remove it the better chances of living and recovering.

With demonic sicknesses, if there is such a demonic "virus" causing the sickness
the normal human immune system may not be strong enough to fight it off alone.
That's why the spiritual healing ministers pray to IDENTIFY what type of virus
or infection is causing the sickness. And treat and remove that first. then the person can heal naturally.

So for normal colds, no we do not need mass surgery to remove the cause
like we might for cancerous tumors that have to be cut out.

With spiritual and mental ills, it depends on the cause, which determines the cure.

The power of the mind is very powerful, and if spiritual healing creates a calming effect which lowers stress, and has a positive effect on the immune system and if the person has faith I believe it can help the healing process.

I do not believe legs can grow and when I see the kids in Yemen on 60 mins, why do you think God is going to solve your minor problems if he is not going to get them food. How about the kids in St. Judes, there is so much pain and suffering in the world, I doubt he interferes at all with people, its the power of belief. It would be the same with meditation, or even praying the rosary is calming, stress kills. This is my opinion.

I said help heal, not heal, it can help the immune system and relieve stress which we know can cause all kinds of illnesses.
But the point is, HE CAN FIX THE BREAKS.

And he's not omnipotent or anything!!!!

but what you are saying in your omnipotent sky pixie can't replace the arm on an amputee, even though that would be the most amazing thing ever. Shit, if someone regrew an arm after praying for Jesus, that would certainly shut the atheists the hell up, wouldn't it.

So he'd only have to do it, like once.

But he doesn't.
1. Omnipotence is meaningless when not used correctly.
2. No, nothing leaves atheists speechless, not even a man rising from the dead.
3. Both Old Testament and New Testament advise, Do not put God to the test. God is not a circus animal to be trained to perform upon command. Besides, should a limb be regrown, an atheist would simply argue that the true answer must lie in genetics and evolution; that the regrowth of a limb is an example of adaptation or mutation. So be at peace. We're not going to take non-belief from you. We are simply setting forth our own beliefs (not the straw men some atheists throw at us) and why we believe as we do (which are very different from the reasons some atheists claim are the reasons we believe as we do).

An omnipotent entity is infallible.

Any act of ‘meaningless omnipotence’ would render a deity imperfect, not omnipotent, not worthy of worship, and not a ‘god.’

You imbue your ‘god’ with human imperfection because it is a creation of man, as imperfect as man, and devoid of merit and authority.
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
There have been at least two incidents in my life that should have killed me. Both of them involved an unlikely chain of events that saved my life.

One of them involved a bike accident. I was not wearing any protective gear. No helmet, no pads. Nothing. I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I was on a back-road that had few homes along it.

First coincidence. I crossed the center-line before I met the pavement. This happened at a hairpin turn, where oncoming traffic could not see me coming. There was no oncoming traffic, which probably saved my life.

Second coincidence. I hit the pavement hard enough for the hydro-static shock to rupture my liver, causing abdominal bleeding, but I didn't break any bones or even hit my head, which had no protection whatsoever.

Third coincidence. I just happened to have my accident in front of the home of an off-duty paramedic, who saw the whole thing and called an ambulance before coming out to help me. There were no other homes within several hundred yards.

An unlikely chain of events saved my life. Some would call it luck. I call it the hand of God. Some might wonder why God didn't prevent the accident in the first place. Well, I survived it, with no permanent damage. It cured my need for speed, and I no longer felt indestructible.
Actually, you should call it an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That you don’t know why you survived a near-death incident doesn’t mean the ‘answer’ is ‘god.’

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