Question for the partisan hacks

I always wondered this. Hillary Clinton for instance. Terrible candidate, and terrible human being. Why do you have to say her and Podesta are running a satanic child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza shop? Are people so desperate about politics nowadays that they have to make up the most batshit crazy stories possible? Why not just say, "Look. It's Hillary Clinton."

They do it because Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Hannity, everyone at Fox, and all the other right wing outlets do it. Lots of people believe all that bullshit is real.

Do you think only right-wing sources do that sort of thing?

I haven't heard of any republican child sex slave pizza places, or seen a list of dead people that a republican ex-president had murdered.

I don't want to argue about who has been the target of wilder stories, my point was just that people falling for false negative stories; having false negative stories being created; is not limited to "right wing outlets." I would agree that, based on those stories I can remember, at least, those targeting liberals/Democrats seem to more often fall into the tin-foil hat realm. :p

Trying to say both parties share equal responsibility for bat shit crazy accusations is a lie. The right lost their mind quite a while ago, and there is no limit to what they will claim, and what their crazy followers will believe.

I don't know how much responsibility either of the two major parties has for the BS stories that get tossed about. Is a political party at fault if a media outlet runs with a story without verifying the content? Is a political party at fault if someone falls for a satire story as being real?

Besides, I didn't say anything about who has the most responsibility. I saw that your post was directed at "right wing outlets," which seemed to imply that those right wing outlets are responsible for all the BS political stories out there. I just asked if you believed that only right-wing sources do that sort of thing.
Why do you feel it necessary to throw away your integrity and respect to make up bullshit justifications for bad decisions and mistakes?
ALL humans make mistakes. ALL humans make bad decisions.
I mean... especially for a fucking politician? Thats like the bottom of the barrel..
Why cant you just admit they screwed up? WHY?

Some of them screw up. Some just want to screw you. Trump wants you to be his bitch. Resist.
DUDE i am talking about 98% of every political conversation in the country.
Specifics? LOL
What is wrong with you?
You gotta bring things down to earth for me, TN. I'm not a partisan hack like you.
Glad others got your drift, though. Now I can follow the conversation.
yes, i am completely devoted to a party. When i constantly trash the duopoly, i dont mean it..
I am sorry, but i cant bring the OP "down to earth" anymore. Do you want me to explain it in earths core?
Holy shit
TN, I truly despair of talking to you today. Slow down and READ or stfu
Only because you are tired of me making you look like a dumbass.
Go move to NK, you subordinate, statist moron.
i think she's more tired of talking TO a dumbass.
Is the poor dipshit uoset i hurt his feelz or something?
Jesus christ man, shut the fuck up already. You are like an annoying little chihuahua
They do it because Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Hannity, everyone at Fox, and all the other right wing outlets do it. Lots of people believe all that bullshit is real.

Do you think only right-wing sources do that sort of thing?

I haven't heard of any republican child sex slave pizza places, or seen a list of dead people that a republican ex-president had murdered.

I don't want to argue about who has been the target of wilder stories, my point was just that people falling for false negative stories; having false negative stories being created; is not limited to "right wing outlets." I would agree that, based on those stories I can remember, at least, those targeting liberals/Democrats seem to more often fall into the tin-foil hat realm. :p

Trying to say both parties share equal responsibility for bat shit crazy accusations is a lie. The right lost their mind quite a while ago, and there is no limit to what they will claim, and what their crazy followers will believe.

I don't know how much responsibility either of the two major parties has for the BS stories that get tossed about. Is a political party at fault if a media outlet runs with a story without verifying the content? Is a political party at fault if someone falls for a satire story as being real?

Besides, I didn't say anything about who has the most responsibility. I saw that your post was directed at "right wing outlets," which seemed to imply that those right wing outlets are responsible for all the BS political stories out there. I just asked if you believed that only right-wing sources do that sort of thing.

Right wing outlets do that sort of thing at a much higher rate than anyone else.
That reminds me.. why make up shit about them? As if there isnt enough to dog those dipshits over?
Come on America! Holy shit

I always wondered this. Hillary Clinton for instance. Terrible candidate, and terrible human being. Why do you have to say her and Podesta are running a satanic child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza shop? Are people so desperate about politics nowadays that they have to make up the most batshit crazy stories possible? Why not just say, "Look. It's Hillary Clinton."

She was doing what?!
That reminds me.. why make up shit about them? As if there isnt enough to dog those dipshits over?
Come on America! Holy shit

I always wondered this. Hillary Clinton for instance. Terrible candidate, and terrible human being. Why do you have to say her and Podesta are running a satanic child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza shop? Are people so desperate about politics nowadays that they have to make up the most batshit crazy stories possible? Why not just say, "Look. It's Hillary Clinton."

They do it because Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Hannity, everyone at Fox, and all the other right wing outlets do it. Lots of people believe all that bullshit is real.

Do you think only right-wing sources do that sort of thing?

I haven't heard of any republican child sex slave pizza places, or seen a list of dead people that a republican ex-president had murdered.

No. You just have Russian collusion nonsense
Why do you feel it necessary to throw away your integrity and respect to make up bullshit justifications for bad decisions and mistakes?
ALL humans make mistakes. ALL humans make bad decisions.
I mean... especially for a fucking politician? Thats like the bottom of the barrel..
Why cant you just admit they screwed up? WHY?

Good question, but tall order. Here's my theory: You know as much as any here that some here are obsessed with our political landscape. Specifically, how the party they identify with fares in said political landscape in relation to their personal life. Pretty standard fare, but I find it fascinating how some are so super passionate about it that they follow it akin to a favorite TV show. Since this current administration at times parallels a reality show, the manipulation effect is even greater. The media is complacent, nay facilitates this manipulation for reasons. Facts are no longer important in prime time news stories, for fucks sake! Editors and fact/source checkers of old have been all but eliminated for 'social media' managers. The information is more effective when it's instantaneous. This comes from someone with personal experience working in media over 10 years. I think it's kind of a scary political environment these days.

We as a nation are so divided in the Information Age, and we are turning against each other so quickly! Ironically, it seems to be for things that seem to work against all of us, the greater society, and we just don't seem to give a shit anymore. Lives are lost over really stupid shit on the daily. It's a fad to eat a Tide Pod. Really?!? We're rapidly losing focus. For a few, unfortunately, it's all they have, and they will fight for/against it tooth and nail, because reasons. Seems sad, but I don't wish to judge.

I admit: I sometimes get passionate about certain things in politic nature. I view politicians very low on the human totem pole: somewhere way below used car salesman. Always have. Thus, we got the Orange Virus, who has vast experience in being a sub par businessman as well as manipulating media. He is the Twitter COC. I do believe he has an above average penchant for it, being a reality show star and all... but, unfortunately, to me he doesn't seem to be all that committed to the politics of the job beyond the views he gets for just saying/doing stupid shit to resemble what a COC is supposed to do. He seems a perfect 'MTV's Jackass' COC.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, liberal policies seem to have siphoned all personal accountability from our society, so communication on a personal level is all but out in the Information Age. Enjoy.
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That reminds me.. why make up shit about them? As if there isnt enough to dog those dipshits over?
Come on America! Holy shit

I always wondered this. Hillary Clinton for instance. Terrible candidate, and terrible human being. Why do you have to say her and Podesta are running a satanic child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza shop? Are people so desperate about politics nowadays that they have to make up the most batshit crazy stories possible? Why not just say, "Look. It's Hillary Clinton."

They do it because Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Hannity, everyone at Fox, and all the other right wing outlets do it. Lots of people believe all that bullshit is real.

Says you. :icon_rolleyes:
That reminds me.. why make up shit about them? As if there isnt enough to dog those dipshits over?
Come on America! Holy shit

I always wondered this. Hillary Clinton for instance. Terrible candidate, and terrible human being. Why do you have to say her and Podesta are running a satanic child sex trafficking ring out of the basement of a pizza shop? Are people so desperate about politics nowadays that they have to make up the most batshit crazy stories possible? Why not just say, "Look. It's Hillary Clinton."

They do it because Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Hannity, everyone at Fox, and all the other right wing outlets do it. Lots of people believe all that bullshit is real.

Do you think only right-wing sources do that sort of thing?

I haven't heard of any republican child sex slave pizza places, or seen a list of dead people that a republican ex-president had murdered.
That's because Republicans don't do that kind of shit.
Why do you feel it necessary to throw away your integrity and respect to make up bullshit justifications for bad decisions and mistakes?

Assessing each individual issue without bias requires critical thinking and intellectual integrity. It's easier to paint the world black and white and be loyal to your team.
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Why do you feel it necessary to throw away your integrity and respect to make up bullshit justifications for bad decisions and mistakes?

Assessing each individual issue without bias requires critical thinking and intellectual integrity. It's easier to paint the world black and white and be loyal to your team.
The trouble with political parties is that there is always a leader which others are expected to follow. Divergent thinking by members is discouraged. That is one reason for my not being a member of any party.
Could you be a little more specific?
Yeah. If you wanted to argue pie in the sky theory, why didn't you put it in Philosophy?
DUDE i am talking about 98% of every political conversation in the country.
Specifics? LOL
What is wrong with you?
You gotta bring things down to earth for me, TN. I'm not a partisan hack like you.
Glad others got your drift, though. Now I can follow the conversation.
He's a moderate at best.

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