Questions arise over "clandestine" Mass in locked-down Paris


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
When can Mass be celebrated with a congregation in France right now? And under what conditions?

The question arose after a group of schismatic priests belonging to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) -- or "Lefebvrists" -- held the Easter Vigil at their church in central Paris.

La Croix looked into the matter and discovered that the emergency orders during lockdown are not always clear.

What happened in the Church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet?

"A clandestine Easter Mass in the Church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonne," read the headline on the website of Le Point, a respected French weekly news magazine.

It said the SSPX, a group of anti-Vatican II priests founded by the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, held an illegal and secret Easter Vigil in its church in the Latin Quarter of central Paris.

So, it was at the discretion of the cops that one won a fine and the other/s did not.
In few years true Christians who reject Satanic Mark of The Beast ( vaccine ) made by Bill Gates will be murdered by NWO

The ongoing theory is that it is electrical and not by any specific person.

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