Question for Climate Change Deniers

At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

First what makes you think anything is irreversible and second you still havn't proved causality. In fact the whole theory of AGW has been thrown into a tailspin because the correlation which AGW "theory" was based on stopped at least 15 years ago.

Finally, historical fact shows, beyond doubt, that warm temps are far better than cold. You really do need to actually read some science instead of the anti-science of the AGW fraudsters. You really do.
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

Good question, was even better when it was asked a couple months ago in a similar thread. Saigon or Mamooth, one of them asked almost verbatim the same question...

And I have the same response I had then... At what point did it become ethically responsible to accept unproven theory as fact, and attempt to pass legislation that would effect the world and turn CO2 into a market to make billions for a select few, as well as limit growth for billions of the poor?
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

What experiment? The earth has been far warmer than the present for the bulk of its history. This particluar warm period began some 14,000 years ago. Here, have a look at the temperature record of the earth and tell me in which direct you believe the long term temperature trend is heading whether human beings inhabit the earth or not.


I am afraid that it is you warmers who are the real deniers. When one takes an honest look at the climate history of the earth, it becomes more than obvious who is denying what. The fact is that there is nothing in the present climate that is unusual, unprecedented, or even getting close to being outside the bounds of natural variability.
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

About the time you exhaled the OP... By your definition --- containing the pollutant in question..
700GTons per year exchanged by NATURE.. 30GTons/yr contributed by man.. And even THAT --- is bogus as man is charged for cow farts and forest fires.

The "experiment" has a dependence on CO2.. But the basic physics of that dependence produces a warming number that is a mere 25% or so of the AGW hysteria..

So 1st --- before we impeach the experiment.. You've gotta predict the outcome..

You haven't done that yet... :cool:
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

There has been NO warming since 1998. Since when is it ok to pretend crackpot science is science?

Further the theory that CO2 caused the rise that did occur is disproved by the last 14 years of rising CO2 and no raise in heat globally.
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

First what makes you think anything is irreversible and second you still havn't proved causality. In fact the whole theory of AGW has been thrown into a tailspin because the correlation which AGW "theory" was based on stopped at least 15 years ago.

Finally, historical fact shows, beyond doubt, that warm temps are far better than cold. You really do need to actually read some science instead of the anti-science of the AGW fraudsters. You really do.

that is the gall of these global warming cult members..they think they AND government can CHANGE the frikken weather...and they call people, deniers...they deny they don't live in reality..
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

Your own leaders admit there has been no warming since 1998, your own leaders admit they have no other theory for why the temps raised, your own leaders admit they can not produce a lab experiment to show their theory in operation.

Are you claiming NASA has lied about temps since 1998? Are you claiming the US Government is on the lie? Perhaps you should as\k your own scientists about the fact no raise in temps since 1998?
Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

Your own leaders admit there has been no warming since 1998, your own leaders admit they have no other theory for why the temps raised, your own leaders admit they can not produce a lab experiment to show their theory in operation.

Are you claiming NASA has lied about temps since 1998? Are you claiming the US Government is on the lie? Perhaps you should as\k your own scientists about the fact no raise in temps since 1998?
What does this have to do with the OP?
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

Your own leaders admit there has been no warming since 1998, your own leaders admit they have no other theory for why the temps raised, your own leaders admit they can not produce a lab experiment to show their theory in operation.

Are you claiming NASA has lied about temps since 1998? Are you claiming the US Government is on the lie? Perhaps you should as\k your own scientists about the fact no raise in temps since 1998?
What does this have to do with the OP?

There is no global warming and has been none since 1998. Further the amount that did happen was barely over that predicted for the Century. You have no science to back you up.
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.
Who knew that Phil Jones and Kenneth Trenberth were industry-backed?

BBC, to Phil Jones, CRU at East Anglia: Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming?

Jones: Yes.

Kenneth Trenberth, UCAR: The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

Your own leaders admit there has been no warming since 1998, your own leaders admit they have no other theory for why the temps raised, your own leaders admit they can not produce a lab experiment to show their theory in operation.

Are you claiming NASA has lied about temps since 1998? Are you claiming the US Government is on the lie? Perhaps you should as\k your own scientists about the fact no raise in temps since 1998?

Actually, sarge .. The answers are Yes and Yes.. NASA has been ignoring their own satellite data and cooking the books on the Surface data for 2 decades..

But that doesn't change the fact that otherwise --- you're entirely correct.. :razz:
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

You ask a question that is totally contradicted by geology and unsupported by history, people ask you why you believe that, and you think they are hyperventilating.

Not sure how that works even inside your head.

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