Question for the party of slavery in the USA.

There are two major political parties that dominate the government in the USA. The Republican party (aka the party of liberty) and the Democratic party (aka the party of slavery).

Could those of you who support the slavery party (D) over the liberty party (R) please explain why you support the party of slavery? And tell the forum what you feel are to pros and cons of slavery when compared to the pros and cons of liberty?

Is it a moral thing? A personal egalitarian philosophy where you feel that more people being slaves make people more equal to each other on a socioeconomic level if the maximum number of them are slaves?

Or what?

What is your personal motivation for supporting the party of slavery?
If you really want to break it down, both parties are parties of slavery. If you are a wage slave working on a republican plantation for a pittance, living from paycheck to paycheck with unaffordable healthcare...chattle slavery for you might be an upgrade.

The mere concept of a "wage slave" is a shameful insult to all those who suffered as actual slaves.
Says who, you? Bwhahahahaha!

I sure do. I suspect anyone who lived as a real slave would agree.
That's what I thought, you have no real basis for your claim... just your gut feelings.

You seriously don't see the difference between being chained and whipped, and a job?
If you really want to break it down, both parties are parties of slavery. If you are a wage slave working on a republican plantation for a pittance, living from paycheck to paycheck with unaffordable healthcare...chattle slavery for you might be an upgrade.

The mere concept of a "wage slave" is a shameful insult to all those who suffered as actual slaves.
Says who, you? Bwhahahahaha!

I sure do. I suspect anyone who lived as a real slave would agree.
That's what I thought, you have no real basis for your claim... just your gut feelings.

You seriously don't see the difference between being chained and whipped, and a job?
Not all slaves were chained and whipped...but they all had jobs. Some were even skilled laborers. Today slavery has taken various forms. You have the industrial Prison Complex in which prisoners work for little or nothing and are robbed of all the freedoms that citizens have. A more subtle form of modern slavery is the wage slave who is chained by debt and familial obligations.. The wage slave must toe the line and defer to those who pay him....lest his reputation be forfeited when his record is reviewed
and he is judged by the contents thereof. The car payment , the mortgage, college for the kids, and all the other amenities of life hang in the balance. Missing one paycheck could be disastrous. This is the dire predicament of the wage slave and. often the symbiotic but stressful relationship between the wage slave and his bosses.
The mere concept of a "wage slave" is a shameful insult to all those who suffered as actual slaves.
Says who, you? Bwhahahahaha!

I sure do. I suspect anyone who lived as a real slave would agree.
That's what I thought, you have no real basis for your claim... just your gut feelings.

You seriously don't see the difference between being chained and whipped, and a job?
Not all slaves were chained and whipped...but they all had jobs. Some were even skilled laborers. Today slavery has taken various forms. You have the industrial Prison Complex in which prisoners work for little or nothing and are robbed of all the freedoms that citizens have. A more subtle form of modern slavery is the wage slave who is chained by debt and familial obligations.. The wage slave must toe the line and defer to those who pay him....lest his reputation be forfeited when his record is reviewed
and he is judged by the contents thereof. The car payment , the mortgage, college for the kids, and all the other amenities of life hang in the balance. Missing one paycheck could be disastrous. This is the dire predicament of the wage slave and. often the symbiotic but stressful relationship between the wage slave and his bosses.

Rather than twist yourself in knots trying to defend a ridiculous claim, it might be time to question the ideology behind it.
Says who, you? Bwhahahahaha!

I sure do. I suspect anyone who lived as a real slave would agree.
That's what I thought, you have no real basis for your claim... just your gut feelings.

You seriously don't see the difference between being chained and whipped, and a job?
Not all slaves were chained and whipped...but they all had jobs. Some were even skilled laborers. Today slavery has taken various forms. You have the industrial Prison Complex in which prisoners work for little or nothing and are robbed of all the freedoms that citizens have. A more subtle form of modern slavery is the wage slave who is chained by debt and familial obligations.. The wage slave must toe the line and defer to those who pay him....lest his reputation be forfeited when his record is reviewed
and he is judged by the contents thereof. The car payment , the mortgage, college for the kids, and all the other amenities of life hang in the balance. Missing one paycheck could be disastrous. This is the dire predicament of the wage slave and. often the symbiotic but stressful relationship between the wage slave and his bosses.

Rather than twist yourself in knots trying to defend a ridiculous claim, it might be time to question the ideology behind it.
You should take your own advice. It doesn't apply to me.
If you really want to break it down, both parties are parties of slavery. If you are a wage slave working on a republican plantation for a pittance, living from paycheck to paycheck with unaffordable healthcare...chattle slavery for you might be an upgrade.

The mere concept of a "wage slave" is a shameful insult to all those who suffered as actual slaves.
Says who, you? Bwhahahahaha!

I sure do. I suspect anyone who lived as a real slave would agree.
That's what I thought, you have no real basis for your claim... just your gut feelings.

You seriously don't see the difference between being chained and whipped, and a job?

Unless other people work their ass off to provide him free shit at tax rates higher than the surfs, it's slavery indeed.

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