Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

Such as?

Don't say gay!

Did you actually read any of the problems or words in question?

Again, the law never said that, and again you are a fucking liar.

I invoke my worst wish upon you, you lying fuck, may you outlive your (if any) progeny.
Rape and incest are less than two percent of abortions.

Your tactic of using the victims of these most heinous of crimes as human shields for the 98 percent of abortions is one of the most disgusting debate tactics there is.

Pro-abortionists like yourself would NOT be satisfied with exceptions for rape and incest. You want the whole shebang.

So stop with the bullshit.

Amazing, supposedly pro-life, but sucks democrat dick.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.
I don't know how gender politics ended up in this conversation, but I have never understood why anyone would feel threatened in any way by someone born a male wanting to be called Susie.
Did you actually read any of the problems or words in question?

Again, the law never said that, and again you are a fucking liar.

I invoke my worst wish upon you, you lying fuck, may you outlive your (if any) progeny.
Well, of course the law never said the word "gay". That would be too obvious. But it was precisely the intent behind it.

So tell me exactly what "woke trash" was in those math books, and don't say gay!
So you are for government interference in all aspects of life?

Children benefit society, too. Do you need cash and prizes before you can get it up?


What the hell are you talking about?
I don't know how gender politics ended up in this conversation, but I have never understood why anyone would feel threatened in any way by someone born a male wanting to be called Susie.

It's because you are a clueless fuck.

It's not about wanting, it's about forcing, and confusing pubescent kids that maybe they should actually be the opposite sex for no other reason than to increase the amount of people in the protected class.

Again, you support this due to your TDS fuckery, so you own it, bitch.
Well, of course the law never said the word "gay". That would be too obvious. But it was precisely the intent behind it.

So tell me exactly what "woke trash" was in those math books, and don't say gay!


Why does polynomial education need race injected into it?
I don't know how gender politics ended up in this conversation, but I have never understood why anyone would feel threatened in any way by someone born a male wanting to be called Susie.
Neither did Johnny Cash.
Do you feel the laws against murder are religion being forced on you?

Do you feel the laws against theft are religion being forced on you?

Do you feel the laws against perjury are religion being forced on you?
Murder, which is to say illicit killing of persons is bad mmmk? There actually IS a very good reason to force people to not do that.

Interfering in people's lives and forcing them to have child when they don't want to, must have some VERY compelling reasons, and a developing embryo with no higher brain function or sensory IS NOT IT.
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Neither did Johnny Cash.
I was just thinking of that song.

It's a pity snowflakes have a meltdown over someone wanting to be identified as the opposite of the gender on their birth certificate.

So fragile!
Murder, which is to say illicit killing of persons is bad mmmk? There actually IS a reason for them.

Aborting a pregnancy before there is a person to speak of is a private matter.
And you said they are not a person until they are born. So you are all for murdering kids up to the moment they are born.

Ipso facto.
See post 513.

Now show me where Disney said they are groomers.

That's people opinions, not someone trying to say a law says something it doesn't say.

The fact you can't differentiate between the two is telling.

One LibsofTiktok idiot bragged 30 out of 42 kids in his class identified as LGBTXYZLMNOP......wonder why they did that??
1. Anyone with a view different than mine has no right to broadcast that view
2. Your speech is violence, my violence is speech.
3. If I can't stop you from speaking, those in power must stop you from speaking.
“Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that. We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney family, as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.”

After stripping Disney of its special governing powers last month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis now says that he wants the state to take over the government body that has overseen the entertainment company's Orlando-area theme parks for half a century.
And you said they are not a person until they are born.
Thats not what I said. What I said is CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS apply to the born.

You've already misconstrued what I said and I already corrected you...yet here we are again.

Do you get it now or will you distort what I said again?
That's people opinions, not someone trying to say a law says something it doesn't say.

The fact you can't differentiate between the two is telling.

One LibsofTiktok idiot bragged 30 out of 42 kids in his class identified as LGBTXYZLMNOP......wonder why they did that??
You are being deliberately obtuse now. The law very specifically prohibits teachers from talking about gays.

Thus, "Don't Say Gay".

Now where did Disney say they want to groom kids for pedophilia?
Thats not what I said. What I said is ACCORDING TO CONSTITUTION.

You've already misconstrued what I said and I already corrected you...yet here we are again.

Do you get it now or will you distort what I said again?
Your equivocation is pathetic.

You clearly meant that murdering a child up to the moment they are born is okay since your interpretation is that they are not provided a right to life by the Constitution.

Ipso facto.
I was just thinking of that song.

It's a pity snowflakes have a meltdown over someone wanting to be identified as the opposite of the gender on their birth certificate.

So fragile!
No one cares, really. The problem is government shoving it down our throats and forcing us to accept it as normal when it's a mental illness.
I've seen martybegan demand proof the Don't Say Gay bill mentions you can't say gay. I provided that proof.

Now I demand of all you tards, including martybegan, to provide evidence Disney and others you have accused of saying they want to groom kids to be sexually abused by adults.

Don't make me bring up your past posts on this forum. Don't even try to deny you have made those accusations.

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