Questions NOT Asked at Democratic Debate

Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor?

So the answer from the coward is no. Seems it became a "joke" when you realized you weren't man enough to do it.
hahahahaha! The only joke here I see is you. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay.

[cue conspiracy music]

She did it so she could sell missile technology to China in exchange for liposuction.

And to hide her midget porn.

FOX NEWS: Hello, and welcome to Mind Reading. Today, we are going to speak with our psychics about why Hillary Clinton used a personal email server. Madame Bobonzo, why did she do that?

PSYCHIC: She didn't want Bill to know she was having an affair with Huma Abedin.
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor?

So the answer from the coward is no. Seems it became a "joke" when you realized you weren't man enough to do it.
hahahahaha! The only joke here I see is you.

I'll offer the same challenge to you. Are you willing to accept it or are you going to be a pussy like Bulldog? since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China in exchange for liposuction. And to hide her midget porn.
No, she is a running a global terrorist network and didn't want anyone to know. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China. And to hide her midget porn.
see? You have no answer.....and you don't want an answer...because they told you "don't worry about it"...

In the meantime, Clinton was SoS and at the same time her name is on an international foundation whop is interacting with international personalities and dignitiaries.....her husband was receiving speaking fees in different countries....and she was part of designing trade agreements while having many friends and cronies involved in international business dealings....

But why should you care why she had a separate server.

Because they told you not to care. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China in exchange for liposuction. And to hide her midget porn.
No, she is a running a global terrorist network and didn't want anyone to know.
Grow up, Ravi. since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China in exchange for liposuction. And to hide her midget porn.
No, she is a running a global terrorist network and didn't want anyone to know.
you see...all you can do is make up some outrageous shiut as if that may be what I am referring to...

But you wont answer the question and you wont address a true possibility......

Is it at all possible that she did not want some information to become public record?

Nah....of course not since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China in exchange for liposuction. And to hide her midget porn.
No, she is a running a global terrorist network and didn't want anyone to know.
Grow up, Ravi.
its all they got. Make it sound like we think she was doing something outlandish.... is so far fetched that she may have been involved in the equivalent of insider trading.....I mean...why would a politician ever do that???????
Remember the first Republican debate? Why were these questions not asked at the Democratic Debate?

1. Hillary's lies about her secret email server. Instead, her claim that she has been "transparent" was left unchallenged. Compare this to the attack on Trump for not promising to support the other GOP candidates.

2. Late term abortions. GOP candidates were grilled over saving the life of the mother. Why weren't the Dems asked to specify their positions on late term abortions and harvesting baby parts?

3. Religion. GOP candidates were asked about their religious beliefs and how that might affect their decisions. Why weren't the Dems asked the same question?

I agree with Hillary that there is a vast conspiracy in this country to hoodwink the American public. However, it is not coming from the Right.

1) Democrats are convinced, now so due to Bernie Sanders, that the email scandal is a political witch hunt to damage Hillary chances for winning.

That may have made Democrats angry with CNN. Kind of like what happened with Fox and Trump. Also, it serves little purpose for Democrats anyway

2. There are Pro-life Democrats. However, the party position is Pro-choice and supports Roe vs Wade. They most likely would support late term abortions if the mother chooses that option.

3. Democrats look at such questions as a religion test. For social conservatives, religion is a deciding factor. For Democrats, you could be a muslim and they would not care.

Hell, Isn't Obama a muslim? See my point?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China in exchange for liposuction. And to hide her midget porn.
No, she is a running a global terrorist network and didn't want anyone to know.
Grow up, Ravi.
its all they got. Make it sound like we think she was doing something outlandish.... is so far fetched that she may have been involved in the equivalent of insider trading.....I mean...why would a politician ever do that???????
I knew no one would have an answer.

But Cheney and Haliburton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did she do it?

The result? Likely nothing major. Likely no hacking of any value.....but what was her intent?


Did not think so.

you see...many of you don't understand the law. It is not always the end result....many times it is the motive and intent.

So tell me....why did she have a separate server?

To sell secrets to China?
To talk to her foreign handlers in private?
To conversate to her family and friends when she wants to?
To keep tabs on her spy network as they follow Bill around?

You have to ask her. Even so, not knowing why she did does not remove the skepticism involving the investigations into her emails by Republicans.

In fact, given the amount of time spent on the investigation, you should know the reasons by now. Which presents another question--why are the investigators dragging this investigation out?

They have the servers
They have the emails
They had time to read everything
But no charges. Why?
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor?

So the answer from the coward is no. Seems it became a "joke" when you realized you weren't man enough to do it.

Damn buddy. Make up your mind. Crazy right wingers were the ones who came up with the whole FEMA prisons thing to start with. If it makes you feel better, I didn't want to put you in a FEMA prison then, and I don't now. You should buy a sense of humor.
you see...many of you don't understand the law. It is not always the end result....many times it is the motive and intent.

So tell me....why did she have a separate server?

To sell secrets to China?
To talk to her foreign handlers in private?
To conversate to her family and friends when she wants to?
To keep tabs on her spy network as they follow Bill around?

You have to ask her. Even so, not knowing why she did does not remove the skepticism involving the investigations into her emails by Republicans.

In fact, given the amount of time spent on the investigation, you should know the reasons by now. Which presents another question--why are the investigators dragging this investigation out?

They have the servers
They have the emails
They had time to read everything
But no charges. Why?
No one thinks she was selling secrets to China.
She can conversate with friends and family on her own private email...she did not need to make "public record" emails private to do so.
No one said she was keeping tabs on her spy network.

She was asked and she gave 3 different answers that were proven to be false...and never gave a final answer.

Yes, they have the server...the FBI that is.
Yes, they have some of the emails...trying to get the rest.
They have had plenty of time to read everything....but they don't have everything yet.

As for why no charges? Who said there are no charges being brought up.

A better question is....

If the FBI has everything, read everything, and found nothing wrong.....why have they not "dropped" the investigation?

So I again ask.....why did she have a separate server? Can you give me one Credible reason that makes sense?
I don't think its a big deal, really. But the question remains.. if it isn't a big deal, why did the dumbfuck keep lying about it? And why does she keep claiming it is a RNC conspiracy when she is being investigated by the FBI? since all of you Hillary supporters feel the email server thing is nothing but a right wing conspiracy.....

I dare one of you to answer this very basic none of you give an answer that makes sense....prove me wrong.....

Why did she set up a separate server?
Nobody cares.
yeah...they have you convinced of that.

No one should care that the possible next president did something unusual with no explanation for it.

Think...what could have been her intent for having a separate server?
Oh, okay. She did it so she could sell missile technology to China. And to hide her midget porn.
see? You have no answer.....and you don't want an answer...because they told you "don't worry about it"...

In the meantime, Clinton was SoS and at the same time her name is on an international foundation whop is interacting with international personalities and dignitiaries.....her husband was receiving speaking fees in different countries....and she was part of designing trade agreements while having many friends and cronies involved in international business dealings....

But why should you care why she had a separate server.

Because they told you not to care.

Who said "Don't worry about it?"

Who told us not to care?

Listen, buddy, when this first came to light. I was very interested. But with revelations from reading emails that she is homophobic and the like, I as turned off.

In other words, it is the approach by you Republicans that is raising apathy and potential anger towards this whole affair. Not some imaginary Democratic personality that has the key to our psyche.

It is the GOP playing a game of political BS, and most people have called it.

Now, either those bastards need to file charges against Mrs Clinton, or you need to take your right wing BS and get the hell out of our face!!

Of course, I am saying this nicely.
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor?

So the answer from the coward is no. Seems it became a "joke" when you realized you weren't man enough to do it.

Damn buddy. Make up your mind. Crazy right wingers were the ones who came up with the whole FEMA prisons thing to start with. If it makes you feel better, I didn't want to put you in a FEMA prison then, and I don't now. You should buy a sense of humor.
Uh.....excuse me.....far right wing nuts came up with the FEMA prison crap.

Just as far left wing nuts came up with the 9-11 inside job crap.

Should we define the entire left wing based on that?
Specifically, how are they going to pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars of free shit they promised and how high will the deficit climb? One of those stupid clowns bragged about how he'd raise taxes $42 billion dollars while proposing $500 billion in new spending. They spent the tax increase on the 'rich' several times over.

Oh that will be easy. As soon as they take the right wing's guns and put you in FEMA work camps making all that shit. It won't be a problem.

If you think that is going to happen I challenge YOU to make the personal attempt to do it. Are you going to man up or be one of the pussies on the left that says you'll let the government do it.

What's wrong dumb ass, no sense of humor?

So the answer from the coward is no. Seems it became a "joke" when you realized you weren't man enough to do it.

Damn buddy. Make up your mind. Crazy right wingers were the ones who came up with the whole FEMA prisons thing to start with. If it makes you feel better, I didn't want to put you in a FEMA prison then, and I don't now. You should buy a sense of humor.

It's not a matter of whether you wanted to or not. Even if you did want it, we both know you couldn't come close to doing it.
you see...many of you don't understand the law. It is not always the end result....many times it is the motive and intent.

So tell me....why did she have a separate server?

To sell secrets to China?
To talk to her foreign handlers in private?
To conversate to her family and friends when she wants to?
To keep tabs on her spy network as they follow Bill around?

You have to ask her. Even so, not knowing why she did does not remove the skepticism involving the investigations into her emails by Republicans.

In fact, given the amount of time spent on the investigation, you should know the reasons by now. Which presents another question--why are the investigators dragging this investigation out?

They have the servers
They have the emails
They had time to read everything
But no charges. Why?
No one thinks she was selling secrets to China.
She can conversate with friends and family on her own private email...she did not need to make "public record" emails private to do so.
No one said she was keeping tabs on her spy network.

She was asked and she gave 3 different answers that were proven to be false...and never gave a final answer.

Yes, they have the server...the FBI that is.
Yes, they have some of the emails...trying to get the rest.
They have had plenty of time to read everything....but they don't have everything yet.

As for why no charges? Who said there are no charges being brought up.

A better question is....

If the FBI has everything, read everything, and found nothing wrong.....why have they not "dropped" the investigation?

So I again ask.....why did she have a separate server? Can you give me one Credible reason that makes sense?

I think I've already said you have to ask her.
Secondly, If the FBI is holding up the investigation for that reason, and she has not given a credible answer, then the case is basically on ice.

Unless the FBI want to file charges against Clinton for lying, which they haven't.

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