Quiz for the Marxists/Democrats who visit this site. Which gun is an assault rifle?

Which weapon shown below is an assault weapon?

  • Picture number 1.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Picture number 2.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither.

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Both.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marxists/Democrats are clueless about weapons.

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
Do you even try to engage in intelligent debate and banter or are you a one trick pony blaming everything on bad faith arguments? For your information the most dangerous states in the country are red states. Everyone knows that which is why your insults just seem ridiculously uninformed. Do better.
Everything about people killing other people with guns, isnt the tool being used but the reason why people want to kill other people. Christians are brought up that every life is valuable, while Marxists/Democrats from birth, say humanity is a problem and needs to be aborted to save the planet. Does that help you better understand where i am coming from?

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So how is it the gun's fault? Do you believe people are going to stop killing people just because they don't have access to a firearms? That's just silly. A determined murderer could just as easily kill as many people with a knife or a truck. I think your unhealthy fixation on firearms is a sign of something deeper.

Its the guns fault because they are easy to obtain with few restrictions and can kill from a distance.
Which gun is an assault rifle?

Picture number 1. or Picture number 2. ?

............... Weapon number 1......................................................Weapon number 2..............................................
View attachment 770264 View attachment 770265

Answer will follow when enough votes are counted.
Okay here are the two weapons describe from the pictures.
Picture number 1.

Picture number 2.

They are both ruger 10/22 both shoot the pistol ammo .22 LR but one looks scarier than the other because it has a modified stock, but no other modifications to make it shoot any faster. This is why Marxists/Demcorats are idiots when it comes to weapons that they call "Assault Weapons"

This is their best representative from Texas.

Sure, handguns are the most widely used method of homicide. So why are you wanting to ban rifles? I don't hear anyone calling for a handgun ban, do you?

It is a case where you fight the battles you can win
So how is it the gun's fault? Do you believe people are going to stop killing people just because they don't have access to a firearms? That's just silly. A determined murderer could just as easily kill as many people with a knife or a truck. I think your unhealthy fixation on firearms is a sign of something deeper.
More people died by Radical Muslims flying jets into buildings than all the school shootings put together since Columbine, yet we dont ban Muslims, do we?
It is a case where you fight the battles you can win

No, the real reason you folks want to ban what you mistakenly consider to be "assault rifles" is because you eventually want to ban all guns. And being the scariest-looking weapons, you're going for the lowest-hanging fruit on the tree first. You will never convince me that you folks don't want to ban all firearms.
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So how is it the gun's fault? Do you believe people are going to stop killing people just because they don't have access to a firearms? That's just silly. A determined murderer could just as easily kill as many people with a knife or a truck. I think your unhealthy fixation on firearms is a sign of something deeper.
Everything about people killing other people with guns, isnt the tool being used but the reason why people want to kill other people. Christians are brought up that every life is valuable, while Marxists/Democrats from birth, say humanity is a problem and needs to be aborted to save the planet. Does that help you better understand where i am coming from?

You dont even know what a marxist is. When I see right wingers type that I know they didnt go to college. I know they are overwhelmed in life looking for someone to blame. I know they wish they had a better life and find solace trying to look down on others as medicine for their low self esteem. I think you can do better than that.
Sure, handguns are the most widely used method of homicide. So why are you wanting to ban rifles? I don't hear anyone calling for a handgun ban, do you?

Handguns used to be the target of gungrabbers. They came up with “assault weapons” when it became clear that they were losing as far as pistols were concerned.

As admitted on one of their own sites…

Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.
Handguns used to be the target of gungrabbers. They came up with “assault weapons” when it became clear that they were losing as far as pistols were concerned.

As admitted on one of their own sites…

Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.

It's pretty obvious. The anti-gunners know they're never going to ban handguns. So they have to resort to fearmongering and focusing their attention on semi-automatic sporting rifles that have the physical characteristics of a military-style weapon.

One would think it was because the left has traditionally been known to be anti-military and anti-war. Except in this day and age, they're willing cheerleaders for a proxy war against Russia that's taking place in Ukraine.
You dont even know what a marxist is. When I see right wingers type that I know they didnt go to college. I know they are overwhelmed in life looking for someone to blame. I know they wish they had a better life and find solace trying to look down on others as medicine for their low self esteem. I think you can do better than that.
Do you know what a woman is? that is the first question, because i DO know what a Marxist is, since i was just on the other side of the Berlin Wall when all those Marxists/Socialists were killing innocent people. That is the way of all Marxists who dont agree with them. The only reason why you fuckers dont kill US is because we have the right to defend ourselves which really pisses you guys off. As for blame, i am all for personal responsibility, you do something stupid, you pay for it, sometimes with your life, that is a theory of Darwin.

No, the real reason you folks want to ban what you mistakenly consider to be "assault rifles" is because you eventually want to ban all guns. And being the scariest-looking weapons, you're going for the lowest-hanging fruit on the tree first. You will never convince that you folks don't want to ban all firearms.

No, that horse has already left the stable
400 million guns are out there

But we still get repeated massacres, too often with young children

Their chosen weapon……AR-15 type weapons
See Florida for what assault on rights looks like. Its a red fucker doing it there.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Man you really are a stupid fuck. While you were locked down, Florida was open and free where even bitches like AOC came to party. Oh you mean like not allowing pedophiles to have access to children with bring your child to DRAG QUEEN HOUR and your local library. Yeah, you can only be free up to a certain point until you start fucking with children. Do you support DRAG QUEEN HOUR to be shown to young children Gatorbaitor.
Do you know what a woman is? that is the first question, because i DO know what a Marxist is, since i was just on the other side of the Berlin Wall when all those Marxists/Socialists were killing innocent people. That is the way of all Marxists who dont agree with them. The only reason why you fuckers dont kill US is because we have the right to defend ourselves which really pisses you guys off. As for blame, i am all for personal responsibility, you do something stupid, you pay for it, sometimes with your life, that is a theory of Darwin.
Ive never seen mass cowardice like it exists in the right wing culture, exactly what you are extolling. Dude... I am a white straight married American business executive who lives and grew up in the south and is actively outdoor recreationist, drives an SUV and extremely proud to be an American. I am a democrat because they do not try to take away individual liberties and rights. They believe in you making your own choices and offer realistic solution to real problems. The GOP is simply a culture warrior movement of a group of leaders trying to protect their political power by fanning flames of hate in order to incite low information voters to their side. Is sad really.
Bwaaaahhaaaaaa.....Man you really are a stupid fuck. While you were locked down, Florida was open and free where even bitches like AOC came to party. Oh you mean like not allowing pedophiles to have access to children with bring your child to DRAG QUEEN HOUR and your local library. Yeah, you can only be free up to a certain point until you start fucking with children. Do you support DRAG QUEEN HOUR to be shown to young children Gatorbaitor.
No. Florida shut down the beaches like everyone else. There was zero economic impact difference in red and blue states. The only difference was death rates. All the impacts were related to density of populations and mitigation controls. No economic impact differences.
Ive never seen mass cowardice like it exists in the right wing culture, exactly what you are extolling. Dude... I am a white straight married American business executive who lives and grew up in the south and is actively outdoor recreationist, drives an SUV and extremely proud to be an American. I am a democrat because they do not try to take away individual liberties and rights. They believe in you making your own choices and offer realistic solution to real problems. The GOP is simply a culture warrior movement of a group of leaders trying to protect their political power by fanning flames of hate in order to incite low information voters to their side. Is sad really.

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