Question:If You Had To Make A Choice,Would It Be Trump/Christie,Trump/Ryan Or Rubio ?

Feb 13, 2011

With Trump easily in the top three pollwise, with odds of taking the nomination 50/50,or 40/60. Lets assume he gets the nomination(that's if he knocks off Romney). We have three potential VP picks most Republicans will push to assure a victory. Christie,Ryan and Rubio. Any of these combinations would be a threat to Obama. Particulary Marco Rubio. The left fears him the most! But who would be your preference if The Donald Wins? If it was up to me, I'ts a tossup!!! What are your opinions on any of these three potential tickets?:razz:

With Trump easily in the top three pollwise, with odds of taking the nomination 50/50,or 40/60. Lets assume he gets the nomination(that's if he knocks off Romney). We have three potential VP picks most Republicans will push to assure a victory. Christie,Ryan and Rubio. Any of these combinations would be a threat to Obama. Particulary Marco Rubio. The left fears him the most! But who would be your preference if The Donald Wins? If it was up to me, I'ts a tossup!!! What are your opinions on any of these three potential tickets?:razz:

Well, let's see. I bet the left fears all of these guys less than the elderly fears "Ryan".

How many 70 and 80 year old people will Cigna and Aetna insure? A million? A thousand?
5? Some Republicans say, "Not my problem". Some say, "Who knows"? The rest say, "Who cares"?
Any ticket that Trump is on is a losing ticket. Which is why I'd love to see it. But it won't happen. There's no fucking way Republicans are going to nominate Trump. My dream ticket is Palin/Bachmann.
Actually, it would really depend on how close the polls are come September 2012. Obviously,if Raz and Gallop both have the race a 49/49 split, we would push for Rubio as the VP. If the Donald has a clear 45/55 Reagan landslide coming, I would take Ryan. Obama Fears Paul Ryan, and we all Know It !!!
If you had to make a choice would you ever consider B. Hussein Obama and (what's his name?) Joe Biden?
well I am still undecided, yes, any ticket with Chris Christie on it will have Obama and his husband Michelle taking laxatives thru November 2012 (Especially a Chris Christie/Marco Rubio Ticket) Obama and M.O. may as well hand them the white house instead of suffering a 55/45 Reagan Landslide!:clap2:
You democrats still have time to salvage what's left of your legacy. You can still dump B. Hussein and the V.P. who may literally be brain damaged after two brain embolisms and a record of peculiar outbursts.
I think I would go with suicide as my final answer.

LOL,,,and if Obama is re-elected in 2012, I vision a mass-exodus to Canada, Europe and South America !!! Get out of America before it becomes Greece and Spain rolled into one.
I think I would go with suicide as my final answer.

LOL,,,and if Obama is re-elected in 2012, I vision a mass-exodus to Canada, Europe and South America !!! Get out of America before it becomes Greece and Spain rolled into one.

You vision? :lol::lol:

LOL...yes...despite my near-sightness, I do vision, and I was so right about what was about to happen before and after Obama Bin Biden was elected. I knew every aspect of living in Free America would go into decline. And to this day, I am still in fear and live week to week never knowing what to expect,and If I will have a job!:eusa_pray:

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