Questions for those who don't believe in God

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Powerman said:
I would venture to say that Spidy and myself would rank among the most intelligent posters on this forum. I do believe Spidy has his Masters in Physics if I'm not mistaken.

More's the pity.
Powerman said:
I would venture to say that Spidy and myself would rank among the most intelligent posters on this forum. I do believe Spidy has his Masters in Physics if I'm not mistaken.

oh my ...... someone earlier asked for a definition of arrogance
musicman said:
Send more liberals...

sorry....i will try to be nice this time

back to topic...for those that do not belive in god......interesting.....

Why are we here? Seriously.. why? If you say because of Evolution - fine, but why? Why'd it happen?

If humans are an accident that happened in the Universe then where does your sense of self-preservation come from? Why do you care if the human race continues on after you're dead?

I mean, we're all just here by chance, right?

i am here to have relationships with my fellow man .... and mybe god if i so clue why it happened....maybe just for the reason i said

i am alive, i like it, i want to stay alive, i really don't care if the human race continues after i am dead, but those younger than i do and beacuse of that they will continue

it is possible you are here by chance.....anything is possible
listopencil said:
That's simply not true. It's all in the Bible. I think you and I might have different ideas about what "faith" is, because it's laid out right in front of you from my standpoint.

OK, go ahead and prove your knowledge. Unless you are using a different definition of "know" than I am. There are two conflicting definitions of "know" that apply in this case.

well, lets say that Columbus KNEW he had landed on a continent when he sailed west. When he went back, there were many who didnt believe him. But he KNEW what he KNEW, even if he lacked proof.
MissileMan said:
Are you saying that God killed your friend to show the rest of you the error of your ways? Or are you saying that if you look hard enough that something good can be found about any bad thing that happens?

I don't buy this argument. The dog is trying to bite the vet because the vet can't communicate his good intentions to the dog. If the accounts of the Bible are true, God is quite capable of communicating with us. The whole "mysterious ways" argument is contrived and convenient.

not if we arent intelligent enough to understand how it is explained in its simplest terms.

and then faith comes into play.

I would never discount the existence of a God or Creator based on my inability to undertand why He does some things, or all things the way he does. I find that the height of arrogance. Any being so far superior to me that can create the universe and life itself, certainly puts me in awe
MissileMan said:
And one could argue that the greatest trick ever performed was when a few men convinced the world that a god exists. Ain't it a bitch that we have to die in order to find out which of us is right?

a "few" men? or you mean a "Few" men in every culture that exists.
Mariner said:
child killed by a U.S. bomb go to heaven? Would he want to go to heaven, given that he believes in Allah?

Religious arguments of this kind tend to go nowhere. I think the Founding Fathers were incredibly wise to keep religion out of the state, and to let people alone to believe whatever they like. Wars have been fought, and people tortured and burned at the stake for the sake of petty quibbling about details of something that seems to be ungraspable.


Yea, that kid would go to heaven. NICE EH!

and the founding fathers instituted state religions. sorry, but its a fact.
SpidermanTuba said:
I enjoy it. 1000 years ago I would have been burned at the stake for worshipping Keeb.

yea, those damn muslims were at it then too eh?
Powerman said:
I would venture to say that Spidy and myself would rank among the most intelligent posters on this forum. I do believe Spidy has his Masters in Physics if I'm not mistaken.

That is quite a venture!
Powerman said:
I would venture to say that Spidy and myself would rank among the most intelligent posters on this forum. I do believe Spidy has his Masters in Physics if I'm not mistaken.

Not quite Powerman. After I pass the general examination on Friday, I will still need one more credit hour. And even then, I will not actually formally receive the Masters unless I do not complete the PhD program, or unless I want to pay $50 to get a piece of paper that will do me no good while I am still in school. Won't do me much good outside of school, either, come to think of it. A Masters in a physics program is more like a consolation prize for geting to a certain point but not completing the PhD. I suppose I could hang it on my wall.
LuvRPgrl said:
Yea, that kid would go to heaven. NICE EH!

and the founding fathers instituted state religions. sorry, but its a fact.

Which ones and which states?

They also instituted slavery.

Apparenly not all of their ideas were good ones.
SpidermanTuba said:
Which ones and which states?

They also instituted slavery.

Apparenly not all of their ideas were good ones.

really? where in the constitution do they frame (did ya catch that) the right to enslave white and black men and women?
musicman said:
Well, what they actually decided was to keep the state out of religion; there's a difference, and it's worth pointing out. Apart from that, I wholeheartedly agree with your statement. It's an incredibly wise principle.

Despite any protestations you might make, that door swings BOTH ways. They very much intended for the institution of religion to keep out of government, at least at the federal level, too. That's a whole different can of worms from trying to say they intended for religious people to not be part of the government, which is clearly not the case.
LuvRPgrl said:
not if we arent intelligent enough to understand how it is explained in its simplest terms.

Are you saying that God can't explain it in terms we can understand, ever?

LuvRPgrl said:
and then faith comes into play.
Like I said, contrived and convenient.

LuvRPgrl said:
I would never discount the existence of a God or Creator based on my inability to undertand why He does some things, or all things the way he does. I find that the height of arrogance. Any being so far superior to me that can create the universe and life itself, certainly puts me in awe

If I believed such an entity exists, I would be in awe also.
Powerman said:
I would venture to say that Spidy and myself would rank among the most intelligent posters on this forum. I do believe Spidy has his Masters in Physics if I'm not mistaken.

Advanced degrees do not directly equate to high intellegence... though I am impressed with someone who is going for a PhD candidate in physics.
SpidermanTuba said:
Which ones and which states?

They also instituted slavery.

Apparenly not all of their ideas were good ones.

So, we were discussing what they did, OR whether what they did was good or not?

Nice try though. :)

Pennsylvania for one, I think was a Quaker state. I dont have the others right off the top of my head, but its a STONE COLD FACT, so respond to that before you make the claim again, or look stupid......again (in spite of that $50 piece of paper:) )
MissileMan said:
Despite any protestations you might make, that door swings BOTH ways. They very much intended for the institution of religion to keep out of government, at least at the federal level, too. That's a whole different can of worms from trying to say they intended for religious people to not be part of the government, which is clearly not the case.

Yes, at the federal level, and they also believed the States should have more power than the feds.
MissileMan said:
Are you saying that God can't explain it in terms we can understand, ever?

Like I said, contrived and convenient.

If I believed such an entity exists, I would be in awe also.

nope, didnt say "ever"

not contrieved and convienent, its my belief. The way you atheists/agnostics love to prescribe conclusions to people certainly shows a very, very shallow faith in your own belief system.

good, the day will come "and every knee shall bow..."
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