Questions about the Forum before I get started

So, are you a wallflower or what???? Well, welcome anyway!:dance:

Some call me a wallflower, some call me a free thinker......

Generally everyone tends to hate me because I disagree with one of their topics they hold dear as a platform

[ame=]Squish Like Grape (karate kid) - YouTube[/ame]

Miyagi: Now, ready?
Daniel: Yeah, I guess so.
Miyagi: [sighs] Daniel-san, must talk.
[they both kneel]
Miyagi: Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so,"
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: just like grape. Understand?
Daniel: Yeah, I understand.
Miyagi: Now, ready?
Daniel: Yeah, I'm ready.
Hi there everyone.

I'm new here and wonder what get's you banned. It's different for every forum even though they generally have the same guidelines under rules. I was banned from a forum once for using a YouTube video so please be specific. Thanks.

What you do is read the rules and then test the forum with 100-200 messages before you commit. Then you will know whether to stay or not.


I am me and the forum choses whether or not I'm free to express myself. As previous posts have stated "choose your click wisely" this won't happen. And if it's necessary to be here I'll move on because I'm smarter than to let a "click" dictate my thinking.

My perspective in debate is; You don't agree with me, I don't agree with you. Cool. Let's talk about it and why. I'll research your information, you research mine. If I'm wrong, my perspective will change and I will absolutely give you credit.

Sadly, all I see in forum after forum is people insulting without substance to the actual topic. I'm not sure how insulting me makes you correct but I guess that's an Anger Media thing.

Sounds like a good way to be. Welcome to the boards and enjoy!!
So, are you a wallflower or what???? Well, welcome anyway!:dance:

Some call me a wallflower, some call me a free thinker......

Generally everyone tends to hate me because I disagree with one of their topics they hold dear as a platform

[ame=]Squish Like Grape (karate kid) - YouTube[/ame]

Miyagi: Now, ready?
Daniel: Yeah, I guess so.
Miyagi: [sighs] Daniel-san, must talk.
[they both kneel]
Miyagi: Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so,"
[makes squish gesture]
Miyagi: just like grape. Understand?
Daniel: Yeah, I understand.
Miyagi: Now, ready?
Daniel: Yeah, I'm ready.

So I can not walk down the middle of the road when discussing politics. I tell my kids to stay on the sides of the road also. They are the smartest kids in the class.

I think that we agree that walking down the center of the road will endanger you and my family because of traffic. I can already tell you are educated beyond my kids. Are you a progressive?
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Greetings, noob.

About posting from other sources, most written sources (online publications and transcripts of broadcasts) are supposed to be abbreviated (for no real reason biut a lot of sites mistakenly insist on the silly rule.) Youtube videos are open for sharing any copyright infringements will likely be dealt with there instead of here.


Copyright rules have a loophole, the Fair Use Law, which allows full sharing of all copyrighted material as long as it's for educational purposes. Most linked material used here is brought in to educate (by proving a point.) The source still has to be linked, however.

About the cliques, thick skin is required here.
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Wow...I made it to the Badlands just days after subscribing to USMB...didn't realize I was sufficiently bad-ass....
But seriously; although I think it's generally a good idea to relegate "the worst of the worst" to their own thread...I still can't figure how my
"CPAC hatefest" qualified...Can anyone enlighten me?

Sent from my iPhone using
Hi there everyone.

I'm new here and wonder what get's you banned. It's different for every forum even though they generally have the same guidelines under rules. I was banned from a forum once for using a YouTube video so please be specific. Thanks.

What you do is read the rules and then test the forum with 100-200 messages before you commit. Then you will know whether to stay or not.


I am me and the forum choses whether or not I'm free to express myself. As previous posts have stated "choose your click wisely" this won't happen. And if it's necessary to be here I'll move on because I'm smarter than to let a "click" dictate my thinking.

My perspective in debate is; You don't agree with me, I don't agree with you. Cool. Let's talk about it and why. I'll research your information, you research mine. If I'm wrong, my perspective will change and I will absolutely give you credit.

Sadly, all I see in forum after forum is people insulting without substance to the actual topic. I'm not sure how insulting me makes you correct but I guess that's an Anger Media thing.

You will see some of that here to....mostly butt hurt people that want to take it out on those that are responsible for their butt hurt....just ignore them, there's plenty others that like to debate without all the foul-mouth vitriol insults and name-calling.
Hi there everyone.

I'm new here and wonder what get's you banned. It's different for every forum even though they generally have the same guidelines under rules. I was banned from a forum once for using a YouTube video so please be specific. Thanks.

Hey AP!


They banned you? Lol...of course they did. You're not a fire breathing conservative.

You'll find it much better here. There's a bunch of nice, fair mods. And lots of great ppl. But be careful...Yurt and 007 are here and as insane as ever but the mods keep them in line.
Hi there everyone.

I'm new here and wonder what get's you banned. It's different for every forum even though they generally have the same guidelines under rules. I was banned from a forum once for using a YouTube video so please be specific. Thanks.

Hey AP!


They banned you? Lol...of course they did. You're not a fire breathing conservative.

You'll find it much better here. There's a bunch of nice, fair mods. And lots of great ppl. But be careful...Yurt and 007 are here and as insane as ever but the mods keep them in line.

as you can see howey the douche is still up to his lies and assholery. he tried to get me banned and it failed miserably.

Hi there everyone.

I'm new here and wonder what get's you banned. It's different for every forum even though they generally have the same guidelines under rules. I was banned from a forum once for using a YouTube video so please be specific. Thanks.

Hey AP!


They banned you? Lol...of course they did. You're not a fire breathing conservative.

You'll find it much better here. There's a bunch of nice, fair mods. And lots of great ppl. But be careful...Yurt and 007 are here and as insane as ever but the mods keep them in line.

No they didn't ban me. It was a different forum that banned me for the use of a YT video.

I was just looking for a site that actually discussed and debated politics.

Nice to see you all too
Hi there everyone.

I'm new here and wonder what get's you banned. It's different for every forum even though they generally have the same guidelines under rules. I was banned from a forum once for using a YouTube video so please be specific. Thanks.

Hey AP!


They banned you? Lol...of course they did. You're not a fire breathing conservative.

You'll find it much better here. There's a bunch of nice, fair mods. And lots of great ppl. But be careful...Yurt and 007 are here and as insane as ever but the mods keep them in line.

No they didn't ban me. It was a different forum that banned me for the use of a YT video.

I was just looking for a site that actually discussed and debated politics.

Nice to see you all too

You'll like it here.
I was just looking for a site that actually discussed and debated politics.

Nice to see you all too

It takes a lot to get banned here. The "no hit and run flaming" rule for Zone 2 (the political forum) is lightly enforced. As long as you've occasionally got some actual content to go along with your mild flaming, you're fine.

While people have gotten banned for flaming, they took it way over the line for extended periods, and often were doing some stalking/harassment along with it. It tends to be someone's obsession with their perceived arch-enemy that causes them to lose control and earn a ban.
I was just looking for a site that actually discussed and debated politics.

Nice to see you all too

It takes a lot to get banned here. The "no hit and run flaming" rule for Zone 2 (the political forum) is lightly enforced. As long as you've occasionally got some actual content to go along with your mild flaming, you're fine.

While people have gotten banned for flaming, they took it way over the line for extended periods, and often were doing some stalking/harassment along with it. It tends to be someone's obsession with their perceived arch-enemy that causes them to lose control and earn a ban.

I'm happy to hear that. I've been on other sites that allow this and what you end up with is people who fail at real life and only want to get online and tell someone they are stupid.

I believe that if you know much about politics, a generalized "you are stupid" response will almost never due. I was sick of the majority response being exactly that. Facts vs a 12 year old style response.
Can anyone tell me the option that shows someone directly responded to me?
Oh and since I'm new here let me introduce myself. My political leaning is strictly Anti-Political Party. No one in the political world seems to understand this perspective, but it's growing.

I make my opinions on political topics individually, not by a party platform. Through time and topics, sometimes I agree with more of the topics one party believes in. But it doesn't matter, I never agree with everything a party stands for so all parties think I'm in a different party and are unwilling to receive my input.

Political parties are kind of like a cult. One of the main rules of a cult is you are not supposed to receive information from outside the cult because it's ..."bad". I tend to want to research every topic and all information to ensure it is correct.

And my biggest strength is that if and when someone corrects me with accurate and true information I tell them, "Thank you, I learned something, you are correct". This IS NOT a weakness as most party people have made it.

My strongest views are;

Against Citizens United
Against the Military Industrial Complex
Against welfare fraud
But most importantly:
Against Unnecessary War (necessary war is different)
Against Industrial Outsourcing

The above is all well and good. Welcome. Just don't say anything durogatory about the Seattle Seahawks or Russell Wilson and we will get along ...just fine... and no one will need to get their feelings hurt.

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