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Seriously, do you e-mail people in the Defense dept and chat about your great great grand-daughters baby shoes, or share recipes for ribs with the Chief of National Defense, and do you do this during work hours.

Everyone I know at work uses their email for personal things too, why do you think generals or politicians would be any different?

So using a private server to get classified info is okay with you?
During work hours.

You'd be surprised how often I find the president of my company surfing the net.

We're these emails top secret?
We're they not top secret?
James, forget about the top secret angle, the risk to National Security is greater if Hillary's e-mails were top secret, but the law demands that all e-mails be turned over, because a non top secret issue could easily be reclassified at a later date. Hillary broke the law by not turning over non top secret e-mails
Just like I could understand why bill lied I get why hillary might have deleted some embarrassing emails. Any of them would do it.

Turn over all the GOP emails so we can go through them. All this is to make hillary seem untrustworthy or dishonest. They would all do the same thing. This is just dirty politics.
No... that's not all it is. She used a private server to conduct official government business, which is against the law. Now whether or not she pays any price for doing so remains to be seen.

Actually it appears that using the private server was not against the law, reason being, that no lawmaker prior to this incident, understood that any human could be as totally ignorant and irresponsible as is Hillary Clinton.
Except bush and Alberto " I don't recall" Gonzales
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