Question for Climate Change Deniers

The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

Those are numbers from James Hansen and the IPCC, you know the warmist frauds driving this train wreck of yours you science denier.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

Your own leaders admit there has been no warming since 1998, your own leaders admit they have no other theory for why the temps raised, your own leaders admit they can not produce a lab experiment to show their theory in operation.

Are you claiming NASA has lied about temps since 1998? Are you claiming the US Government is on the lie? Perhaps you should as\k your own scientists about the fact no raise in temps since 1998?
What does this have to do with the OP?

That the OP is fucking wrong...that's what. No warming for at least 15 years says your whole meme is WRONG.

Watch the video from a GENIUS and he will show just how stupid you are.

[ame=]The Essence Of Science In 61 Seconds (Richard Feynman) - YouTube[/ame]
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

You ask a question that is totally contradicted by geology and unsupported by history, people ask you why you believe that, and you think they are hyperventilating.

Not sure how that works even inside your head.

His head is up someone's keester. It's hard to think when your whole life has been spent that way.
No warming for at least 15 years says your whole meme is WRONG.

That's been debunked here over and over, yet every denialist still spouts it as gospel. And they will continue to do so, no matter how many times it's debunked. And in response to everything, they will continue with the conspiracies about how all the data is faked. Like all such fine pseudoscience, such conspiracies are designed to be impossible to disprove. If you simply handwave away any data that disagrees with you as obviously phony, your theory can never be disproved.

It's a herd identity display thing now, proving to their fellow cultists how they're a cult member in good standing by chanting all the approved cult mantras. No one outside the cult pays attention to it any longer.
No warming for at least 15 years says your whole meme is WRONG.

That's been debunked here over and over, yet every denialist still spouts it as gospel. And they will continue to do so, no matter how many times it's debunked. And in response to everything, they will continue with the conspiracies about how all the data is faked. Like all such fine pseudoscience, such conspiracies are designed to be impossible to disprove. If you simply handwave away any data that disagrees with you as obviously phony, your theory can never be disproved.

It's a herd identity display thing now, proving to their fellow cultists how they're a cult member in good standing by chanting all the approved cult mantras. No one outside the cult pays attention to it any longer.

Debunk away admiral. Tell us exactly what the IPCC says, the UK's Met Office and Hansens latest paper. Tell us exactly what they say.
Who knew Phil Jones and Ken Trenberth were "denalists"?

If they had said there was no warming, that would mean something. Since they didn't, you don't come off looking good at all.

"Statistically significant" has meaning. It doesn't mean "no warming."

And your own quote shows Trenberth was complaining about a lack of instruments to measure warming, not declaring a lack of warming. Why are you now making up this wild story that Trenberth said there was no warming?
Debunk away admiral. Tell us exactly what the IPCC says, the UK's Met Office and Hansens latest paper. Tell us exactly what they say.

I'll start with just one, The Met.

Met Office in the Media: 14 October 2012 | Met Office News Blog

The Met never said there was no warming. A dishonest guy named David Rose penned an article lying about how the Met supposedly said that.

Your turn. That debunking concerning what the Met supposedly said has been posted here many times, yet you're still repeating it as truth. So how can we trust anything you say?
Who knew Phil Jones and Ken Trenberth were "denalists"?

If they had said there was no warming, that would mean something. Since they didn't, you don't come off looking good at all.

"Statistically significant" has meaning. It doesn't mean "no warming."

And your own quote shows Trenberth was complaining about a lack of instruments to measure warming, not declaring a lack of warming. Why are you now making up this wild story that Trenberth said there was no warming?
Nice spin, Meadowlark! :lol:
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible political experiment on the only economy we've got?

Ask Phil Gramm. Credit Default Swaps were his baby.
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible political experiment on the only economy we've got?

Ask Phil Gramm. Credit Default Swaps were his baby.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.
At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible experiment on the only atmosphere we've got?

At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible political experiment on the only economy we've got?

Ask Phil Gramm. Credit Default Swaps were his baby.

Pretty lame answer to a very good question...

But thanks for playing.. And thanks for the thread..
Did I ever tell you the guy in your avi seems to be quite likeable and comfortable with himself? I'd trust him.. Too bad it's not really you... I think you're jealous...
Debunk away admiral. Tell us exactly what the IPCC says, the UK's Met Office and Hansens latest paper. Tell us exactly what they say.

I'll start with just one, The Met.

Met Office in the Media: 14 October 2012 | Met Office News Blog

The Met never said there was no warming. A dishonest guy named David Rose penned an article lying about how the Met supposedly said that.

Your turn. That debunking concerning what the Met supposedly said has been posted here many times, yet you're still repeating it as truth. So how can we trust anything you say?

Start here.....

Updates to HadCRUT global temperature dataset - Met Office

In 1922, the k00ks were all angst about the climate and were telling us we wouldn't even get to 1950!!!

Liberal Doom and Gloom 90 Years Ago

It has always held that not matter what you are talking, people in the far left hold the tragic vision of the world.......a mean and cruel place that needs relentless levels of social engineering to fix. Regular, day to day shit that has been going on for thousands of years ( like a string of tornado activity for example ) makes these people as freaky as a dog on the night of the 4th of July. It is just their tendency. They think we can fix everything ( like if we ban guns, all suicides/killings will stop ):eusa_dance: There MUST BE A SOLUTION TO EVERY PROBLEM.......the only people holding us back from all of the solutions are people on the right.:D:D

The k00ks will always be with us.......and thank God for that, I say!! This forum would suck without them
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy." -- IPCC

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