Quick poll on Mobs

Would you feel threatened by an angry mob of antifa and BLM supporters

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Depends on if I am a democrat or not

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If you see an angry MOB of about 400 people on your property and know that in your area the make up of THIS mob was the make up of every other mob that resorted to burning looting and murder, would you feel threatened?
Not at all. The thing about mobs is that they only feel brave in the absense of opposition. Therefore, their power rests wholly with officials who don't take a firm stand against them and just stand by to enable them. The moment they meet REAL resistance, watch them run and scatter like deer. I'd like an angry mob of sissy leftists all standing around close together on my property threatening my home. I have 100 round magazines that each bullet can shoot through at least one person or two and take out the 2nd or 3rd behind them. And thousands more after that. It's their choice. If you go out looking for a bloody nose, you're apt to find it. Git Er Done.
No if it's 400. I have 500 12 gauge shotgun shells and a Baretta 391, plus a 40 cal XDM, before I drag out other stuff.

So I guess to answer your question, I'd need to count all my ammunition.
Ummmm not so much......

If you see an angry MOB of about 400 people on your property and know that in your area the make up of THIS mob was the make up of every other mob that resorted to burning looting and murder, would you feel threatened?
Im loading the shotgun with 00 buck, thats for sure. Maybe a slug or two tossed in for good measure and the up close work.
If you see an angry MOB of about 400 people on your property and know that in your area the make up of THIS mob was the make up of every other mob that resorted to burning looting and murder, would you feel threatened?
Feel threatened? Yes.






(it's a surprise)

(it's a surprise)

(it's a surprise)

(it's a surprise)

(it's a surprise)

I would be terrified if even only one of those scary people came onto my property!

When the riots took place here in Los Angeles (Wow! What a misnomer for this city!), many good people were shaking in their boots that those bad people would loot residential areas, too.

But they were generous enough to give us a pass -- this time.

When the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., on the evening of November 3 is proclaimed by CNN & MSNBC to be the winner, I will be terrified by how the mobs might react.

If we think 2020 was a horrible year, we ain't seen nothing yet!

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