Quick Question?

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Are liberals dumb or what? They keep asking for changes to the election process that requires an amendment to the US Constitution then going on and on how they support the idea never once actually proposing the amendment.

The latest requests are for Popular vote for President getting rid of electoral college and Requiring some kind of test to be President or a member of Congress.
Are liberals dumb or what? They keep asking for changes to the election process that requires an amendment to the US Constitution then going on and on how they support the idea never once actually proposing the amendment.

The latest requests are for Popular vote for President getting rid of electoral college and Requiring some kind of test to be President or a member of Congress.

Do you have a link to whom was asking for getting rid of the EC?
Well, Conservatives keep asking for changes in the election process that require rescinding the 17th amendment and go on and on how they support the idea without ever once actually proposing the amendment. Guess that makes Conservatives dumb or what?
Are liberals dumb or what? They keep asking for changes to the election process that requires an amendment to the US Constitution then going on and on how they support the idea never once actually proposing the amendment.

The latest requests are for Popular vote for President getting rid of electoral college and Requiring some kind of test to be President or a member of Congress.

Do you have a link to whom was asking for getting rid of the EC?
Of course not.

It's just another rightwing straw man fallacy.
Are liberals dumb or what? They keep asking for changes to the election process that requires an amendment to the US Constitution then going on and on how they support the idea never once actually proposing the amendment.

The latest requests are for Popular vote for President getting rid of electoral college and Requiring some kind of test to be President or a member of Congress.
Are liberals dumb or what? They keep asking for changes to the election process that requires an amendment to the US Constitution then going on and on how they support the idea never once actually proposing the amendment.

The latest requests are for Popular vote for President getting rid of electoral college and Requiring some kind of test to be President or a member of Congress.

Do you have a link to whom was asking for getting rid of the EC?
Of course not.

It's just another rightwing straw man fallacy.
Retard I guess you don't read your fellow lefties bullshit we have numerous threads claiming Hillary won the popular vote and that she should be President and that we should do away with the electoral college. I guess you are just to stupid to have seen them right? And in the last 3 days we have several threads DEMANDING a test for physical and mental condition of candidates for congress and the President all started by you lefties.
Are liberals dumb or what? They keep asking for changes to the election process that requires an amendment to the US Constitution then going on and on how they support the idea never once actually proposing the amendment.
Oh. My. God.

I think I have had enough irony for one day.

You ask how dumb Democrats are and then make the hilarious mistake of claiming the Democrats have never proposed a popular vote?

Just how fucking dumb are you not to have bothered to even check if your hallucinatory masturbation fantasy is true? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Bait Thread - Posted in the WRONG area of the forum.
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