Question for the Left posters here.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?
I enjoy an honest debate...but the leftist posters on this board are so intellectually dishonest it's just not worth my time to even try.
That’s why they are libtards. I especially like it when they lecture us on our stupidity but they are unable to spell three out of every four words they use. Hell, they don’t even know what “defund” means.
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?
Of course I am not of the dreaded "left wing", but just thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth, as I have found statement on here from the right and the left where the poster had not read the papers except from their side and were unaware of Federal Terrorist charges and other news not to be found inside the bubbles of either side. I am certainly not saying the left wing extremists are not to blame for major disruptions in these riots, initially started by police violence against blacks.
A quick search under "right wing terrorist spark violence at protests found this.
Three men linked to far-right extremist group arrested in attempt to disrupt Floyd protests with violence
Three Nevada men were arrested on terrorism-related charges related to causing violence during recent protests to reopen the economy in Las Vegas.
The trio, who are white, have ties to a loose movement of right-wing extremists that advocate for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Joint Terrorism Task Force Charges Three Men Who Allegedly Sought To Exploit Protests In Las Vegas And Incite Violence

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — U.S. Attorney Nicholas A. Trutanich for the District of Nevada, Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson, Special Agent in Charge Aaron C. Rouse for the FBI, and Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department announced today that three alleged members of the “Boogaloo” movement — a term used by extremists to signify a coming civil war and/or collapse of society — have been charged with violations of federal and state law for conspiracy to cause destruction during protests in Las Vegas, and possession of an unregistered destructive device (specifically, an improvised incendiary device commonly known as a Molotov cocktail).
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?
I am not sure of the situation in Seattle, but if it's as you describe, action should be taken if anyone shows up armed and threatening to law enforcement.
I wait for the reich to try some shit like this so I can know the revolution is on and go killing republicans.
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?
Of course I am not of the dreaded "left wing", but just thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth, as I have found statement on here from the right and the left where the poster had not read the papers except from their side and were unaware of Federal Terrorist charges and other news not to be found inside the bubbles of either side. I am certainly not saying the left wing extremists are not to blame for major disruptions in these riots, initially started by police violence against blacks.
A quick search under "right wing terrorist spark violence at protests found this.
Three men linked to far-right extremist group arrested in attempt to disrupt Floyd protests with violence
Three Nevada men were arrested on terrorism-related charges related to causing violence during recent protests to reopen the economy in Las Vegas.
The trio, who are white, have ties to a loose movement of right-wing extremists that advocate for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

Joint Terrorism Task Force Charges Three Men Who Allegedly Sought To Exploit Protests In Las Vegas And Incite Violence

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — U.S. Attorney Nicholas A. Trutanich for the District of Nevada, Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson, Special Agent in Charge Aaron C. Rouse for the FBI, and Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department announced today that three alleged members of the “Boogaloo” movement — a term used by extremists to signify a coming civil war and/or collapse of society — have been charged with violations of federal and state law for conspiracy to cause destruction during protests in Las Vegas, and possession of an unregistered destructive device (specifically, an improvised incendiary device commonly known as a Molotov cocktail).

Were they arrested?? GOOOD!!! they should be arrested. ANYONE doing these acts of violence and especially at a time when race relations are like a tinderbox in the big cities should be arrested.

What we are seeing happen in places like Seattle and elsewhere is a different thing altogether. the elected officials in those states and cities allowed it to happen, confusing it with some kind of protest. These politicians are idiots for allowing this to fester... at the very least, the longer its allowed to go on.... you MIGHT get some right wing extremist to go nuts and fire off an AK at these people or attack BLM or anything else to spark more of a race war.

None of us sane people want this. We want to get along... and these fools of politicians are putting us all at risk. Hell with corona virus, they ignore it when it doesnt suit them.... then they tell you you cant cut hair... idiots all the way around.
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?

You just can't reason with radical race worshipping leftists. They do not give a rat's ass about "fair" or "equal" or "law abiding" or any other aspect of rational thought or civilization that is beneficial to everyone or makes sense. Attempting to reason with them in any way, any form, any shape is a waste of time. All these radical race worshipping leftists care about is the accumulation of political power, which means the lessening and restriction of our rights and freedoms. All patriotic Americans need to stop wasting their time at the so-called negotiating table. One, we're the only ones at that table and two, you can't negotiate with terrorists who've aimed their guns at our heads.
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?

You just can't reason with radical race worshipping leftists. They do not give a rat's ass about "fair" or "equal" or "law abiding" or any other aspect of rational thought or civilization that is beneficial to everyone or makes sense. Attempting to reason with them in any way, any form, any shape is a waste of time. All these radical race worshipping leftists care about is the accumulation of political power, which means the lessening and restriction of our rights and freedoms. All patriotic Americans need to stop wasting their time at the so-called negotiating table. One, we're the only ones at that table and two, you can't negotiate with terrorists who've aimed their guns at our heads.

Well I know if I had predicted a month ago that a group of (Antifa / woke liberal students / criminals out on no bail), ... or whoever the hell they are from the left, would hijack a city at gunpoint, keep out police and demand autonomy.... I would have been laughed off the board and called a conspiracy kook, but I know I have been seeing this trend forming and what we see now is only the grass roots of what is to come. (I'm sure we have all seen this trend coming)
Imagine these people slipping back into the population then one day, they are the ones in government. They would probably be not so unlike AOC or Omar, minds planted in indoctrination without the ability of critical thinking, only they would be much much worse. Social justice terrorists without any knowledge of what is social and what is justice.

I see this as a very sad day for America that THIS is what was allowed to foment in Colleges and Universities all across the U.S. and its coming home to roost.

Funny, Trump has done more for African Americans in his 3+ years than Biden has done in his 35 PLUS years in government. And now the Democrats hold this guy up as the answer man. Where the hell was he in his 8 years as VP? now suddenly he is going to help transform America.
I wait for the reich to try some shit like this so I can know the revolution is on and go killing republicans.

Fascism is left-wing. Read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, and learn. You girliemen can't start a lawnmower much less take on all the patriotic veterans in America.
Well little boy i suggest you get ready for the ass whooping you never got from this old man. Jonah is a jew and places his hate for fascism on the wrong side of the aisle.

You have nothing to contribute. Your hatefulness is exceeded only by your ignorance.
My Ignore List just grew by you as I choose to IGNORE the IGNORANT.
ciao brutto
Well little boy i suggest you get ready for the ass whooping you never got from this old man. Jonah is a jew and places his hate for fascism on the wrong side of the aisle.

You have nothing to contribute. Your hatefulness is exceeded only by your ignorance.
My Ignore List just grew by you as I choose to IGNORE the IGNORANT.
ciao brutto
Facts do not make hate. Only haters can not accept facts.
If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism?

Its often been said that the greatest threat is not Terrorism from the Middle East, but Domestic terrorism right here in the U.S. and mostly Right wing militias. So far have not seen any Right wing militias in operation, but I have seen mob rule where the mob is demanding a mayor resign.... demanding police be defunded. No vote, no discussion... only mob rule.
Again, would you call this Domestic terrorism if Right Wingers were doing this for any reason they thought justified?

I am NOT a leftist

but since conservatives can only think in terms of US v THEM......

"If a group of Militia that you dubbed to be "right wing" militia took over a section of a city and called it an autonomous zone, guarded it with guns and demanded money from residents as protection, took over police stations,
Would you call it Domestic Terrorism? "


and if that is what is happening in Seattle then THAT is TERRORISM, too.

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