Question for Christians

In my own experience atheists are either (1) severely traumatized and they blame God for it or the opposite extreme (2) born with sterling silver spoons in their mouths.

I've also noticed that a lot of them had a bad relationship with their father. Often, our relationship with our father has a lot to do with how we think about God and faith.
Well not true in my family.

My father was an azzhole and I simply tried to be the opposite of him.

My mom was also a sh!t and my elder sister tried to be the opposite of her.

Our baby sister, the youngest, is a sh!t just like our mother was however.

Our mother was very superstitious however and at least took us to church so that we could become brainwashed Catholics.

Whereas I have become a recovered Catholic and my mind is now free, I still strongly believe in God however mostly for Philosophical reasons (San Tomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, etc.).
Most morons have no understanding of God simply because they are completely ignorant of Philosophy.
RE: Question for Christians
※→ RodISHI, et al,

I would never want to challenge the believers in the supernatural and the abilities they have assigned in their particular deity. These types of conversations are notoriously dangerous since one is a faith based belief system (no proof or evidence required) and the other is centered on evidence and observation (reproducible sensory experiences) of a empirical or scientific nature.

Invariably, one or the other --- or even both --- may become agitated or even angry → in that the two systems are so dissimilar in their account of the nature of the universe (all of creation) and even existence itself that little common ground is available..

I have shared the testimony among believers in the past and will get it all written down again at some point to share with those who walk by faith.

The strange thing is, that faith based belief system cannot be subject to examination independent verification by others and/or subject to test and trials that divorces the result from preconceived notions and bias. Most faith based belief systems do not evolve at the same rate as the common understanding of reality unfolds new information to be incorporated into the knowledge base of science.

Systems requiring the examination of the evidence and trial by the scientific method have no opposition to faith based belief systems in their individual belief domains. One can be a believer in both systems; if they are mentally compartmentalized. One can believe in the reality of the natural order --- and --- the supernatural order simultaneously ⇒ as long as the events of the supernatural (dependent on forces, entities, or powers beyond the understanding or the laws of nature) are not used to conflict, sanitize or sensor or information on the reality of the natural.

Most Respectfully,
Your wordiness and intense intent to impress others combined with your poor content betrays your ignorance.
As usual you are talking outta your butt. My son was pronounced fully brain dead before he was two years old. He was on full life support and the whole nine yards for almost two and a half days. They tested his brain activity several times and there was none there. The doctors all told me that 'if he lives he will be a total vegetable' and they did not expect him to survive or ever come out of a coma. It was on the third day that the doctors declared it was a definite miracle because he awoke from the coma during the night and was tested again and there were no signs whatsoever of any brain damage. I walk out of the hospital with my son before noon on the third day. That is all documented at that hospital if anyone ever decides to check it out. He is now forty+ with a son of his own.

On any issue, the strongest evidence anyone on the "wrong side" ever has is the personal evidence that the "right side" can't examine. It's odd that someone "fully brain dead" would be on "full life support" for a couple of days (usually, it's just one or the other). Maybe you're playing fast and loose with what constitutes both those terms. It's also odd that if you have experienced a miraculous healing that you don't call out the fraudulent faith healers, who use deceitful techniques, if you know what the real thing looks like.

My guess is your son was just in a coma, not fully brain dead and not on full life support. The doctors warned you that he could get worse, because doctors warn of the worst case scenario. But, he got better and came out of his coma.
YOU still need an avatar to go with your moniker.

Copy/paste one of these:

bullet proof vest - Google Search
You are the one who came up with a whole bunch of excuses as to why Amputees can't pray their limbs back.

Except for the obvious one- no one is on the listening end.

Seriously? An atheists enters a thread that has a question for Christians, which gives the impression that someone wants to know Christian thinking on, "...why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?"

Is it your opinion, upon entering the thread, you should be seeing that all Christians have voiced JoeB131's atheist perspective instead of giving their own?
That's not the only sh!t that atheists pull !!
But the point is, HE CAN FIX THE BREAKS.

And he's not omnipotent or anything!!!!

but what you are saying in your omnipotent sky pixie can't replace the arm on an amputee, even though that would be the most amazing thing ever. Shit, if someone regrew an arm after praying for Jesus, that would certainly shut the atheists the hell up, wouldn't it.

So he'd only have to do it, like once.

But he doesn't.
1. Omnipotence is meaningless when not used correctly.
2. No, nothing leaves atheists speechless, not even a man rising from the dead.
3. Both Old Testament and New Testament advise, Do not put God to the test. God is not a circus animal to be trained to perform upon command. Besides, should a limb be regrown, an atheist would simply argue that the true answer must lie in genetics and evolution; that the regrowth of a limb is an example of adaptation or mutation. So be at peace. We're not going to take non-belief from you. We are simply setting forth our own beliefs (not the straw men some atheists throw at us) and why we believe as we do (which are very different from the reasons some atheists claim are the reasons we believe as we do).
Omnipotence is a myth -- even for a God.

It is simply a play on words -- sophistry.
Thank you for proving my point. Bias confirmed.

Well, I'd call it a "test". But never mind... you guys aren't into that "science" stuff where you test something for proof.
I've probably forgotten more science than you ever knew.
Yeah, gotta have it before you can lose it..You never had it, you're a Bible thumpering logistician, you are a fundie not a scientist...
Apologists, they have an excuse for everything.

Yes. Much like a repairman has an "excuse" for everything. He can explain why refilling windshield wiper fluid will not fix the brakes.

In the gospels Jesus heals the physically ill. Go and sin no more. Are you trying to say the ill are sinful and or have demons?
Well if you got AIDS by buttfokking then yes, sin caused sickness.
But if you have no diseases from sex then it's okay....
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
He can. So can anyone.
It boils down to the faith/mustard thing that Yeshua( Jesus) referred to over and over.
Oprah will be interviewing Pamala Andersinn at 3PM pacific time on wed. Mark your calendar.
God Bless our brave men and women(and gender neutral) keeping us safe !
In my own experience atheists are either (1) severely traumatized and they blame God for it or the opposite extreme (2) born with sterling silver spoons in their mouths.

I've also noticed that a lot of them had a bad relationship with their father. Often, our relationship with our father has a lot to do with how we think about God and faith.
My relationship with my sperm donor has no relevance to the lies and deceit of religion...
Thank you for proving my point. Bias confirmed.

Well, I'd call it a "test". But never mind... you guys aren't into that "science" stuff where you test something for proof.
I've probably forgotten more science than you ever knew.
Yeah, gotta have it before you can lose it..You never had it, you're a Bible thumpering logistician, you are a fundie not a scientist...
If it helps you to sleep at night to believe that go for it. :smile:
Thank you for proving my point. Bias confirmed.

Well, I'd call it a "test". But never mind... you guys aren't into that "science" stuff where you test something for proof.
I've probably forgotten more science than you ever knew.
Yeah, gotta have it before you can lose it..You never had it, you're a Bible thumpering logistician, you are a fundie not a scientist...
If it helps you to sleep at night to believe that go for it. :smile:
I will!
In my own experience atheists are either (1) severely traumatized and they blame God for it or the opposite extreme (2) born with sterling silver spoons in their mouths.

I've also noticed that a lot of them had a bad relationship with their father. Often, our relationship with our father has a lot to do with how we think about God and faith.
My relationship with my sperm donor has no relevance to the lies and deceit of religion...

Maybe/maybe not for you, but true for many. I have seen this 1st hand.
I've also noticed that a lot of them had a bad relationship with their father. Often, our relationship with our father has a lot to do with how we think about God and faith.

Um, most people have dicy relationships with their parents. The old joke, you spend half your life being made crazy by your parents and the other half being made crazy by your kids.

But I totally get that when confronted with the illogical in their religion, the inclination is to attach the messenger.

Actually, my Dad wasn't particularly religious When you hit the beach on Normandy and then liberate a concentration camp, you probably aren't terribly inclined to believe in Sky Pixies. My Mom, oddly enough was pretty religious, she converted to the Roman Stupid Church to marry my dad.

Something I've noticed. People who convert to Catholicism often take it a lot more seriously than those of us who have the bad luck to be born into it.

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