Question for the Democrats here: November 6th and beyond.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
Assuming for this thread, Joe Biden is re-elected. I'd like to hear what you Biden voters believe with happen on November 6th and beyond. A week later, the next year and the next 4 years. What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

My purpose in asking is to listen, not to argue.

Thanks in advance.
Assuming for this thread, Joe Biden is re-elected. I'd like to hear what you Biden voters believe with happen on November 6th and beyond. A week later, the next year and the next 4 years. What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

My purpose in asking is to listen, not to argue.

Thanks in advance.
The best case? Hopefully he'll appoint some justices to replace Alito and Thomas.

The main thing is that if Joe wins, the ACA won't be overturned; people will still be able to buy insurance (as you may recall, the ACA prevented insurance companies from not accepting your PECs), there won't be another major tax cut for the ultra wealthy, and we will have a stable government for four years.

Secondary hopes....Racists will again be put on notice that they are not welcome...and perhaps you guys will get tired of living in fantasy land and admit you were sold a bill of goods in Trump.
Assuming for this thread, Joe Biden is re-elected. I'd like to hear what you Biden voters believe with happen on November 6th and beyond. A week later, the next year and the next 4 years. What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

My purpose in asking is to listen, not to argue.

Thanks in advance.

Normally I would not want one party to control all 3 parts of the Government. But, in this case, the Magats already control the Supreme Court. And we can't afford the MAGAts any room to run free and control any part of our government. I've seen this crap going on far longer than tRump (the t is silent) got into politics. The Magats are just renamed John Birch Society members.
Normally I would not want one party to control all 3 parts of the Government. But, in this case, the Magats already control the Supreme Court. And we can't afford the MAGAts any room to run free and control any part of our government. I've seen this crap going on far longer than tRump (the t is silent) got into politics. The Magats are just renamed John Birch Society members.
Disagree (perhaps).

From what I know about the JBS...they have principles that are just flat out nutso. But they are their principles. And they don't waver. If the blob were to come out tomorrow and say was pro choice (as he used to be and still is), you'd find nearly 100% of the TDSers here suddenly deciding abortion isn't so bad. MAGA has absolutely zero principles.
The best case? Hopefully he'll appoint some justices to replace Alito and Thomas.

The main thing is that if Joe wins, the ACA won't be overturned; people will still be able to buy insurance (as you may recall, the ACA prevented insurance companies from not accepting your PECs), there won't be another major tax cut for the ultra wealthy, and we will have a stable government for four years.

Secondary hopes....Racists will again be put on notice that they are not welcome...and perhaps you guys will get tired of living in fantasy land and admit you were sold a bill of goods in Trump.
Thanks. What about foreign policy? Economic policy? The border?
Normally I would not want one party to control all 3 parts of the Government. But, in this case, the Magats already control the Supreme Court. And we can't afford the MAGAts any room to run free and control any part of our government. I've seen this crap going on far longer than tRump (the t is silent) got into politics. The Magats are just renamed John Birch Society members.

Do you have any thoughts about after the election other than hatred for Trump and his supporters?
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The best case? Hopefully he'll appoint some justices to replace Alito and Thomas.

The main thing is that if Joe wins, the ACA won't be overturned; people will still be able to buy insurance (as you may recall, the ACA prevented insurance companies from not accepting your PECs), there won't be another major tax cut for the ultra wealthy, and we will have a stable government for four years.

Secondary hopes....Racists will again be put on notice that they are not welcome...and perhaps you guys will get tired of living in fantasy land and admit you were sold a bill of goods in Trump.
Kid, you got a racist in the White House

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.”

In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Prior to ACA, there was high risk insurance pools. Not a problem getting insurance.
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Assuming for this thread, Joe Biden is re-elected. I'd like to hear what you Biden voters believe with happen on November 6th and beyond. A week later, the next year and the next 4 years. What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

My purpose in asking is to listen, not to argue.

Thanks in advance.

If abortion pays off like I think it will, we will control both the House and Senate and we will codify abortion as a federal right. So Republicans would need a super majority to ever do anything about it. And the Supreme Court can't do anything about it.

We will see inflation improving regardless of who's president.

We will continue to not be in a recession even though you all think we are in one. Unemployment stays low and stock market up. Just like it is now. Stay the course.

Blue collar workers are doing better because they went on strike last year. Blue collar who's not doing well needs to organize into unions. Or quit and go get a better job. Union or not Companies are hiring. Not as much as before because the feds raised interest rates to fix inflation. Relax, things are improving.

We will continue to invest in alternate energy. I know a lot of Americans want Biden to be pro oil more to lower gas prices but sorry, we gotta go green. If Americans can't see it, then I guess they are Not Sees.
Thanks. What about foreign policy? Economic policy? The border?
Foreign Policy...I suspect he will continue to support Israel while pushing for peace. He'll continue to support Ukraine. Our allies will continue to be our allies. Trust has been restored. I wish we would pull out of Iraq but given his botching of Afghanistan...I doubt he wants to try that again. Or maybe he's learned his lesson????

The Border will continue to be porus as it has been for 70 years or so.

Economic policy...I certainly hope he can persuade Congress to get the rich to start paying their fair share on the Social Security tax.
Why do you think either Alito or Thomas seat will be vacant?
They are old men. And they really don't have the swing to keep fleecing their benefactors now that there are other conservatives on the board err I mean court who are much better investments long term.
If abortion pays off like I think it will, we will control both the House and Senate and we will codify abortion as a federal right. So Republicans would need a super majority to ever do anything about it. And the Supreme Court can't do anything about it.

We will see inflation improving regardless of who's president.

We will continue to not be in a recession even though you all think we are in one. Unemployment stays low and stock market up. Just like it is now. Stay the course.

Blue collar workers are doing better because they went on strike last year. Blue collar who's not doing well needs to organize into unions. Or quit and go get a better job. Union or not Companies are hiring. Not as much as before because the feds raised interest rates to fix inflation. Relax, things are improving.

We will continue to invest in alternate energy. I know a lot of Americans want Biden to be pro oil more to lower gas prices but sorry, we gotta go green. If Americans can't see it, then I guess they are Not Sees.


What do you think will happen with Israel/Hamas and Ukraine/Russia?

What is Joe going to do about the border?
Disagree (perhaps).

From what I know about the JBS...they have principles that are just flat out nutso. But they are their principles. And they don't waver. If the blob were to come out tomorrow and say was pro choice (as he used to be and still is), you'd find nearly 100% of the TDSers here suddenly deciding abortion isn't so bad. MAGA has absolutely zero principles.

The JBS is so eaten up against many of the things that the MAGAts are screaming about is not a coincidence. Not all of he JBS was completely out of line. For instance, one of their biggest winners has been "Get us out of the UN". This is not so insane. But the poisoning of a Senator by placing radium in his senate seat giving him cancer, which he died from, is a bit much.

I have a very good read on the JBS.

A historian details how a secretive, extremist group radicalized the American right

This is a very good read. But one has to understand that a JBS child is raised a bit differently than normal. For instance, one of the original JBS donator and supporter was Fred Trump. Yes folks, Donald J. tRump (the t is silent) was raised in a JBS home. That should explain tRumps way of handling things. He's classic John Birch Society.
If abortion pays off like I think it will, we will control both the House and Senate and we will codify abortion as a federal right. So Republicans would need a super majority to ever do anything about it. And the Supreme Court can't do anything about it.

Most abortions are a result of seeking pleasure while ignoring any responsibility. Pregnancy is rampant among drug addicts for this very reason. You possess a mentality based on self gratification as omnipotent. You fit in well with today's "Me" generation.
"Civilization" requires by definition, a population willing and capable of respecting personal responsibility. Something grossly ignored today. It has nothing to do with religion. If abortion pays off like YOU think it will, Democrats will control both the House and Senate....and inflation will continue it's historic climb, the debt will crush the economy and the nation will fall into ruins and the clear and present evidence is the Biden administration and ALL of those states under the iron fisted rule of your beloved Communist governors.
The frightening thing is that millions have the same delusional mindset as you.

We will see inflation improving regardless of who's president.

Right. Because for the last 3 years inflation has not been a factor for Americans at all. My God you live in a layer of bubbles.
Here's a basic concept.....when you print money to cover your drunken spending fantasies money becomes worthless.
Since both sides do it and will continue to do so blindly, you seem to be making illogical conclusions.

We will continue to not be in a recession even though you all think we are in one. Unemployment stays low and stock market up. Just like it is now. Stay the course.

Again, you lack common sense information and base your wild conclusions on such. Here are some facts for thinking individuals to consider (you need not bother). 1). Recession means a shrinking economy. What factors are growing the US economy? What factors are diminishing the US economy? How will AI affect employment going forward? How will open borders affect the economy and labor markets with millions willing to work cheap flooding the nation(s)?
If your ideals were so great, why is California going bankrupt? Why is California, Michigan, New York, Illinois and Washington state losing billions in tax revenues despite huge tax increases?

Blue collar workers are doing better because they went on strike last year. Blue collar who's not doing well needs to organize into unions. Or quit and go get a better job. Union or not Companies are hiring. Not as much as before because the feds raised interest rates to fix inflation. Relax, things are improving.

Here we go again. Your premise that workers and the government control the economy and are better at it than the free market indicate a serious prejudice on your part towards Socialism / Communism and are in stark conflict with the reality of Americas growth.
Unions are basically organized crime designed to extract funds from the working class to fund political machines so that power can be delegated as the bosses of these Unions see fit. Unions force corporations to lower their productivity and raise their prices.
However, in light of your Communist inclinations you view of Unions seems self evident.

We will continue to invest in alternate energy. I know a lot of Americans want Biden to be pro oil more to lower gas prices but sorry, we gotta go green. If Americans can't see it, then I guess they are Not Sees.

Green energy is not presently a viable alternative to oil or coal. Period. Without oil and coal energy sources the entire globe would fall into darkness quickly. Millions would starve and millions would freeze in the winters. Green energy will need many more decades of research before it comes anywhere near feasible as an alternative. We are simply not there yet. The notion that the power grid could even handle EV's if we all switched is beyond delusional. Billion dollar solar farms are being wiped out in minutes by hail storms for example. Renewable energy is a fantastic concept. But it is one built on delusional thinking at this time.

What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

They will accomplish their goals...the total destruction of American society, democracy and achieve the West's demise. Is that not crystal clear already?

America should not be allowing Communism's destructive ways a voice. Communism is, after all, histories most notorious Union.
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Most abortions are a result of seeking pleasure while ignoring any responsibility. Pregnancy is rampant among drug addicts for this very reason. You possess a mentality based on self gratification as omnipotent. You fit in well with today's "Me" generation.
"Civilization" requires by definition, a population willing and capable of respecting personal responsibility. Something grossly ignored today. It has nothing to do with religion. If abortion pays off like YOU think it will, Democrats will control both the House and Senate....and inflation will continue it's historic climb, the debt will crush the economy and the nation will fall into ruins and the clear and present evidence is the Biden administration and ALL of those states under the iron fisted rule of your beloved Communist governors.
The frightening thing is that millions have the same delusional mindset as you.

Right. Because for the last 3 years inflation has not been a factor for Americans at all. My God you live in a layer of bubbles.
Here's a basic concept.....when you print money to cover your drunken spending fantasies money becomes worthless.
Since both sides do it and will continue to do so blindly, you seem to be making illogical conclusions.

Again, you lack common sense information and base your wild conclusions on such. Here are some facts for thinking individuals to consider (you need not bother). 1). Recession means a shrinking economy. What factors are growing the US economy? What factors are diminishing the US economy? How will AI affect employment going forward? How will open borders affect the economy and labor markets with millions willing to work cheap flooding the nation(s)?
If your ideals were so great, why is California going bankrupt? Why is California, Michigan, New York, Illinois and Washington state losing billions in tax revenues despite huge tax increases?

Here we go again. Your premise that workers and the government control the economy and are better at it than the free market indicate a serious prejudice on your part towards Socialism / Communism and are in stark conflict with the reality of Americas growth.
Unions are basically organized crime designed to extract funds from the working class to fund political machines so that power can be delegated as the bosses of these Unions see fit. Unions force corporations to lower their productivity and raise their prices.
However, in light of your Communist inclinations you view of Unions seems self evident.

Green energy is not presently a viable alternative to oil or coal. Period. Without oil and coal energy sources the entire globe would fall into darkness quickly. Millions would starve and millions would freeze in the winters. Green energy will need many more decades of research before it comes anywhere near feasible as an alternative. We are simply not there yet. The notion that the power grid could even handle EV's if we all switched is beyond delusional. Billion dollar solar farms are being wiped out in minutes by hail storms for example. Renewable energy is a fantastic concept. But it is one built on delusional thinking at this time.

What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

They will accomplish their goals...the total destruction of American society, democracy and achieve the West's demise. Is that not crystal clear already?

America should not be allowing Communism's destructive ways a voice. Communism is, after all, histories most notorious Union.
A billion dollar solar farm huh? LOL.

Its as silly as the rest of your post.
Most abortions are a result of seeking pleasure while ignoring any responsibility. Pregnancy is rampant among drug addicts for this very reason. You possess a mentality based on self gratification as omnipotent. You fit in well with today's "Me" generation.
"Civilization" requires by definition, a population willing and capable of respecting personal responsibility. Something grossly ignored today. It has nothing to do with religion. If abortion pays off like YOU think it will, Democrats will control both the House and Senate....and inflation will continue it's historic climb, the debt will crush the economy and the nation will fall into ruins and the clear and present evidence is the Biden administration and ALL of those states under the iron fisted rule of your beloved Communist governors.
The frightening thing is that millions have the same delusional mindset as you.

Right. Because for the last 3 years inflation has not been a factor for Americans at all. My God you live in a layer of bubbles.
Here's a basic concept.....when you print money to cover your drunken spending fantasies money becomes worthless.
Since both sides do it and will continue to do so blindly, you seem to be making illogical conclusions.

Again, you lack common sense information and base your wild conclusions on such. Here are some facts for thinking individuals to consider (you need not bother). 1). Recession means a shrinking economy. What factors are growing the US economy? What factors are diminishing the US economy? How will AI affect employment going forward? How will open borders affect the economy and labor markets with millions willing to work cheap flooding the nation(s)?
If your ideals were so great, why is California going bankrupt? Why is California, Michigan, New York, Illinois and Washington state losing billions in tax revenues despite huge tax increases?

Here we go again. Your premise that workers and the government control the economy and are better at it than the free market indicate a serious prejudice on your part towards Socialism / Communism and are in stark conflict with the reality of Americas growth.
Unions are basically organized crime designed to extract funds from the working class to fund political machines so that power can be delegated as the bosses of these Unions see fit. Unions force corporations to lower their productivity and raise their prices.
However, in light of your Communist inclinations you view of Unions seems self evident.

Green energy is not presently a viable alternative to oil or coal. Period. Without oil and coal energy sources the entire globe would fall into darkness quickly. Millions would starve and millions would freeze in the winters. Green energy will need many more decades of research before it comes anywhere near feasible as an alternative. We are simply not there yet. The notion that the power grid could even handle EV's if we all switched is beyond delusional. Billion dollar solar farms are being wiped out in minutes by hail storms for example. Renewable energy is a fantastic concept. But it is one built on delusional thinking at this time.

What do you think Biden and the democrats will accomplish? For this thread, also assume that they retain the Senate and win back the House.

They will accomplish their goals...the total destruction of American society, democracy and achieve the West's demise. Is that not crystal clear already?

America should not be allowing Communism's destructive ways a voice. Communism is, after all, histories most notorious Union.

It was liberals who created the great middle class you grew up in. It wasn't uregulated free market capitalism. You know that right?

Or I should say it was a combination of both. Part socialized part well regulated capitalism. No such thing as a free market.


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