Zone1 Catholics: Is Jesus essentially "leaving" His (the Original) Church?

The Real Presence of Christ is the most amazing "thing" on Earth

Even few Catholics ever availed themselves of His Presence. Now it is probably being withdrawn from us.

The world is too crazy for Jesus..

This withdrawal of His Presnece means we are in the Last DAys.

I am not sure what all that entails.. not into end times stuff, to speak of. But I've read the books of Daniel and Revelation and.. well, I've read the entire Bible..

Things are different in 2022 than ever before in history. THAT I know.. or strongly suspect anyway.. I cannot objectively KNOW such when.. I would have had to have lived in all previous time periods .. can't claim that.. but I do know that technology has gotten to the point where man thinks he can do all and has no need of God anmore.. the arrogant so and sos
You appear to think your feelings are far more important than they are. We all have them and experience them, but they can manipulate as well. You're on here giving speeches like you're on a hill in Jerusalem LOL. We're in the end times? Wow, nobody has EVER made that claim before. Technology has harmful effects on humans? WOW! Mind blown!

Just go ahead and make some prediction of when the world will end like the rest of them, and allow your inflated spiritual ego to be burst so we can all not be flooded by this sanctimony all the time on here.
One Mediator!

by David J. Stewart

Though Sara may be very sincere, the "Blessed Virgin Mary" CANNOT make intercession for her. 1st Timothy 2:5 couldn't be any clearer or to the point, Jesus Christ is the ONE MEDIATOR between God and mankind. The Catholics commit idolatry when they bow before a statue of Mary or rely upon Mary to intercede for them.
As true believers in Christ, we believe that our saved loved ones are in heaven. However, they CANNOT make intercession for us. They can pray for us, but they have no special favor or power with God. A man once wrote me and said that I was wrong to teach that our loves ones in heaven could pray for us. He accused me of violating 1st Timothy 2:5. Folks, it is NOT wrong to ask someone in heaven to prayer for you. Is that not what happens here on earth every time you ask a Christian brother or sister to pray for you? Did not James advice us to call for the elders of the church when we're sick? (James 5:14). So there must be a big difference between asking someone to pray for you, verses expecting someone to reconcile things with God for you.
It wouldn't be wrong for me to ask my departed mother in heaven to pray for me, anymore than it would be wrong for me to ask my pastor or a friend to pray for me. Asking someone to pray for you is very different than asking someone to intercede for you. 1st Thessalonians 5:25..."Brethren, pray for us." Was the Apostle Paul asking the church of Thessalonica to mediate for him? Of course not! Paul simply realized the power of prayer. We are supposed to pray for each other (Galatians 6:2, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ"). Colossians 1:3 reads, "We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you." Was the Apostle Paul being arrogant? Was Paul claiming to be an intercessor? I mean, couldn't the people pray for themselves? There is nothing wrong with asking others to pray for us. Just because a loved one graduates on into glory doesn't mean that they can't pray for us.
I sincerely believe that the "great cloud of witnesses" in heaven (Hebrews 12:1) are able to watch the events taking place upon the earth to a limited degree. Please read the following verse carefully, "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 18:10). Wow! Yes, there are guardian angels assigned to each believer. The angels are continually watching the face of the Father for his next command. You had better be careful how you treat a born again Christian because their guardian angel is just waiting for God's next command. This means that we are being monitored from heaven 24/7. Scary thought huh? In light of this Biblical truth, I do believe that our loved ones (who would want to inquire about us) are allowed certain desired information.
In addition, take a look at Luke 15:10..."Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." In the presence of the angels? If the angels aren't the ones rejoicing, then who is? It can only be the saints! The context of Luke 15:10 implies clearly that the believers in heaven are aware to a certain extent of the events upon the earth.

What is a Mediator?
Definition of Mediate: To act between parties with a view to reconciling differences. To settle a dispute.

This is what is so damnable about the Roman Catholic's obsession with Mary, they expect Mary to reconcile them with God. The ONLY true path to peace with God is in Christ Jesus, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1). Catholics look to Mother Mary to forgive their sins. Roman Catholics believe that a miracle happened in Fatima, Portugal (1917). They believe that the Blessed Virgin appeared in several apparitions to three young children. The Blessed Virgin promised the following...

What blasphemy!

Folks, Mary cannot do ANYTHING to help save you! Devotion to Mary's Immaculate Heart? Roman Catholics are taught to pray to different saints to unleash certain powers and blessings. Such blasphemous teachings are nothing less than Satanic. As Christians we may ask someone to pray for us, or perhaps we may say a prayer for them...but we DON'T pray TO each other. And that's the key difference. Catholics pray "TO" the departed saints (such as Saint Anthony). I distinctly remember visiting a Hispanic Catholic man in Chicago. He had a small table behind his front door. He had several glasses on the table filled with water to varying levels. He also had a statue of Saint Anthony on the table. There was a burning candle in the midst. Each glass of water had a penny at the bottom. A string came from the display on the table and ran across the floor behind the front door. After being intrigued by his strange display, I asked him what was the purpose of such a display. The man said that he was trying to keep evil spirits from entering his home.
Right down the street, there was a Catholic store for priests and Catholics. I went into the store to look at what they were selling. Inside were hundreds of charms, potions, spells, candles, and just about everything superstitious you could want to buy. As I learned more about Roman Catholicism, I found at that Catholics are very superstitious, especially in poorer countries. They burn their candles, perform their rituals, and eat feasts in honor of various saints. Surely, it wouldn't be wrong to sponsor a dinner in appreciation for a loved one, but to idolize the saints is a wicked sin!!! Catholics commit idolatry by praising and worshipping dead saints. Only Jesus is to be worshipped and praised, no one else. Roman Catholics look to the saints to make their life better, as if the Apostle Peter could do anything in heaven to help them. Folks, Jesus can hear the prayers of millions of Christians all at one time, he doesn't need any help receiving prayers.
And that's really the big question...why would Catholics pray to anyone other than God Himself? Think about that for a moment? Why? I mean, did God ask anyone to pray to Mary? No, He didn't! So why do Catholics and Lutherans show such fondness to a sinful woman? Mary was a sinner just like anyone else (Romans 3:10;23). The Bible proclaims that ALL have sinned (Romans 3:10). Yet, the Catholic Church blatantly rebels against the truth by teaching their damnable lies that Mary never sinned. I triple-dog dare you to show me that anywhere from the Word of God! You CANNOT! The Catholic religion is NOT infallible! Catholics are confused. They practice false worship.
In conclusion, Mary is NO mediator or intercessor...she is just a woman. No dead saint or living Pope can mediate for you. Though Catholics claim they are only honoring the dead saints and Mary, the truth of the matter is that they are obsessed with wicked idol worship. This is why the 2nd of the Ten Commandments is missing in their Catechism books. No saint or priest can reconcile your sinful heart to God. The ONLY way to obtain the righteousness of God is in Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:17). There is only ONE MEDIATOR...Jesus Christ!

So if you pray for you family you are an idolator???


OK, I already know the protestants will say that the Cahtolic Church is not the original or if it once was, it is not now because the Father of Protestantism came along (Luther) and made it Protestant and so we can now ditch the Catholic Church entirely if we haven't already.. I get that -- so please don't waste your time repeating it for what will be, for me, the 1000th time.

The point of this thread can only be fully understood by CATHOLICS. That is objective truth and I will not argue it.

But to you Catholics (yes, I know, you are few in number here.. and everywhere else): Sadly, maybe even you have never even experienced (in a profound way) the Real Presence of Christ found in His one Church, the Catholic Church. Well, I have and I am sure others here have as well. But something is going very wrong in the Church, and frankly, it seems to have happened along the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the US office of the presidency 2020. Mod Edited to avoid this thread being a bait thread in Zone 1 Religion and Ethics Forum. White 6.

I dunno.. In any case, I will not digress further.

The thing is, I have noticed that this Presence is not so present anymore in the Church. I cannot even detect it in some Churches I have been to. I once travelled a lot and have been to many Churches. Usually, I would feel this Presence as soon as I stepped through the door :) But it is not so strong anymore and I am wondering if Jesus is almost totally leaving His Church?

Vatican II was the beginning of this.. words fail.. this terrible situation..

But years have passed since then.. and in those years things have gotten worse and worse and worse with every passing year.

As always, I am in the process of learning about all this "new" stuff (though the Word says there is nothing new under the sun) RE the Church and related matters. So I know I will have more to say about all this later that may not jibe with what I've said just a few days b4.. But right now.. it is very interesting where I am right now..

Right now it seems Jesus is abandoning His Church.. not entirely because there are still devout Catholics and Jesus promised His Church would not fail.. There will always be Catholicism.. sorry about that, protesters..

But the Church is not what it once was. I say that some priests only serve the Church or appear to do so bc it benefits them... Once it takes any kind of sacrifice.. they are gone.. that's just my opinion. I don't know all priests.. But the ones I know.. OMG.. they seem to only be concerned with their own worldly comfort.. the flock can go to Hell.. just MY perceptions.. and I have massive experiences to draw on that lead me to saying this. . decades of being "in the Church"

Again the true Church is the SSPX Catholic Church-- the one that, through the work of Marcel Lefebvre (almost said Saint Lefebvre.. ) kept the Mass of All Times which was canonized (meaning that that decision, made ex cathedra, CANNOT ever be un-done). It was canonized by Pope SAINT Pius V at the Council of Trent in the 16th century..

(SSPX is: The Society of St Pius X)
Little brother or sister; the little red flame on the Altar says it all; CHRIST IS HERE!!!

Do NOT be confused; spend more time in His presence.

The Mass, whether it be Orthodox, Coptic, Maronite or RC, shares the REAL Presence of Christ. Communion for us is an experience of the REAL PRESENCE of Christ and a fulfillment of his promise to be always with us.

Yes; Catholics understand this.

GREAT, hey!!!

Little brother or sister; the little red flame on the Altar says it all; CHRIST IS HERE!!!

Do NOT be confused; spend more time in His presence.

The Mass, whether it be Orthodox, Coptic, Maronite or RC, shares the REAL Presence of Christ. Communion for us is an experience of the REAL PRESENCE of Christ and a fulfillment of his promise to be always with us.

Yes; Catholics understand this.

GREAT, hey!!!

well, a lot of Churches I have been to in the last few months do not have the Real Presence! That is disturbing to the core as it is something new. . I think the novus ordo church joined with the corrupt, evil.. gummit and voila'... we have this frankenstein thing

just like we have in the WHouse

Catholics: Is Jesus essentially "leaving" His (the Original) Church?​

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful — for he cannot deny himself.




So if you pray for you family you are an idolator???
Communion for us is an experience of the REAL PRESENCE of Christ and a fulfillment of his promise to be always with us.

both above have only relevance for their c-bible they wrote and has no meaning for the issues made by who they eventually crucified in the 1st century ... gtopa.
You're obsessed with this Scofield' guy; he must be some fringe nut who says what you really wish most of the traditional Xians espouse. Guess what, he isn't and your spin doesn't fly here.

He was a convicted felon hired by Samuel Untermyer and founder of the Dallas Theological Seminary. He's the father of Dispensationism and Dominionism. He's responsible for Pat Robertson and Jimmy Falwell.
The first 'churches' were in Galilee, Jerusalem's Temple before the Romans leveled it, and then the main center moved to Antioch and then to other cities; Rome ws never the Mother Church, nor was it the original church, and it was not founded by Peter; Peter never set foot in Rome, or Paul and others would have said so. Other than that, Catholics are no better or worse at theological truths or falsehoods than any other sect. Most peoples' problems with it start way later. when it became a money and political power dominated by the secular nobility and banker Popes; its Papacy and College of Cardinals were indeed worthy of scorn and distrust, and no amount of sophistry can change that.

It also produced some of the greatest academics and priests in Christian history as well, and excellent teachers, like Thomas of Aquina, Augustine, and dozens of others, and despite all the idiot sniveling to the contrary it promoted science, technology, and literacy throughout the West, as well as reduced violence ti large degree compared to the usual brutal pagan savagery and pettiness. Pagans would never have bothered with any of that, and still don't.
Little brother or sister; the little red flame on the Altar says it all; CHRIST IS HERE!!!

Do NOT be confused; spend more time in His presence.

The Mass, whether it be Orthodox, Coptic, Maronite or RC, shares the REAL Presence of Christ. Communion for us is an experience of the REAL PRESENCE of Christ and a fulfillment of his promise to be always with us.

Yes; Catholics understand this.

GREAT, hey!!!

sorry.. I just don't like presumption.. gets on my nerves. \why do you assume i do not or never have spent time in the \real presence?

It's the best thing in life.. If people did that more often, they would not

use drugs
get addicted to the above
and may just have a chance of getting to Heaven.. which requires leaving the dumbass things of this life behind
OK, I already know the protestants will say that the Cahtolic Church is not the original or if it once was, it is not now because the Father of Protestantism came along (Luther) and made it Protestant and so we can now ditch the Catholic Church entirely if we haven't already.. I get that -- so please don't waste your time repeating it for what will be, for me, the 1000th time.

The point of this thread can only be fully understood by CATHOLICS. That is objective truth and I will not argue it.

But to you Catholics (yes, I know, you are few in number here.. and everywhere else): Sadly, maybe even you have never even experienced (in a profound way) the Real Presence of Christ found in His one Church, the Catholic Church. Well, I have and I am sure others here have as well. But something is going very wrong in the Church, and frankly, it seems to have happened along the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX the US office of the presidency 2020. Mod Edited to avoid this thread being a bait thread in Zone 1 Religion and Ethics Forum. White 6.

I dunno.. In any case, I will not digress further.

The thing is, I have noticed that this Presence is not so present anymore in the Church. I cannot even detect it in some Churches I have been to. I once travelled a lot and have been to many Churches. Usually, I would feel this Presence as soon as I stepped through the door :) But it is not so strong anymore and I am wondering if Jesus is almost totally leaving His Church?

Vatican II was the beginning of this.. words fail.. this terrible situation..

But years have passed since then.. and in those years things have gotten worse and worse and worse with every passing year.

As always, I am in the process of learning about all this "new" stuff (though the Word says there is nothing new under the sun) RE the Church and related matters. So I know I will have more to say about all this later that may not jibe with what I've said just a few days b4.. But right now.. it is very interesting where I am right now..

Right now it seems Jesus is abandoning His Church.. not entirely because there are still devout Catholics and Jesus promised His Church would not fail.. There will always be Catholicism.. sorry about that, protesters..

But the Church is not what it once was. I say that some priests only serve the Church or appear to do so bc it benefits them... Once it takes any kind of sacrifice.. they are gone.. that's just my opinion. I don't know all priests.. But the ones I know.. OMG.. they seem to only be concerned with their own worldly comfort.. the flock can go to Hell.. just MY perceptions.. and I have massive experiences to draw on that lead me to saying this. . decades of being "in the Church"

Again the true Church is the SSPX Catholic Church-- the one that, through the work of Marcel Lefebvre (almost said Saint Lefebvre.. ) kept the Mass of All Times which was canonized (meaning that that decision, made ex cathedra, CANNOT ever be un-done). It was canonized by Pope SAINT Pius V at the Council of Trent in the 16th century..

(SSPX is: The Society of St Pius X)
The presence of Christ is in the Eucharist.
RE: Catholics: Is Jesus essentially "leaving" His (the Original) Church?
SUBTOPIC: Omnipresence

⁜→ et al,

For clarification - and in the interest of being on the same page (what little I know as a former Catholic):

◈ The Order of the Most Holy Trinity (Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis] is an action arm dedicated to advancing the devotion to the Holy Trinity. That would be the "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." When you invoke the name of "God" you are speaking of the unique → one God in three Divine Persons.

Little brother or sister; the little red flame on the Altar says it all; CHRIST IS HERE!!!

Do NOT be confused; spend more time in His presence.

The Mass, whether it be Orthodox, Coptic, Maronite or RC, shares the REAL Presence of Christ. Communion for us is an experience of the REAL PRESENCE of Christ and a fulfillment of his promise to be always with us.

Yes; Catholics understand this.

GREAT, hey!!!


I limit my response to the one supernatural characteristic of God: The infinite and omnipotent God...

◈ Is in all things.​
◈ Is everywhere.​
◈ Is every moment in time.​

No one has to go to any particular place of worship to commune (through prayer). God is with you always. Before King Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem, The Notary Art was revealed by God (the Most High Creator of the Universe) to Solomon all wisdom, and the Sacred Mysteries of the Most Holy words. Tradition tells us that Solomon, upon the Alter of the First Tabernacle in the Wilderness (AKA: Tent of the Congregation), asked for and received the knowledge of every Science, Art, and Wisdom; and of every Faculty of Memory, Intelligence, Understanding, and Intellect. The Ark of God (more commonly known as the Ark of the Covenant) was to be constructed by Moses to carry the 10 commandments (among other things). And the Ark was eventually housed in the room called the Holy of Holies.


Most Respectfully,

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