Questions you wont hear ABC's moderators ask Kamala tomorrow night

WHat were her answers?

You have to ask? It is the usual BS about protecting lower and middle income wage earners while taxing the rich. Pretty easy to deduce from that, her answer will center around keeping the temporary personal tax rates that most of us are subject to and increasing the permanent business tax cuts that Trump implemented.

As far as fracking goes, she's backing off her opposition. As far as drilling goes, there hasn't been much talk. The oil industry has been doing excellent with less wells through horizontal drilling which makes for efficiency.

I don't put much stock in what candidates say in the 6 months prior to the election. As with the one in June, I won't be watching. The only prediction I'll make is that it'll be a disappointing night for those desiring the government to practice fiscal responsibility.
Likely true - the constitution specifies the President must be male.

Interesting take. It does use the male gender. But it doesn't actually SAY POTUS has to be a guy. What I was referring to was being natural born, which by every reasonable standard, Harris cannot be since she was born of two non-U.S. citizen parents.

Just as if my parents had had me on vacation in Germany I would not expect to automatically become a German citizen, while she was born here, I take issue with her even being a citizen unless her parents later applied for citizenship for both them and her. But even then, that falls short of being /natural-born/. Worse, she then went on to be raised and educated in Canada (grade school).

I just don't get this liberal view towards allowing anyone to run for the highest office in the land (think of it, has anyone ever tried to run for the office and been denied?), instead of setting the highest standards. In fact, it might not be a bad idea to add to the list the requirement that you have fought for this country having served in our military.
If they do ask her she will go into word salad mode or self destruct mode like the tape recorder would do in the opening of the old Mission Impossible tv show. These questions are too complex for her to answer in specifics.

Would not be surprised if Kama Kama ding dong got questions in advance of this so called debate.
which part of her job did she actually do in any current or past position? Sucking Willie's willy was not part of her job description.
No need to discuss anything really with you...

You can't seem to be able to talk without spouting lies and spreading rumours about people...
/—-/ It looks like Biden took millions from China. Any fake outrage over that?
The congress investigation found nothing, it was actually embarrassing to them...

There is a difference betwen allegations and evidence...

Trump was talking to Eygpt Dictator, $10m dollars was withdrawn in cash (200lbs of it) and shipped to US...

Trump suddenly has the exact same amount deposited (to the dollar) in his account.

Barr stops the any investigation even though the burden of proof to look at accounts like this is far far lower...

They don't even see it as corruption...
US now has insulin at generally the same price as everyone else in the world...

only for the ones with Medicare part D....millions of others with diabetes are still fucked...

Guess who we thank for that:

GOP just loves giving to Big Pharma.

Fuck it, Trump has no shame:

They just take credit even though they tried to stop it.
I understand people have their media sources but they best get some truth. GOP tried to stop cheap insullin for everyone and Dems got it for Medicare...

Which side do we want to be on?

Guess who we thank for that:

GOP just loves giving to Big Pharma.

Fuck it, Trump has no shame:

They just take credit even though they tried to stop it.
I understand people have their media sources but they best get some truth. GOP tried to stop cheap insullin for everyone and Dems got it for Medicare...

Which side do we want to be on?
/—-/ Trump’s side.

Guess who we thank for that:

GOP just loves giving to Big Pharma.

Fuck it, Trump has no shame:

They just take credit even though they tried to stop it.
I understand people have their media sources but they best get some truth. GOP tried to stop cheap insullin for everyone and Dems got it for Medicare...

Which side do we want to be on?
/——-/ Trump’s side.
Dementia Joe wanted to steal credit from Trump.
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
If they do ask her she will go into word salad mode or self destruct mode like the tape recorder would do in the opening of the old Mission Impossible tv show. These questions are too complex for her to answer in specifics.

Question you won't hear:

"Why did you allow the border to be opened since January 2021 and why have you let in approximately 8 million illegal aliens, a fair number of whom are known criminals and terrorists?"
If they do ask her she will go into word salad mode or self destruct mode like the tape recorder would do in the opening of the old Mission Impossible tv show. These questions are too complex for her to answer in specifics.

actually, how can you frack and be for a green new deal?

Oh wait, to get votes you need. hahaahahahahahhahahahaha
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Right, but nowhere does it say they are NATURAL-BORN citizens. Just citizens. The Constitution made a distinction for a reason. Had they meant a natural-born citizen were just a citizen, they would have just SAID citizen in the first place.

Also note that just being born in the USA does not make you a citizen! You must also be subject to the jurisdiction of the USA. If your USA citizen parents had you as a baby overseas in Europe somewhere, you'd still be a US citizen and NOT a citizen of that country!

So, Kam Harris was NOT born a natural-born citizen, and now I wonder whether she was even subject to the jurisdiction of the USA, and if so, why? Her parents were both citizens of other countries when they had her here.

I dispute her eligibility to hold office as POTUS.
This is well-established law, and you aren't going to get anywhere with your argument.

Where is it well-established that a person born here to foreigners is natural born and qualified to be president?

So you mean if Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun come here and drop a child, he could grow up to be our next president?

Let's invite Vladimir Putin to come here with his wife and have a child. Maybe he can be our president in 2060.

No wonder this country is so f*ked up.
Where is it well-established that a person born here to foreigners is natural born and qualified to be president?
So you mean if Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun come here and drop a child, he could grow up to be our next president?
Let's invite Vladimir Putin to come here with his wife and have a child. Maybe he can be our president in 2060.
No wonder this country is so f*ked up.
Sometimes reality does not go our way.
This is one of those times.


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