Question for republicans, libertarians, and independents.

Why do you think democrats never question Obama?

I won't even go as far to say criticize Obama, I'm just asking why they never even question him.

I don't think it's just because he's a democrat, I think Clinton got a lot criticism from within for his screw ups.

Is it because he's black and questioning him would be "racist?" Is it because he sounds cool, almost like MLK Jr when giving speeches? Just great Hope and Change propaganda? Is it because they hated Bush so much they're happy to have anyone with in a D in office regardless of the outcome?

To be honest though, I didn't see a lot of criticism or questioning from republicans at Bush in his 1st term. But to his supporters credit he was either abandoned, heavily criticized or at bare minimum questioned a lot. Do you think if Obama's next 4 years are the same or worse level of disaster his first 4 were do you think they'll begin to question him? Or will it remain unwavering, undaunted love and support?

Obviously there's going to be some angry Obama supporters on this thread if it gets any legs, but let's try to keep the discussion on topic.

It's because they hate Republicans THAT much. especially the white Christian Republican.
For me all they'd have to do is question the exact same things they questioned during the Bush era.

Question the Bush tax policy, the Bush Doctrine, the Bush policy of spending and racking up debt, they don't even have to question anything new. Just repeat the same things they were saying for 8 years.

Sorry, lost track somewhere, who is this 'they' we are talking about again?
In the United States, we have, for probably the first 200 years of our existance, believed that personal responsibility and personal freedom are the pinnacles of any society. You have the freedom to make yourself what you want to make yourself. Or, you have the right to do nothing. We held that government is there to fulfill certain LIMITED roles and should, like the old saying, be seen and only heard from rarely. That is not to say that government does not have legitamate roles for our country. The steps taken to right obvious civil rights violations and to enforce the fact that all men "are created equal" are certainly one of those legitimate roles. To provide for the common defense of this nation is another. The times that the government stepped in to break up monopoly's and to work for worker's rights are another.

But Barry and his minions are the antithesis to this view. They believe that the individual is NOT the center of this society. They believe that the collective is the focal point. Therefore, if the collective is the focal point, then it requires a strong and centralized government to "rule" for the collective. Instead of having an individual decide what is right for that individual, their view is to decide by committee what is right for the collective then have the government mandate the direction. When you have a collective, individual viewpoints do not provide stability and are not helpful. Therefore, as long as your opinions help the collective, they are welcomed. But if they are directly opposed to what has been deemed appropriate for the collective (determined by those MUCH smarter than you - just ask them), they must be silenced. Currently, we do this by declaring that you are a racist or a homophobe or some other destructive label.

In this society created by Barry, the point is that for it to work, everyone MUST be working in the same direction. You can't have 300 million opinions. You have to have one and you have to have everyone working in the same direction for the good of the collective. To be completely successful, individual decisions must be limited to those options deemed appropriate by the collective. Additionally, those that excel must be reduced to the same level as others, while those at the bottom must be artificially raised to the level of the collective.

1984... it is a progressive nightmare... and it's here...
How about, 3 years after the end of the recession we still have more than 385,000 new unemployment claims making this the slowest recovery from recession since WWII?????

yeah because McConnell (#1 goal is to make Obama a 1-term President announced shortly after the President's swearing-in), Boehner, & Cantor have been so helpful :eusa_whistle: :lol: :rolleyes:

It's because they hate Republicans THAT much. especially the white Christian Republican.
yea. so? :eusa_boohoo:
For me all they'd have to do is question the exact same things they questioned during the Bush era.

Question the Bush tax policy, the Bush Doctrine, the Bush policy of spending and racking up debt, they don't even have to question anything new. Just repeat the same things they were saying for 8 years.

Sorry, lost track somewhere, who is this 'they' we are talking about again?

Democrats don't question obama because Harry Reid said that the democrats were there to protect him, no matter what he does.
In the United States, we have, for probably the first 200 years of our existance, believed that personal responsibility and personal freedom are the pinnacles of any society. You have the freedom to make yourself what you want to make yourself. Or, you have the right to do nothing. We held that government is there to fulfill certain LIMITED roles and should, like the old saying, be seen and only heard from rarely. That is not to say that government does not have legitamate roles for our country. The steps taken to right obvious civil rights violations and to enforce the fact that all men "are created equal" are certainly one of those legitimate roles. To provide for the common defense of this nation is another. The times that the government stepped in to break up monopoly's and to work for worker's rights are another.

But Barry and his minions are the antithesis to this view. They believe that the individual is NOT the center of this society. They believe that the collective is the focal point. Therefore, if the collective is the focal point, then it requires a strong and centralized government to "rule" for the collective. Instead of having an individual decide what is right for that individual, their view is to decide by committee what is right for the collective then have the government mandate the direction. When you have a collective, individual viewpoints do not provide stability and are not helpful. Therefore, as long as your opinions help the collective, they are welcomed. But if they are directly opposed to what has been deemed appropriate for the collective (determined by those MUCH smarter than you - just ask them), they must be silenced. Currently, we do this by declaring that you are a racist or a homophobe or some other destructive label.

In this society created by Barry, the point is that for it to work, everyone MUST be working in the same direction. You can't have 300 million opinions. You have to have one and you have to have everyone working in the same direction for the good of the collective. To be completely successful, individual decisions must be limited to those options deemed appropriate by the collective. Additionally, those that excel must be reduced to the same level as others, while those at the bottom must be artificially raised to the level of the collective.

1984... it is a progressive nightmare... and it's here...

If you have a five person squad you care how well the team, as a collective, is doing? If 'bad knee' Larry is slower then the others so you ditch him but realize half an hour later he was carrying extra water your 'survival of the fittest' means Larry wins.
Could it be that most democrats are as far left as Obama and support his agenda? We know Reid and Pelosi certainly are.
Could it be that most democrats are as far left as Obama and support his agenda? We know Reid and Pelosi certainly are.

But they're only far left when it suits them. See Patriot Act and internet/communications regulations for example, nothing liberal about those.
We have all seen many, many threads where some democrat says something critical followed by the wild claim that democrats are abandoning him in droves, what are you talking about? I certainly criticize him but it's for not matching Conservative hostility in kind or letting them control the conversation by negotiating with them when they have no intention of holding up their end. Quit attacking him with birther fabrications and overblown bull shit charges of communism and maybe you may find a different tone from democrats.
Why do you think democrats never question Obama?

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

I won't even go as far to say criticize Obama, I'm just asking why they never even question him.

I believe they do question him, but it's either soft ball questions or questions that inqueries rather than challenges.

I don't think it's just because he's a democrat, I think Clinton got a lot criticism from within for his screw ups.

Is it because he's black and questioning him would be "racist?"

Perhaps for some.

Is it because he sounds cool, almost like MLK Jr when giving speeches? Just great Hope and Change propaganda?

For some of them, yes.

Is it because they hated Bush so much they're happy to have anyone with in a D in office regardless of the outcome?

No, I think mostly it's because they had so much invested in him, so much hope back in 2008 and they just don't want to admit that he's a failure. In other cases, I think it's almost like worship.

To be honest though, I didn't see a lot of criticism or questioning from republicans at Bush in his 1st term. But to his supporters credit he was either abandoned, heavily criticized or at bare minimum questioned a lot.

He wasn't much of a conservative, as we were to find out as time went on. there were those who backed him dispite everything, but yes, Bush was criticised by us.

Do you think if Obama's next 4 years are the same or worse level of disaster his first 4 were do you think they'll begin to question him? Or will it remain unwavering, undaunted love and support?

I'd lay good money that they will remain in adoration no matter what.
Could it be that most democrats are as far left as Obama and support his agenda? We know Reid and Pelosi certainly are.

But they're only far left when it suits them. See Patriot Act and internet/communications regulations for example, nothing liberal about those.

I'll agree with you there. Those were quietly passed by and that was completely hypocritical. Couldn't agree more.
Cenk wonders why too.

[ame=]Why Does Cenk Criticize Obama? - YouTube[/ame]
We have all seen many, many threads where some democrat says something critical followed by the wild claim that democrats are abandoning him in droves, what are you talking about? I certainly criticize him but it's for not matching Conservative hostility in kind or letting them control the conversation by negotiating with them when they have no intention of holding up their end. Quit attacking him with birther fabrications and overblown bull shit charges of communism and maybe you may find a different tone from democrats.

I hear the claim independents are leaving him in droves with polls to back them, I've never heard anyone claim democrats are leaving him in droves.

I hear democrats talk about thow they criticize Obama all the time, I just never actually see anything to back it.

No exaggeration, I bet 1 out of 1,000 Obama related posts on this board by democrats have any questioning or criticism of him.
In the United States, we have, for probably the first 200 years of our existance, believed that personal responsibility and personal freedom are the pinnacles of any society. You have the freedom to make yourself what you want to make yourself. Or, you have the right to do nothing. We held that government is there to fulfill certain LIMITED roles and should, like the old saying, be seen and only heard from rarely. That is not to say that government does not have legitamate roles for our country. The steps taken to right obvious civil rights violations and to enforce the fact that all men "are created equal" are certainly one of those legitimate roles. To provide for the common defense of this nation is another. The times that the government stepped in to break up monopoly's and to work for worker's rights are another.

But Barry and his minions are the antithesis to this view. They believe that the individual is NOT the center of this society. They believe that the collective is the focal point. Therefore, if the collective is the focal point, then it requires a strong and centralized government to "rule" for the collective. Instead of having an individual decide what is right for that individual, their view is to decide by committee what is right for the collective then have the government mandate the direction. When you have a collective, individual viewpoints do not provide stability and are not helpful. Therefore, as long as your opinions help the collective, they are welcomed. But if they are directly opposed to what has been deemed appropriate for the collective (determined by those MUCH smarter than you - just ask them), they must be silenced. Currently, we do this by declaring that you are a racist or a homophobe or some other destructive label.

In this society created by Barry, the point is that for it to work, everyone MUST be working in the same direction. You can't have 300 million opinions. You have to have one and you have to have everyone working in the same direction for the good of the collective. To be completely successful, individual decisions must be limited to those options deemed appropriate by the collective. Additionally, those that excel must be reduced to the same level as others, while those at the bottom must be artificially raised to the level of the collective.

1984... it is a progressive nightmare... and it's here...

What President Obama is saying mirrors our founding fathers and ancestors.

"What is true of every member of the society, individually, is true of them all collectively; since the rights of the whole can be no more than the sum of the rights of the individuals." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:455, Papers 15:393

What conservatives are spewing is Ayn Rand social Darwinism and poison. Rand was an amphetamine-addicted author of sub-Dan Brown potboilers, who in her spare time wrote lavish torrents of praise for serial killers and the Bernie Madoff-style embezzlers of her day. She opposed democracy on the grounds that "the masses"—her readers—were "lice" and "parasites" who scarcely deserved to live.
Could it be that most democrats are as far left as Obama and support his agenda? We know Reid and Pelosi certainly are.

But they're only far left when it suits them. See Patriot Act and internet/communications regulations for example, nothing liberal about those.

I'll agree with you there. Those were quietly passed by and that was completely hypocritical. Couldn't agree more.

And the continued stomping on state's rights in terms of the marijuana issue, these aren't really isolated instances. We're talking about the democrats principles and beliefs, just categorically calling them liberal is nowhere close to accurate.
The original post is based on a faulty premise. We see plenty of scrutiny and harsh comments about Obama from Democrats.

I think OP is dabbling in projection here. Democrats are a diverse group. They don't sign onto "pledges" and "contracts" in order to advance in the party hierarchy the way the GOP does. Projection is almost as old as the politics of fear that the GOP also embrace. You take your own biggest weakness and then project it onto your opponent in an attempt to at least get a draw in public perception.

Democrats in general have many flaws in my humble opinion, but toeing the party line in conflict of personal convictions just ain't one of them.

How come you don't hear any republicans clamoring for Mitt's tax records like they clamor for Obama's birth certificate?

Hmmmmm ?????
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We have all seen many, many threads where some democrat says something critical followed by the wild claim that democrats are abandoning him in droves, what are you talking about? I certainly criticize him but it's for not matching Conservative hostility in kind or letting them control the conversation by negotiating with them when they have no intention of holding up their end. Quit attacking him with birther fabrications and overblown bull shit charges of communism and maybe you may find a different tone from democrats.

I hear the claim independents are leaving him in droves with polls to back them, I've never heard anyone claim democrats are leaving him in droves.

I hear democrats talk about thow they criticize Obama all the time, I just never actually see anything to back it.

No exaggeration, I bet 1 out of 1,000 Obama related posts on this board by democrats have any questioning or criticism of him.

Maybe I was not clear enough, no democrat is going to pile on a birther thread or F+F thread or any of the bulk of conspiracy threads that clog this place so disregard those. No Democrat is going to agree that various broad phenomena such as unemployment or outsourcing is all Obama's fault so disregard those also. What is left? In the rare instance that the initial OP is a valid criticism rather than the usual irrational smear I am sure you can find agreement. The problem here is that democrats will always defend him from bald faced lies and smear jobs which happen to be most of what conservative seem to focus on. Put the conversation back into the realms of reason and you will hear a different tune.
The original post is based on a faulty premise. We see plenty of scrutiny and harsh comments about Obama from Democrats.

I think OP is dabbling in projection here. Democrats are a diverse group. They don't sign onto "pledges" and "contracts" in order to advance in the party hierarchy the way the GOP does. Projection is almost as old as the politics of fear that the GOP also embrace. You take your own biggest weakness and then project it onto your opponent in an attempt to at least get a draw in public perception.

Democrats in general have many flaws in my humble opinion, but toeing the party line in conflict of personal convictions just ain't one of them.

How come you don't hear any republicans clamoring for Mitt's tax records like they clamor for Obama's birth certificate?

Hmmmmm ?????

I think the republican party sucks. I hated Bush. I hate Romney. I don't support him and certainly won't be voting for him.

Take another swing.

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