Question For "The Loons".Has Donald Trump Ever Said "White Power" ??

the left is making it sound as if we are going back to the days when we had seperate bathrooms in public places
You the same sentence? Well...NO...but Racist Hitler White Supremacist Pro-Russian Nazis are clever that way...right, snowflakes?

:p bwuhahahahahahaha
i say white power every time I order at Wendys,,,and no one ever gives me any chit
That's because they know you're just some retarded little freakazoid who can't help himself.
Why do the white nationalists seem to think they finally have a president that supports them? Answer that one. The last time there was a candidate that really excited the haters it was George Wallace. Not very good company to be in.

The NAACP backed George Wallace in the 1950's. So, yeah, the black haters loved him.
I grew up in Alabama. I am familiar with Wallace's sometimes contradictory story on race relations. He started out somewhat progressive but found that didn't win elections in Alabama. He then went full-on segregationist and got wildly popular. It took getting shot for him to embark on a mission of redemption where he ended up very popular among blacks. Just like Trump, Wallace used the worst of America as a path to power but I do not see him ever doing a damned thing to make up for pandering to racists.

Well, actually, as governor he vastly improved the state welfare system and the school systems in black neighborhoods. He was a true believer in the 'separate but equal' philosophy then prevalent, and unlike many southern Democrats actually practiced what he preached, hence his popularity even after his 'segregationist' swing. Blacks then, as now, are far more interested in money than they are 'equality'; they self-segregate by choice anyway.
Don't try to tell me about Wallace, I lived it. The topic has to do with Trump and how his followers are trying to make him not a racist prick.

I'll tell you anything I please, especially the historical record. I didn't post it because I give a shit what some deviant and traitor Democrat like you personally thinks about anything, I posted it to inform younger people about facts your ilk will never bring up. Where you lived doesn't mean shit either.
All of this talk/accusations that our President {who won in a landslide},,is getting on all of our nerves,,,OK?
well,,,if Trump is a white nationalist/racist/anti-black, white supremesist, etc. ect.
Then wouldn't we all think that he says "White Power" on a regular basis?
especially in front of his usual crowds of 25,000 People?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

only if you thing that the words white power is the litmus test for determining racism

but it is not

if u say yellow people should be put in jail that is a racist statement without the white power salute
and why hasnt Trump dressed up in KKK attire at any of his rallies?

Trump brought them out of the closet. They don't wear bed sheets anymore. Now they just wear MAGA hats.
It's a beautiful patriotic looking hat, isn't it, Injun?

I bet you love burning crosses.
Only in your delusional mind.
the fact is,,is that Trump Has Never Said It!!! therefore he is not a member of the KKK like most Democrats!!
All of this talk/accusations that our President {who won in a landslide},,is getting on all of our nerves,,,OK?
well,,,if Trump is a white nationalist/racist/anti-black, white supremesist, etc. ect.
Then wouldn't we all think that he says "White Power" on a regular basis?
especially in front of his usual crowds of 25,000 People?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
Some Mexicans don’t rape

A Mexican can’t be a good judge

Calling a Hispanic Miss universe “Mrs. housekeeping“

What else he says doesn’t really matter all that much. We know from what he’s already said what he meant.
and why hasnt Trump dressed up in KKK attire at any of his rallies?

Trump brought them out of the closet. They don't wear bed sheets anymore. Now they just wear MAGA hats.
It's a beautiful patriotic looking hat, isn't it, Injun?

I bet you love burning crosses.
Only in your delusional mind.
the fact is,,is that Trump Has Never Said It!!! therefore he is not a member of the KKK like most Democrats!!

He never "said" it? Damn, that's funny. Thanks for the belly laugh. However, Trump has flashed the white power sign many times.

Hispanics of note in America put out a letter to the Hispanic community in the United States:


Germany was already nearly all white when Hitler came to power. But the United States has a lot of people of color.

The Republican Nazi party will never turn this country into an all white country.
Trump brought them out of the closet. They don't wear bed sheets anymore. Now they just wear MAGA hats.
It's a beautiful patriotic looking hat, isn't it, Injun?

I bet you love burning crosses.
Only in your delusional mind.
the fact is,,is that Trump Has Never Said It!!! therefore he is not a member of the KKK like most Democrats!!

He never "said" it? Damn, that's funny. Thanks for the belly laugh. However, Trump has flashed the white power sign many times.


Hispanics of note in America put out a letter to the Hispanic community in the United States:


Germany was already nearly all white when Hitler came to power. But the United States has a lot of people of color.

The Republican Nazi party will never turn this country into an all white country.

Why must leftists post crazy shit? There is plenty to legitimately criticize Donnie for, but so many on the left always go to crazy town.

What the f**k is the white power sign?

If you think the R Party are Nazis and intend to make the country all white, you might be f**king CRAZY.
Hispanics of note in America put out a letter to the Hispanic community in the United States:


Germany was already nearly all white when Hitler came to power. But the United States has a lot of people of color.

The Republican Nazi party will never turn this country into an all white country.
Slowly we're making America Great and White Again, like the founders originally wanted. See the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. It's time to honor our founders original intent.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

With the Wall being built and cutting them off food stamps while holding a Green Card plus the Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals yesterday ruling Trump's Asylum Ban can proceed, it going to happen.

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