Quinnipiac Poll May 1st, 2007

The voters want a funding bill - they don't want a surrender bill

Maybe when the Dems numbers hit 9% they will understand

the democrat's bill never was a surrender bill...that is why 57% of Americans supported ti.

how WILL you run away from that number?
Once again numbnuts, if the Dems are doing the will of the people - why are the Dems numbers below Pres Bush's?

the dems are doing the will of the people on the troop funding bill. that is why 57% of americans support it. and democrats in congress are polling higher than the president and higher than republicans in congress....

it says so right on the webpage of your hgihly touted gallup poll. go read it and weep.
the dems are doing the will of the people on the troop funding bill. that is why 57% of americans support it. and democrats in congress are polling higher than the president and higher than republicans in congress....

it says so right on the webpage of your hgihly touted gallup poll. go read it and weep.

My, it is news that 29% approval is doing the will of the people
My, it is news that 29% approval is doing the will of the people

why not acknowledge the "news" that regardless of what Americans think of congress, 57% of them support the democrat's funding plan with deadlines for withdrawal?

it is a tough pill to swallow for you, I know....but open wide, unless you'd like it in the form of a suppository!
why not acknowledge the "news" that regardless of what Americans think of congress, 57% of them support the democrat's funding plan with deadlines for withdrawal?

it is a tough pill to swallow for you, I know....but open wide, unless you'd like it in the form of a suppository!

what is hard to swallow is your lame attempt at spinning the downward trend of your party's poll numbers
why can't you acknowledge that 57% of Americans like the democrat's ideas for funding the war but withdrawing the troops?

Keep pushing the surrender bill

Come Nov 08 you will be spinning how the voters were stupid and did not understand what the Dems were really trying to accomplish

Then you will be back hoping for failure for the Republican led Congress
Keep pushing the surrender bill

Come Nov 08 you will be spinning how the voters were stupid and did not understand what the Dems were really trying to accomplish

Then you will be back hoping for failure for the Republican led Congress

I will keep shoving into your face the fact that the bill you mistakenly refer to as the surrender bill -which actually surrenders nothing to no one - that bill is supported by 57% of the AMerican people.

That is what the very first post in this thread clearly shows.
I will keep shoving into your face the fact that the bill you mistakenly refer to as the surrender bill -which actually surrenders nothing to no one - that bill is supported by 57% of the AMerican people.

That is what the very first post in this thread clearly shows.

The surrender bill is going nowhere

Your party is going down the tubes

Two good things for America
Yet they have a 27% approval rating

again...who cares? you are changing the subject. If I hate the New York Yankees, that does not mean I am incapable of seeing what a great shortstop Derek Jeter is. I don't care what approval rating for congress you want to keep trotting out....the point is: AMERICA IS BEHIND THE DEMOCRAT'S FUNDING BILL...and you keep ignoring that fact.
again...who cares? you are changing the subject. If I hate the New York Yankees, that does not mean I am incapable f seeing what a great shortstop Derek Jeter is. I don't care what approval rating for congress you want to keep trotting out....the point is: AMERICA IS BEHIND THE DEMOCRAT'S FUNDING BILL...and you keep ignoring that fact.

We all know you do not care about facts MM - you make that very clear on a daily basis
We all know you do not care about facts MM - you make that very clear on a daily basis

man...you just cannot bring yourself to admit that 57% of Americans agree with the democrats about funding the troops and requiring withdrawal deadlines.

YOu really have a hard time swallowing that pill, don't you?

man...you just cannot bring yourself to admit that 57% of Americans agree with the democrats about funding the troops and requiring withdrawal deadlines.

YOu really have a hard time swallowing that pill, don't you?


Then why are the dems overall numbers in the tank

Dems are so desperate to appease their base (and actually accomplish something) they are changing 200 year old rules of the House

If thigns are so good for the party - why the desperate tactics?

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