quote from nuremberg trials still highly relevant today

Not really. You're a pacifist only because you're a coward, not out of any principle. If you had any balls you'd be plotting your own attacks against the US military.
If I were a pacifist, I wouldn't be planning attacks on anyone.

Only Slaves kill for money.
Pay attention, fool. Your pacifism stems not from a desire for peace but from your cowardice.

That you are a coward is a well-established fact.
My lack of courage has nothing to do with the validity of Goering"s message:

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism (or courage) or exposing the country to danger."

"It works the same in every country."

Goering wasn't the first psychopath to notice this technique. It's been a staple for all governments through all time to socialize cost while privatizing profit.

My personal failings have no impact on that.

Blu got EXACTLY what he wanted with this thread, his leftist retardo brothers and sisters attacking the US over Afghanistan and Iraq. That was the entire point of his post.

are you avoiding the post about GW's granddad?
Howard Zinn, combat vet of WWII, believed there was a third option when considering war crimes.

"Along with accidental and deliberate targeting of civilians, there was also targeting practices which resulted in the inevitable loss of civilian life.

As far as Iraq's concerned, what light does WikiLeaks shed?

"The secret US army files made public Friday by the WikiLeaks web site provide massive documentation of the criminal character of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq.

"WikiLeaks posted nearly 400,000 army field reports, filed by low-ranking soldiers after combat or reconnaissance operations, describing the death tolls due to US military action, attacks by anti-US insurgents, or the internecine civil conflict sparked by the US occupation.

"The reports cover the period from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2009, and therefore provide no data on the mass killings that took place during the initial US invasion in March 2003..."

“The war logs, seen by the Guardian, contain a horrific dossier of cases where US troops killed innocent civilians at checkpoints, on Iraq's roads and during raids on people's homes.

"The victims include dozens of women and children.

"The US rarely admitted their deaths publicly.”

Don't let the door smack your fat ass on your way out, Punk.
First Chomsky, now Zinn. You'l believe anything that validates your hatred of America, won't you?

You really are a mindless fool.
"The Guardian notes that the army reports, however grisly, significantly underestimate the death toll from US military action, even compared to the figures produced by Iraq Body Count (IBC), which are well below estimates, based on demographic studies, of a million or more Iraqis killed.

"The newspaper writes:

“'A key example of the failure by US forces to record civilian casualties they have inflicted comes in the two major urban battles against insurgents fought in 2004 in Falluja. Numerous buildings were reduced to rubble by air strikes, tank shells and howitzers, and there were well-attested deaths of hundreds of civilians. IBC has identified between 1,226 and 1,362 such deaths during April and November. But the leaked US internal field reports record no civilian casualties at all.'”


Why are you running from this debate??
You don't want debate, coward. You want validation for your hatred of America.

You can get all that you want from Chomsky and Zinn.
If I were a pacifist, I wouldn't be planning attacks on anyone.

Only Slaves kill for money.
Pay attention, fool. Your pacifism stems not from a desire for peace but from your cowardice.

That you are a coward is a well-established fact.
My lack of courage has nothing to do with the validity of Goering"s message:

"All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism (or courage) or exposing the country to danger."

"It works the same in every country."

Goering wasn't the first psychopath to notice this technique. It's been a staple for all governments through all time to socialize cost while privatizing profit.

My personal failings have no impact on that.

Who cares what you think? Excuse me...you don't think at all. You regurgitate like a good little leftybot.
First Chomsky, now Zinn. You'l believe anything that validates your hatred of America, won't you?

You really are a mindless fool.
"The Guardian notes that the army reports, however grisly, significantly underestimate the death toll from US military action, even compared to the figures produced by Iraq Body Count (IBC), which are well below estimates, based on demographic studies, of a million or more Iraqis killed.

"The newspaper writes:

“'A key example of the failure by US forces to record civilian casualties they have inflicted comes in the two major urban battles against insurgents fought in 2004 in Falluja. Numerous buildings were reduced to rubble by air strikes, tank shells and howitzers, and there were well-attested deaths of hundreds of civilians. IBC has identified between 1,226 and 1,362 such deaths during April and November. But the leaked US internal field reports record no civilian casualties at all.'”


Why are you running from this debate??
You don't want debate, coward. You want validation for your hatred of America.

You can get all that you want from Chomsky and Zinn.
My hatred in reserved for elites (including US elites) who profit from summary executions and other war crimes:

"The Guardian focuses on the scale of the bloodshed, including 15,000 civilians killed in incidents not previously reported by the US military—which publicly denied it was even counting civilian deaths, while keeping an extensive internal log.

"The newspaper’s report begins: 'A grim picture of the US and Britain's legacy in Iraq has been revealed in a massive leak of American military documents that detail torture, summary executions and war crimes.'”

Our government kills children for money and lies about it.
That should offend anyone who desires freedom.
Hero or coward.
"The Guardian notes that the army reports, however grisly, significantly underestimate the death toll from US military action, even compared to the figures produced by Iraq Body Count (IBC), which are well below estimates, based on demographic studies, of a million or more Iraqis killed.

"The newspaper writes:

“'A key example of the failure by US forces to record civilian casualties they have inflicted comes in the two major urban battles against insurgents fought in 2004 in Falluja. Numerous buildings were reduced to rubble by air strikes, tank shells and howitzers, and there were well-attested deaths of hundreds of civilians. IBC has identified between 1,226 and 1,362 such deaths during April and November. But the leaked US internal field reports record no civilian casualties at all.'”


Why are you running from this debate??
You don't want debate, coward. You want validation for your hatred of America.

You can get all that you want from Chomsky and Zinn.
My hatred in reserved for elites (including US elites) who profit from summary executions and other war crimes:

"The Guardian focuses on the scale of the bloodshed, including 15,000 civilians killed in incidents not previously reported by the US military—which publicly denied it was even counting civilian deaths, while keeping an extensive internal log.

"The newspaper’s report begins: 'A grim picture of the US and Britain's legacy in Iraq has been revealed in a massive leak of American military documents that detail torture, summary executions and war crimes.'”

Our government kills children for money and lies about it.
That should offend anyone who desires freedom.
Hero or coward.
So what are you going to do about it? Note that posting on the internet is NOT "doing something about it".

But that's all you'll do. Because it's safe. Despite your fellow nutcases' claims of this being a fascist police state, the government really doesn't give a shit about you. You're not going to be disappeared. You're not going to be surveilled. There is no one tracing your calls or tracking your website visits. No one is following you.

Got it, coward? You're just sucking up resources and giving nothing back to society. You're too cowardly to fight the system you hate.

But you just keep posting on the internet and pretending you're making a difference, Red George. But you're only deluding yourself.

Blu got EXACTLY what he wanted with this thread, his leftist retardo brothers and sisters attacking the US over Afghanistan and Iraq. That was the entire point of his post.

are you avoiding the post about GW's granddad?

You are aware, I assume that, that the US protested to Britain about them seizing US ships headed to Germany after the war started? That it was not illegal to sell to Germany when people were doing it even after the Allies declared war?

Since when does it matter who sold what LEGALLY to anyone matter?
You don't want debate, coward. You want validation for your hatred of America.

You can get all that you want from Chomsky and Zinn.
My hatred in reserved for elites (including US elites) who profit from summary executions and other war crimes:

"The Guardian focuses on the scale of the bloodshed, including 15,000 civilians killed in incidents not previously reported by the US military—which publicly denied it was even counting civilian deaths, while keeping an extensive internal log.

"The newspaper’s report begins: 'A grim picture of the US and Britain's legacy in Iraq has been revealed in a massive leak of American military documents that detail torture, summary executions and war crimes.'”

Our government kills children for money and lies about it.
That should offend anyone who desires freedom.
Hero or coward.
So what are you going to do about it? Note that posting on the internet is NOT "doing something about it".

But that's all you'll do. Because it's safe. Despite your fellow nutcases' claims of this being a fascist police state, the government really doesn't give a shit about you. You're not going to be disappeared. You're not going to be surveilled. There is no one tracing your calls or tracking your website visits. No one is following you.

Got it, coward? You're just sucking up resources and giving nothing back to society. You're too cowardly to fight the system you hate.

But you just keep posting on the internet and pretending you're making a difference, Red George. But you're only deluding yourself.

Whether I'm capable of helping to end US war crimes or not, at the very least I'm not actively working to assist those who kill children for money.

You on the other hand apparently expect thanks for helping turn the world into living hell for tens of thousands of Muslim families.

Thanks for all you do.

My hatred in reserved for elites (including US elites) who profit from summary executions and other war crimes:

"The Guardian focuses on the scale of the bloodshed, including 15,000 civilians killed in incidents not previously reported by the US military—which publicly denied it was even counting civilian deaths, while keeping an extensive internal log.

"The newspaper’s report begins: 'A grim picture of the US and Britain's legacy in Iraq has been revealed in a massive leak of American military documents that detail torture, summary executions and war crimes.'”

Our government kills children for money and lies about it.
That should offend anyone who desires freedom.
Hero or coward.
So what are you going to do about it? Note that posting on the internet is NOT "doing something about it".

But that's all you'll do. Because it's safe. Despite your fellow nutcases' claims of this being a fascist police state, the government really doesn't give a shit about you. You're not going to be disappeared. You're not going to be surveilled. There is no one tracing your calls or tracking your website visits. No one is following you.

Got it, coward? You're just sucking up resources and giving nothing back to society. You're too cowardly to fight the system you hate.

But you just keep posting on the internet and pretending you're making a difference, Red George. But you're only deluding yourself.

Whether I'm capable of helping to end US war crimes or not, at the very least I'm not actively working to assist those who kill children for money.

You on the other hand apparently expect thanks for helping turn the world into living hell for tens of thousands of Muslim families.

Thanks for all you do.

It's funny (and by that, I mean pathetic) that you feel that making ridiculous claims about me refutes the fact of your cowardice.

Go on, Red George. Bring down the fascists. Post some more. :lol:
Calling someone a coward on the internet?


Do you have proof I'm a coward?


Or are you simply incapable of arguments other than Ad hominem, i.e., are you more comfortable appealing to prejudices and feelings rather than intellect?
Calling someone a coward on the internet?


Do you have proof I'm a coward?


Or are you simply incapable of arguments other than Ad hominem, i.e., are you more comfortable appealing to prejudices and feelings rather than intellect?
I have your own words as proof of your cowardice, Red George.

In early March of 1966 I spent ten days processing out of the USAF. I lied about "back pain" and received a medical discharge within my first month of service.
Were you drafted, or did you enlist? Either way, what made you want to break your contract?
Enlisted as part of a "buddy program" to avoid the draft.

My buddy reneged and joined the Marines.

I would have to credit homesickness as the excuse for breaking my contract.
Now connect the dots between homesick and coward.

There's pretty much only one dot. You couldn't man up enough to fulfill your end of the contract, so you lied to get out of it.

Just as well. The service doesn't need lying cowards in uniform. Someone else with courage and honor took your place.

now where I have I seen that before....?


oh yes!

it's the FOX news motto!

in fact (all joking aside) newt gingrich created a booklet based on this concept...

it contained words to use to demonize your opponents and words to use to lionize your friends....

it STESSED that it was important to use the worst possible words (on your enemies) no matter HOW UNTRUE they were...


same difference....
Now connect the dots between homesick and coward.

There's pretty much only one dot. You couldn't man up enough to fulfill your end of the contract, so you lied to get out of it.

Just as well. The service doesn't need lying cowards in uniform. Someone else with courage and honor took your place.
Obviously the USAF needs lying cowards or you would be among the unemployed.
You can remember the lessons of history without calling everyone you disagree with a nazi.

The Op posted a quote that is worth remembering.

I didnt see anyone called a nazi
You can remember the lessons of history without calling everyone you disagree with a nazi.

The Op posted a quote that is worth remembering.

I didnt see anyone called a nazi

I don't know of anyone here who called other people "nazis" simply because they disagreed......

well...rush limbaugh does it....

and every conservative who has referred tp democrats as demoNAZIS has done it....

and every conservative who has called hillary HITLARY and posted a pciture of her in a nazi uniform has done it.....

as important as it is to NOT call people "nazis" simply for having differing opinions it is ALSO important to refer to REAL nazis as "nazis"

political chic is a sane, rational and intelligent conservative who uses logic, reason and opinion
to make her points....

she is NOT a nazi

she is a well respected opponent in the political arena

on the other hand rush limbaugh uses fear tactics, misinformation lies to "help" his followers "believe" that liberals are EVIL, the ENEMY, out to RUIN America, anti-GOD, anti-GOOD.....and the only good answer to liberalism is violence...."

that makes limbaugh a nazi

newts booklet, full of examples of extreme words to use to demonize liberals, is just exactly the type of lying fear-filled propaganda that goebbels used.....

in this case...

a spade is a spade
Now connect the dots between homesick and coward.

There's pretty much only one dot. You couldn't man up enough to fulfill your end of the contract, so you lied to get out of it.

Just as well. The service doesn't need lying cowards in uniform. Someone else with courage and honor took your place.
Obviously the USAF needs lying cowards or you would be among the unemployed.
Oh, sheesh, you're just phoning it in now. I'm not a liar, and I'm not a coward.

You, on the other hand, are both.

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