quite the turn out at that one nation rally

Yes, the music was better and the crowd more diverse, but this rally provided plenty of evidence the Wingnuts on the loony left are alive and well.

Thats Racist!! Wait....:lol::lol:

Fraud my ass.

You're the one that made a big deal of it in the first place. I just asked you to find an exact quote....took you awhile.

Still waiting on "Workers Unite"
Why even point out diversity?

What does it matter what color any particular person was that attended a rally?

Everytime someone feels the need to point out racial disparity, race relations ironically takes another hit.

Stop pretending to be a victim bitch...

   /dɪˈvɜrs, daɪ-, ˈdaɪvɜrs/ Show Spelled[dih-vurs, dahy-, dahy-vurs] Show IPA
of a different kind, form, character, etc.; unlike: a wide range of diverse opinions.
of various kinds or forms; multiform.

Can you read?

I knew you were going to eventually claim you weren't referring to race when you said "more diverse".

Fuck outta here you fucking noob :lol:

Have fun with this guy elvis, I'm out :thup:

"more diverse".

Does not automatically imply race. He could have meant Diverse Political Beliefs, or Diverse Economic Back grounds, Diverse Religious Beliefs. Etc.
Yes, the music was better and the crowd more diverse, but this rally provided plenty of evidence the Wingnuts on the loony left are alive and well.

Thats Racist!! Wait....:lol::lol:

Fraud my ass.

You're the one that made a big deal of it in the first place. I just asked you to find an exact quote....took you awhile.

Still waiting on "Workers Unite"

keep waiting....once you admitted to lying games over.

I'll find the next thing and you'll just say "aww I was just kidding":eusa_hand:
Stop pretending to be a victim bitch...

Can you read?

I knew you were going to eventually claim you weren't referring to race when you said "more diverse".

Fuck outta here you fucking noob :lol:

Have fun with this guy elvis, I'm out :thup:

"more diverse".

Does not automatically imply race. He could have meant Diverse Political Beliefs, or Diverse Economic Back grounds, Diverse Religious Beliefs. Etc.

No it's an easier mark if it's about race.
Thats Racist!! Wait....:lol::lol:

Fraud my ass.

You're the one that made a big deal of it in the first place. I just asked you to find an exact quote....took you awhile.

Still waiting on "Workers Unite"

keep waiting....once you admitted to lying games over.

I'll find the next thing and you'll just say "aww I was just kidding":eusa_hand:

It wasn't a lie.

All I said is that Return power to the people wasn't the same as Power To The People. You tried to say it was. So you were being dishonest.

I think that a Republican using the phrase is an idiot....and you found one. But of course that isn't the what we were arguing about. You tried to say the Repugs were officially using the phrase. You couldn't find it in any of the stories you posted. So who really won the argument. My only mistake was giving you some wiggle room by saying "if you can find a direct quote from any of them I'll believe you".
Thats Racist!! Wait....:lol::lol:

Fraud my ass.

You're the one that made a big deal of it in the first place. I just asked you to find an exact quote....took you awhile.

Still waiting on "Workers Unite"

keep waiting....once you admitted to lying games over.

I'll find the next thing and you'll just say "aww I was just kidding":eusa_hand:

Do you still maintain that "Power to the people" is an official phrase of the RNC like you implied?

Unless you find it somewhere you're a liar.
sharkskin was on Gerardo, yes I was flipping around and of course I had to watch, he apparently has not lost his penchant for putting things in highly pejorative terms and stirring the shit when he can, the overarching message was we had more diverse folks there fore it was more of real amerika....

Van Jones? please.

I know when I cam getting hustled by the right, why is it the left never seems to get that smell from "their own"...

and of course the difference between becks thing and is pretty much summed up by; one grp. believes values transcend politics, the other left politics transcends values.
Saw some video of the event on ABC this morning. That rally had no more than HALF what Beck brought in. Another important difference, and it is a huge one, most of those people were from the DC area. No sign of the 50 states like at Beck's get together. THAT is also diversity.
Saw some video of the event on ABC this morning. That rally had no more than HALF what Beck brought in. Another important difference, and it is a huge one, most of those people were from the DC area. No sign of the 50 states like at Beck's get together. THAT is also diversity.

One news item that the MSM forgot to mention is that for Beck's rally much of the METRO system was down for maintenance. Probably had free ride day for the liberal rally.
This is the photo from the One Nation website. Good photoshop. :evil:

This is the photo from the One Nation website. Good photoshop. :evil:


They still had someone claim it was 4 million so in the minds of these folks it will be 4 million whether photoshopped it or not. 200,000 seems to be more accurate.

During Becks rally they didn't have room for all of them. How many was supposed to have showed up for that one?
More than 400 organizations — ranging from labor unions to faith, environmental and gay rights groups — partnered for the event, which comes one month after Beck packed the same space with conservatives and tea party-style activists.

Organizers claimed they had as many participants as Beck's rally. But Saturday's crowds were less dense and didn't reach as far to the edges as they did during Beck's rally. The National Park Service stopped providing official crowd estimates in the 1990s.

clearly, the racist hatemongerers at the AP are biased against hope, change and love.


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