Question to those on the Right and Left


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Left wants universal healthcare but that is impossible to attain because in the US people who are born here are automatically citizens and hence add to the cost immediately. That is not the case in EUR and especially the Scanadanavian countries. Would the Left basically allow for an amendment to the 14th amendment in exchange the Right agrees to raise taxes, get rid of lobbyist, allow doctors to have a 10% tax rate for 25 years of their practice (since it costs $400k on average to become a doctor) and we follow the Swedish system for Single payor.

Both sides win.

Single payer is a non-starter. Medicaid and Medicare are going bankrupt as it is. Trying Obamacare was bad enough.
You still have the problem that those that keep touting it don't want to pay for it. They think that someone else should have money stolen from them. When you hear everyone clam everyone needs to pay 45-50% in federal taxes then you can have a serious discussion.
Left wants universal healthcare but that is impossible to attain because in the US people who are born here are automatically citizens and hence add to the cost immediately. That is not the case in EUR and especially the Scanadanavian countries. Would the Left basically allow for an amendment to the 14th amendment in exchange the Right agrees to raise taxes, get rid of lobbyist, allow doctors to have a 10% tax rate for 25 years of their practice (since it costs $400k on average to become a doctor) and we follow the Swedish system for Single payor.

Both sides win.

To do Single Payer, Universal Health Care, You would have to build and complete a Coast to Coast Border Wall.

End Chain Migration

End Anchor Babies

Deport 30 Million Illegals

Reduce Government Spending for Food Stamps and Welfare

Require Welfare Recipients still getting Welfare to work on Public Projects and work at least 20 hours a week to earn their benefits and pay taxes on their welfare checks.

You would also have to pass a Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment that no longer would allow The Government to Deficit Spend.

You would have to end Ear Marks and Pork Legislation.

You would have to eliminate multiple Government Agencies and Bureaucracies.

You would have to reduce the size of Government by 50%.

You would have to cut funding entirely to places like Planned Parenthood.

You would have to ensure that you are not violating a person's religious rights to Not Support or pay for Abortions or other things Morally Objectionable to them like Sex Change Operations.

In order to afford something like that, you would have to radically realign government and government spending or Socialized Medicine could sink a country.
You still have the problem that those that keep touting it don't want to pay for it. They think that someone else should have money stolen from them. When you hear everyone clam everyone needs to pay 45-50% in federal taxes then you can have a serious discussion.
Americans already pay 54% of their income to State, Local and Federal Governments.
Now I could be wrong...but I was told by someone who visited Germany that ANYONE can get healthcare there.

He was a tourist and came down with serious stomach issues. Got care with no strings and no cost
You still have the problem that those that keep touting it don't want to pay for it. They think that someone else should have money stolen from them. When you hear everyone clam everyone needs to pay 45-50% in federal taxes then you can have a serious discussion.
Americans already pay 54% of their income to State, Local and Federal Governments.
Yes they do but I believe that you missed the part in my post where I stated 45 to 50% in federal taxes. The Federal taxes is what everyone seems to miss.

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