quite the turn out at that one nation rally

Six months organization (Beck): generously 125K
Less than three weeks organization (Dems): maybe 40K

So let's recap. Beck and Company and associated and assorted wacks pull out all stops and get less than 150K.

Dems basically go, "Yo, man, let's pull a tailgater in about three weeks, it will be groovy" yet pull about a 1/3rd of the beckloon numbers.

You fools think this is going to be a massacre on election day? That is why you are wack loons.

Infidel, you are not a very observant conservative, much less an evil conservative.

The dems had a fun time with about 9% of the time to prepare than Beck's votes and attracted about 1/3rd of Beck's rally.

All the other stuff is fluff.

Give me ROCK SOLID facts that they only had "9%" of the time to prepare.

I call that a big fat steaming pile of bullshit and you know it.

Care to respond with facts Jake?
Here..... I will go ahead and state your response for you:

Beck started howling a half year earlier. I listened to him on the radio for six months chanting about it. It is common knowledge that the Dems began preparing no more than two and a half weeks out, if that.

If you can find out something different, go for it.

In the meantime, the weakness of the wack loon far right is obvious, particularly in your shrillness.

Why are you leaving it up to me to prove YOUR lie?

Just as sure as the sun sets in the West, they left and their socialist union goons have been planning this for a while..... and no I dont know how long, and no I dont care.

Their rally was a complete failure.
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Whatever the actual attendance at the One Nation Rally, it was far less (looks like 20% or less) than the number that showed up for Beck's Rally.

Considering that the Left had organized busses (likely paid for with taxpayer money considering the groups involved) to transport 70,000 people, more than half of the One Nation Rally was pure Astroturf.
Whatever the actual attendance at the One Nation Rally, it was far less (looks like 20% or less) than the number that showed up for Beck's Rally.

Considering that the Left had organized busses (likely paid for with taxpayer money considering the groups involved) to transport 70,000 people, more than half of the One Nation Rally was pure Astroturf.

If you did a money trail you the big support would more than likely be George Soros
Whatever the actual attendance at the One Nation Rally, it was far less (looks like 20% or less) than the number that showed up for Beck's Rally.

Considering that the Left had organized busses (likely paid for with taxpayer money considering the groups involved) to transport 70,000 people, more than half of the One Nation Rally was pure Astroturf.

Believe me.... if Beck or whoever had organized FREE transportation to thwe 8-28 Rally.... I'd of been there along with both my teenage daughters. But alas.... he didnt.

I could'nt afford the drive from Texas to DC and back, as well as hotel, food and gas. Thats the ONLY reason we didnt go.

The turnout would have been EPIC!
Whatever the actual attendance at the One Nation Rally, it was far less (looks like 20% or less) than the number that showed up for Beck's Rally.

Considering that the Left had organized busses (likely paid for with taxpayer money considering the groups involved) to transport 70,000 people, more than half of the One Nation Rally was pure Astroturf.

Of course the TEA Party was called that back when it made news...and now they are a force to be reckoned with.

Interesting that The DEMS have to project their terms upon others and prove it by doing what they accuse others of doing? :lol:

These people are so transparent...but learning to laugh and cry at the same time becomes an art of sorts. ;)
The lie is yours, Infidel, not mine.

Beck had six months, got 125K generously. The Dems took two weeks, got 50K generously.

The Tea Party is far weaker than what it appeared, and that is a generous appraisal.
Of course the TEA Party was called that back when it made news...and now they are a force to be reckoned with.

Interesting that The DEMS have to project their terms upon others and prove it by doing what they accuse others of doing? :lol:

These people are so transparent...but learning to laugh and cry at the same time becomes an art of sorts. ;)

Im not sure I have mastered that one yet.... but when I do, life will be good :smoke:
Fact: Beck's rally was less than 150K.

Fact: the dem's lovefest was less than 50K.

Fact: Beck's people hard worked that puppy for 6 months, the dems about two weeks.

Fact: in about 1/12th the time, the Dems pulled in about 1/3rd of Beck's rally. Impressive.

Conclusion: reactionary, while interesting, is not very impressive.

Jake your facts are not of this world come back to reality. Your facts are only valid in your mind, your facts are not factually correct, sorry.

I believe Jake is correct in his statements above. The Beck rally was promoted for alot longer than the one nation rally. Additionally, if Jakes facts are wrong you would have a better arguement if you provided anything that shows he is wrong. You can't just say "your facts are wrong" and viola, it's the truth. That is not how a debate goes. We are debating facts are we not? If not, no problem...continue on.
The lie is yours, Infidel, not mine.

Beck had six months, got 125K generously. The Dems took two weeks, got 50K generously.

The Tea Party is far weaker than what it appeared, and that is a generous appraisal.

We ge back and forth on this all day if ya would like.....

You said they only had a couple weeks or so to plan.... Im asking you prove that claim, and I am the liar?

Come on Jake old boy... you can do better than that.
I believe Jake is correct in his statements above. The Beck rally was promoted for alot longer than the one nation rally. Additionally, if Jakes facts are wrong you would have a better arguement if you provided anything that shows he is wrong. You can't just say "your facts are wrong" and viola, it's the truth. That is not how a debate goes. We are debating facts are we not? If not, no problem...continue on.


So what you are saying is that Jake can claim.... oh let see.... Hey Infidel, when did you stop slapping your old lady, and then I am supposed to prove him wrong..... what if I cant prove I dont slap my old lady? Why would he put a "fact" out there he cant prove?
Better question... why do I have to prove him wrong.... I didnt ask for him to lie!

You lefties are really wierd in your logic, or LACK THEREOF!
Also, if not having more attendees than another side is the indication of failure. The freedom works rally was a failure if you compare it to the anti war protests.

That's considering IF less attendees means failure.
I believe Jake is correct in his statements above. The Beck rally was promoted for alot longer than the one nation rally. Additionally, if Jakes facts are wrong you would have a better arguement if you provided anything that shows he is wrong. You can't just say "your facts are wrong" and viola, it's the truth. That is not how a debate goes. We are debating facts are we not? If not, no problem...continue on.


So what you are saying is that Jake can claim.... oh let see.... Hey Infidel, when did you stop slapping your old lady, and then I am supposed to prove him wrong..... what if I cant prove I dont slap my old lady? Why would he put a "fact" out there he cant prove?
Better question... why do I have to prove him wrong.... I didnt ask for him to lie!

You lefties are really wierd in your logic, or LACK THEREOF!

There is no logic, unless Logic is ruled by emotion?

Thing here is in Statist speak? You're a victim...of the other guy...always...and they always speak in terms of Catch 22.
The Infidel said:

So what you are saying is that Jake can claim.... oh let see.... Hey Infidel, when did you stop slapping your old lady, and then I am supposed to prove him wrong..... what if I cant prove I dont slap my old lady? Why would he put a "fact" out there he cant prove?
Better question... why do I have to prove him wrong.... I didnt ask for him to lie!

You lefties are really wierd in your logic, or LACK THEREOF!

slapping your lady isn't in the public record. This issue is. I just assumed that if you know his facts are wrong, you wouldve said why he's wrong.

The freedom works rally was promoted longer than the one nation rally. Is that incorrect? Again, I'm just asking
I believe Jake is correct in his statements above. The Beck rally was promoted for alot longer than the one nation rally. Additionally, if Jakes facts are wrong you would have a better arguement if you provided anything that shows he is wrong. You can't just say "your facts are wrong" and viola, it's the truth. That is not how a debate goes. We are debating facts are we not? If not, no problem...continue on.


So what you are saying is that Jake can claim.... oh let see.... Hey Infidel, when did you stop slapping your old lady, and then I am supposed to prove him wrong..... what if I cant prove I dont slap my old lady? Why would he put a "fact" out there he cant prove?
Better question... why do I have to prove him wrong.... I didnt ask for him to lie!

You lefties are really wierd in your logic, or LACK THEREOF!

There is no logic, unless Logic is ruled by emotion?

Thing here is in Statist speak? You're a victim...of the other guy...always...and they always speak in terms of Catch 22.

Yeah... well this evil little conservative is'nt falling for their tricks :cool:
The Infidel said:

So what you are saying is that Jake can claim.... oh let see.... Hey Infidel, when did you stop slapping your old lady, and then I am supposed to prove him wrong..... what if I cant prove I dont slap my old lady? Why would he put a "fact" out there he cant prove?
Better question... why do I have to prove him wrong.... I didnt ask for him to lie!

You lefties are really wierd in your logic, or LACK THEREOF!

slapping your lady isn't in the public record. This issue is. I just assumed that if you know his facts are wrong, you wouldve said why he's wrong.

The freedom works rally was promoted longer than the one nation rally. Is that incorrect? Again, I'm just asking

I dont know.... and I didnt know we were talking about The freedom works rally.

All I know is if he is going to say that they only had a couple of weeks.... Im asking where he got that info.
I dont believe it. Why should I have to provide evidence of something I dont believe.

Again, here is another analogy for ya:

If someone says that there are UFO's flying around, and I ask him to prove it.... is it logiacl for me to have to prove they are'nt? They made the silly assertion, not me.
Fact: Beck's rally was less than 150K.

Fact: the dem's lovefest was less than 50K.

Fact: Beck's people hard worked that puppy for 6 months, the dems about two weeks.

Fact: in about 1/12th the time, the Dems pulled in about 1/3rd of Beck's rally. Impressive.

Conclusion: reactionary, while interesting, is not very impressive.

Jake your facts are not of this world come back to reality. Your facts are only valid in your mind, your facts are not factually correct, sorry.

I believe Jake is correct in his statements above. The Beck rally was promoted for alot longer than the one nation rally. Additionally, if Jakes facts are wrong you would have a better arguement if you provided anything that shows he is wrong. You can't just say "your facts are wrong" and viola, it's the truth. That is not how a debate goes. We are debating facts are we not? If not, no problem...continue on.

How about three months planning for Becks rally not the 6 jake is talking about
Beck says his 8-28 rally will "reclaim the civil rights movement. ... We were the people that did it in the first place" | Media Matters for America

OH and the endorcers for the one nation event had some really big hitters
A lot of communist groups were involved with this rally
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So what you are saying is that Jake can claim.... oh let see.... Hey Infidel, when did you stop slapping your old lady, and then I am supposed to prove him wrong..... what if I cant prove I dont slap my old lady? Why would he put a "fact" out there he cant prove?
Better question... why do I have to prove him wrong.... I didnt ask for him to lie!

You lefties are really wierd in your logic, or LACK THEREOF!

There is no logic, unless Logic is ruled by emotion?

Thing here is in Statist speak? You're a victim...of the other guy...always...and they always speak in terms of Catch 22.

Yeah... well this evil little conservative is'nt falling for their tricks :cool:

And the thing is? They telegraph their intent without realizing it. They're that transparent.
@ infidel

that's fine if you asked where is he getting his facts from but you said his facts were wrong and I simply asked how? In your anaology the guys says there are UFO's flying around and you are the person saying "liar". When you do that instaed of asking someone to prove it, it suggests that you know the truth. Just sayin...

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