Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

You all are all talk, but no support. Come on, find a science book that defines gender and link to it.

Should be easy for you since you said they all do
^Says I'm all talk, swiftly logs off thereafter. Sleep or not, he ran.

See ya later, Gator.
And of course what you ignore like all leftwingers do, is the right of the of the little baby to live. That is the most paramount factor at issue. Sure, having a 12-year-old being raped is an evil tragedy. But why compound it with a greater act of evil, which is killing the innocent little baby, which has done nothing to forfeit the right to live. And the child can always be put up for adoption.
Ah yes, the usual right wing paean to the poor poor babies. It would have more meaning if the right gave a damn about them once they are born.
Ah yes, the usual right wing paean to the poor poor babies. It would have more meaning if the right gave a damn about them once they are born.
That's an old wore out lame argument. You only care about them if they vote Democrat, and it's not really caring, it's more like a slave owner. The big city Democrat ghettos prove it. almost totally funded by Dimm's!


Nice try quisling.
Just another fail on your part.

So you are actually denying that most abortions take place in the first trimester? Seriously?

Upon what do you base this ridiculous error?
considering the number of people involved and the damage done, slaps on the fucking wrists.
You consider a 9 year prison sentence a slap on the wrist?!?!

Most of the January 6 insurrectionists received a slap on the wrist. You are projecting again.
I don't see how you come to that conclusion form the given.
You said, "It's perfectly clear that Constitutional rights apply only to born persons."

So you clearly don't believe the right to life is extended to a baby in the womb up to the moment before birth.

Ipso facto.
5) Have an Abortion - you want to take away that freedom? Lets see a good reason and no, I'm not interested in your unreasoned religion.
Do you feel the laws against murder are religion being forced on you?

Do you feel the laws against theft are religion being forced on you?

Do you feel the laws against perjury are religion being forced on you?
Seems that the life of the fetus is of paramount importance to the right and nothing else matters. I asked the hypothetical question in one of the innumerable abortion threads if they had a 12 year old daughter that was raped and impregnated, would they force her to carry the pregnancy to term? I only got a couple answers, but basically the answer was yes. Nobody was asking the questions I would expect - how would this impact my 12yo daughter? Would her life be in danger giving birth at such a young age? Would she be able to have children later in life with someone she loves, and not with a rapist? What about her mental well being? How is a 6th grader going to take care of a baby? Seems the right is more concerned about ensuring the birth of some gang banger rapist's demon spawn than they are about the rape victim. Yeah, sure.. the kid is going to grow up to be a saint and cure cancer.:rolleyes:

They don't care about the impact an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy might have to the woman or her family. They don't care about birth defects or any other factors that could come into play. They just call that an "inconvenience". Some are concerned about depopulation. There are nearly 8 billion people on planet Earth. We aren't in danger of running out.

The small government folks are just concerned about controlling the most basic of human rights. Some idiot even wanted to outlaw abortion in the case of ectopic pregnancies. Others want to enact travel restrictions, so women couldn't travel to a free state to take care of their problem. Bunch of fascist bastards.
Rape and incest are less than two percent of abortions.

Your tactic of using the victims of these most heinous of crimes as human shields for the 98 percent of abortions is one of the most disgusting debate tactics there is.

Pro-abortionists like yourself would NOT be satisfied with exceptions for rape and incest. You want the whole shebang.

So stop with the bullshit.
You consider a 9 year prison sentence a slap on the wrist?!?!

Most of the January 6 insurrectionists received a slap on the wrist. You are projecting again.

The two Molotov cocktail idiots in NY get two years for firebombing police vehicles.

All your side is trying to do is link anyone who is there that day with some imagined insurrection that had ZERO CHANCE of removing the government, that at the time WAS ACTUALLY STILL TRUMP.

Are you sore from sucking Kamala's Dildo while taking it up the ass from Biden?

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