Questions Arise About the Obama/Blagojevich Relationship

Awwww, BO is starting off under a cloud.

Perhaps a few 'yes we can' chants can fix this.
Stupid, isn't it? I imagine Bush posing with Mark Foley means Bush condones older men screwing underage male pages. But this is an interesting point, methinks Jeb is thinking of running for the senate. I wonder how often he glad handed Mark Foley?

Is Bush running? Straw man.
Sure, sure. But we already know from a former press secretary that Bush participated in Treason. That is a flat out statement from a close associate, but you find that totally unbelievable. But you stretch to find an Obama association with anyone that is corrupt anywhere in Illinois. Lordy, lordy, I guess we all have our blind spots.

However, if anyone will trace a connection, if one exists, Patrick Fitzgerald is the man to do it. And the man to finish certain unfinished business concerning the Plame case.
Sure, sure. But we already know from a former press secretary that Bush participated in Treason. That is a flat out statement from a close associate, but you find that totally unbelievable. But you stretch to find an Obama association with anyone that is corrupt anywhere in Illinois. Lordy, lordy, I guess we all have our blind spots.

However, if anyone will trace a connection, if one exists, Patrick Fitzgerald is the man to do it. And the man to finish certain unfinished business concerning the Plame case.

Wow, has Fitzgerald sent a letter to Bush about being a target? Someone within spitting distance? No, didn't think so.
Well, the governor has been investigated for YEARS like 3 years. It was common knowledge that he was under investigation for fraudulent hiring practices and Obama even commented on the issue. Let's not forget that Obama was a State Senator. Part of that obligation is oversight of the the Executive. If Obama was oblivious to all of these issues, then he failed in his responsibility.

But I guess you can believe whatever you want to believe.

..... and hes going to run the country.:eek:
Read some of the phone intercepts today in the paper. Seems the Governor was very unhappy with Obama. Obama suggested someone, and stated that should the Governor appoint that person, he would appreciate it. Governor stated that it would take more than appreciation. Followed that up with a comment "Fuck Obama!".

Also, Obama stated in March of this year his intention of retaining Patrick Fitzgerald in his present post because of the work he was doing concerning the political corruption in Chicago and Illinois.
December 09, 2008 3:37 PM

"Obviously like the rest of the people of Illinois I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the US attorney's office today," said President-elect Obama this afternoon in Chicago, speaking of the criminal complaint against Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich for corruption. "But as this is a ongoing investigation involving the governor I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on the issue at this time."
Sorry as a Chicagoan I don't share your pity parade, rather I am extremely angry and frustrated!

Asked what contact he'd had with the governor's office about his replacement in the Senate, President-elect Obama today said "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."
Same was said of his relationship with Khalid, Said, Ayers, Wright, ACORN, Rezko and now Bagofshit. It seems Obama is either so popular he friends with everyone, he is a horrible judge of character or he shares some of the traits of the people he associates with! I am leaning towards the 2nd choice!

But on November 23, 2008, his senior adviser David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago and said something quite different.

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a "kingmaker," Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

Political Punch
Obama's camp really doesn't have to say more HE ALREADY WON THE ELECTION!
Sorry as a Chicagoan I don't share your pity parade, rather I am extremely angry and frustrated!

Same was said of his relationship with Khalid, Said, Ayers, Wright, ACORN, Rezko and now Bagofshit. It seems Obama is either so popular he friends with everyone, he is a horrible judge of character or he shares some of the traits of the people he associates with! I am leaning towards the 2nd choice!

Obama's camp really doesn't have to say more HE ALREADY WON THE ELECTION!

Another lying politician--at least somethings won't be changed. :lol:
Read some of the phone intercepts today in the paper. Seems the Governor was very unhappy with Obama. Obama suggested someone, and stated that should the Governor appoint that person, he would appreciate it. Governor stated that it would take more than appreciation. Followed that up with a comment "Fuck Obama!".

Also, Obama stated in March of this year his intention of retaining Patrick Fitzgerald in his present post because of the work he was doing concerning the political corruption in Chicago and Illinois.

True that, but that is recent. One must understand that our governor hasn't a clue about the term loyalty or friend. Hell, he (and his wife), turned on his father-in-law, another pol from IL.

Lo and behold, his new patron after throwing his father-in-law under the bus, was the patron of PE Obama:

STLtoday - That's entertainment!

That's entertainment!


As Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich ponders the question of who should take President-elect Barack Obama's barely warmed seat in the United States Senate, it's safe to assume that the concerns of downstate and Metro East residents are not at the top of his list of priorities...

Mr. Blagojevich's political patron was his father-in-law, Chicago Alderman
Richard Mell, but in 2005, the two men had a very public falling out. By then, Mr. Blagojevich had forged a new alliance with state Senate President Emil Jones of Chicago. Mr. Jones had become a powerhouse in the Senate after losing a primary race in a special election for Congress in 1995 to Jesse Jackson Jr., son of the civil rights leader and himself a potent political force. Mr. Jones also served as a political mentor to Mr. Obama...

Oh the cast of characters! Note the date of the article, I bolded it.

This candidate will spawn more conspiracy theories than any other candidate.

Too bad for you dopes the gov is on tape a couple of times saying fuck obama.

Which doesn't necessarily mean anything since that rest of the "fuck Obama" goes along the lines of "he wouldn't give me anything." you not think that the Gov of IL would consult with the President Elect as to who should replace him in that seat, even if he had no intention of placing anyone Obama may or may not suggest into that position? How odd would it have looked had he not spoken with Obama in that regard?

and I believe what Obama was saying is that he had no idea that the Gov was participating in or being investigated for, corruption.

Do you know every aspect of the life of people you come into contact with? I know there are people who live next door to serial killers for years and once it's revealed seem genuinely shocked to learn this truth...hell some are even married to them and don't know what they are doing.

Actually, no, I DON'T think the Governor would necessarily check with the President-elect about who shoudl fill his senate seat, and if I was Obama I wouldn't so much as touch it.
Stupid, isn't it? I imagine Bush posing with Mark Foley means Bush condones older men screwing underage male pages. But this is an interesting point, methinks Jeb is thinking of running for the senate. I wonder how often he glad handed Mark Foley?

Invoking Democrat/lefty Bill Clinton Rule #1: Bush and Foley are irrelevant to the topic.
Sure, sure. But we already know from a former press secretary that Bush participated in Treason. That is a flat out statement from a close associate, but you find that totally unbelievable. But you stretch to find an Obama association with anyone that is corrupt anywhere in Illinois. Lordy, lordy, I guess we all have our blind spots.

However, if anyone will trace a connection, if one exists, Patrick Fitzgerald is the man to do it. And the man to finish certain unfinished business concerning the Plame case.

Irrelvant to the thread topic.
Read some of the phone intercepts today in the paper. Seems the Governor was very unhappy with Obama. Obama suggested someone, and stated that should the Governor appoint that person, he would appreciate it. Governor stated that it would take more than appreciation. Followed that up with a comment "Fuck Obama!".

Also, Obama stated in March of this year his intention of retaining Patrick Fitzgerald in his present post because of the work he was doing concerning the political corruption in Chicago and Illinois.

Already addressed in context. Something you on the left keep forgetting to mention ... the rest of the sentence.
Fitzgerald said "there's no reference in the complaint to any conversations involving the president-elect or indicating that the president-elect was aware of it, and that's all I can say." His comment did not close the door on the possibility that Obama or someone on his staff may have known of some aspect of the governor's demands.

ABC News: FBI: Illinois Governor Sought To "Sell" Obama's Senate Seat

Obama is a politician there is no way he didnt know something and this is just the beginning of it.
ABC News: FBI: Illinois Governor Sought To "Sell" Obama's Senate Seat

Obama is a politician there is no way he didnt know something and this is just the beginning of it.

It's sure a safe assumption, isn't it! Same party, same city, same state! Further, there has been low level smoke there for a very long time.

It is certainly cover your ass time and everyone is busy doing it.

It is hard to say at this point who might be in it thick and truly dirty in regard to this particular case, besides the governor, but, I agree all of the real political players knew.

Nothing will surface which will jeopardize Jackson Jr. or Obama, even if there is something of substance there. But, I think it is wrong to assume that Obama did something wrong.
Of course it is. He's black, right? He has to be a robber.

btw, I'm cracking up at everyone taking Blago's bullshit as an indictment of Jackson, Jr. So far nothing suggests that Blago is anything but a fucked up slime bucket but all y'all seem to believe his comments to be evidence that everyone else is a crook.

No partisanship there at all, no indeedy. :cuckoo:
Of course it is. He's black, right? He has to be a robber.

btw, I'm cracking up at everyone taking Blago's bullshit as an indictment of Jackson, Jr. So far nothing suggests that Blago is anything but a fucked up slime bucket but all y'all seem to believe his comments to be evidence that everyone else is a crook.

No partisanship there at all, no indeedy. :cuckoo:

76% of people approve of Obama and the way he has handled the transition. The deadenders are losing their minds..... They will, if they ever get power again, do everything possible to turn everything into another 70 million dollar investigation of a sitting president. They are angry and can't stand the fact that the country didn't buy their BS after they had 8 years to run everything into the ground.

So, they will spend their time engaging in revisionist history of the Bush "legacy" (if one can call it that)... and playing the same "guilt by association" garbage that failed for them in the general election.

Nutcases..... :cuckoo:
Is Bush running? Straw man.

nope Bush isn't running and neither is Obama, he ran...he won. It's time for the pugs to get over it and start trying to fix their own fucked up image rather that attempting to damage Obamas to make themselves look more attractive again.

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