Question to our Anglo-Saxons, "Kremlin scientists must develop a biological weapon that would only work on Anglo-Saxons." Guys, are you afraid of Mos

Guys, are you afraid of Moscow imperialism ?

  • No, Muscovy is just a "Papua with snow"

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • yes, I do afraid Moscow

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Question to our Anglo-Saxons, Kremlin scientists must develop a biological weapon that would only work on Anglo-Saxons. Guys, are you afraid of Moscow imperialism ?

searching for "англосаксы" in today's context will lift a veil on how obsessed the hordemen have become with the "Anglo-Saxons"; in short, it is a new edition of the "жидомасоны", "Jew-masons" that haunted the Muscovite imagination for centuries.
The Ukraine won't stop short of chemical/biological warfare.

You've become the UKraine's ambassador of goodwill!
We are very scared that Moscow has already replaced London as the world's leading and richest city .
We have privately assured him that the ordnance sent by Deep State poster dwarf Sunak has been contaminated wherever possible .
We all hope Dear Uncle is mollified .

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