Question for Climate Change Deniers

At what point did it become ethically acceptable to perform an irreversible political experiment on the only economy we've got?

Ask Phil Gramm. Credit Default Swaps were his baby.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.
The vast majority of scientists are not mindless, no matter how long you hold your breath and stomp your feet.
Ask Phil Gramm. Credit Default Swaps were his baby.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.
The vast majority of scientists are not mindless, no matter how long you hold your breath and stomp your feet.

but climate scientists are irrelevant in the larger picture of things. They provide fodder for internet debates between the OCD climate crusaders and people who recognize that climate science is rigged.

For all of their "consensus", climate scientists have had virtually no impact on the future of energy production in this country = fAiL.......thus, they are irrelevant.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.

Gore, being a very savvy capitalist, needs no such money.

Gore inherited a million or so from dad's Occidental Petroleum and tobacco money, and leveraged it into $200 million. $70 million from selling Current TV to Al Jazeera. Bought Apple big at $7.50, it's now around $450, so maybe $75 million there. Into the GIM hedge fund, which has only lost much money on green issues, so it's more like Gore supporting you. All books, movies and speaking fees go to a non-profit.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.

Gore, being a very savvy capitalist, needs no such money.

Gore inherited a million or so from dad's Occidental Petroleum and tobacco money, and leveraged it into $200 million. $70 million from selling Current TV to Al Jazeera. Bought Apple big at $7.50, it's now around $450, so maybe $75 million there. Into the GIM hedge fund, which has only lost much money on green issues, so it's more like Gore supporting you. All books, movies and speaking fees go to a non-profit.
Proving once again that there's nothing worse than a supposedly reformed whore. :lol:
Ask Phil Gramm. Credit Default Swaps were his baby.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.
The vast majority of scientists are not mindless, no matter how long you hold your breath and stomp your feet.
It's funny how you guys screech "Follow the money!!"...except when discussing the Troo Beleevers.

AGW is driven by profit motive. From the people who will benefit personally from green legislation, like Al Gore, to the scientists who profit from the grant money gravy train.

Dr. James Hansen?s growing financial scandal, now over a million dollars of outside income | Watts Up With That?

Predictably, you will not read the link. Predictably, you will excuse Hansen's ethics violations.
Al Gore thanks you for your mindless support, and agrees with you that he's not wealthy enough.

Gore, being a very savvy capitalist, needs no such money.

Gore inherited a million or so from dad's Occidental Petroleum and tobacco money, and leveraged it into $200 million. $70 million from selling Current TV to Al Jazeera. Bought Apple big at $7.50, it's now around $450, so maybe $75 million there. Into the GIM hedge fund, which has only lost much money on green issues, so it's more like Gore supporting you. All books, movies and speaking fees go to a non-profit.

Despite Industry-Wide Woes, Al Gore Has Made a Killing in ?Green? Energy |

Gore's claims that the world is going to perish unless we adopt his policies are self-serving. He doesn't give a damn about the environment, nor does he believe his own bullshit.

But he thanks you, too, for supporting his claim that he's not wealthy enough.
The predictable hyper-ventilating is in full swing!

Of course, you'll deny that, too. :lol:

Answer the question. The supposed global warming was due to 12 years of rising temps, about a 3rd of a degree or so. Since 1998 there has been ZERO raise in world wide temps. SO why was the 12 years not just a blip? I mean now we have 14 years of none.

Further the claim is that CO2 caused the raise, yet for 14 years CO2 has gone up and no raise in temperature. So show us the repeatable lab experiment that proves A) global warming is a threat and B) that CO2 causes it.
No. Your bogus industry-backed numbers are irrelevant to the question in the OP.

I can see a pic of a kid with his fingers in his ears, making funny noises.

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