Qur'anic verses on body of russian baby


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
Russian press agencies have reported the news yesterday
Qur'anic verses have reportedly appeared on the body of a nine-month old boy named Ali from the Russian Republic of Dagestan.

Since his birth, birthmarks in the form of Arabic script have been appearing on Ali's body. First, there were individual letters but then texts began appearing, the Russian-language Vesti news channel quoted his parents as saying on Thursday.

"First, there was a hematoma on his chin. When the bruise went off, we saw the word "Allah," Ali's mother Madina Yakubova said.

Surprisingly, one of the baby's legs has an inscription, "Allah is the creator of all entities."

The TV channel reported that Ali was first diagnosed with "ischemic heart disease of the second degree" and "infantile cerebral paralysis" in the maternity clinic. However, after the inexplicable events began happening, he was examined again and found healthy.

The incident has been drawing hundreds of Dagestani Muslims to Ali's home everyday, prompting local authorities to guard the house round-the-clock.

TV report
Dailymotion - Enfant Miracle au Daghestan Soubhan'Allah - une vidéo Expression Libre

This baby has been curse,it must be a mass and baptist to remove those satan mark.

How do you know that it was not God's benevolent angel and Christ healing the child and Muhammed writing the scriptures?

Look--my Atheism is starting to fade--All praise is due to Allah and Mohammed is his messanger!!

I am have finally found the true religion, and it is Islam!!
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Muhammed false prophets,his poem of satan is full of violence speech,female discrimination,ignorance science,ati-Christianty,un-conscience....factly just the worst books where seem in the human history.And himself is a pedophilia,masscare millions inocent people,fill hands of blood.During 6century,Mother church's 4 sisters:Jerusalem,Antioch,Alexandria and Rome,he destoried 3,thousands Christian be forced to give up their faith by his evil pagan goverment's suppress.So,islamic is a religion which created by a false prophet.

Deuteronomy 20-22 "But if a prophet presumes to speak in my name an oracle that I have not commanded him to speak, or speaks in the name of other gods, he shall die.'"If you say to yourselves, 'How can we recognize an oracle which the LORD has spoken?',know that, even though a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if his oracle is not fulfilled or verified, it is an oracle which the LORD did not speak. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously, and you shall have no fear of him."

Micah 3:5-7 "Thus says the LORD regarding the prophets who lead my people astray; Who, when their teeth have something to bite, announce peace, But when one fails to put something in their mouth, proclaim war against him.Therefore you shall have night, not vision, darkness, not divination; The sun shall go down upon the prophets, and the day shall be dark for them.Then shall the seers be put to shame, and the diviners confounded; They shall cover their lips, all of them, because there is no answer from God."

Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves."

Matthew 24:11 "Many false prophets will arise and deceive many;"

Matthew 24:24 "False messiahs and false prophets will arise, and they will perform signs and wonders so great as to deceive, if that were possible, even the elect."

Mark 13:22 "False messiahs and false prophets will arise and will perform signs and wonders in order to mislead, if that were possible, the elect."

Peter 2:1 "There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who ransomed them, bringing swift destruction on themselves."

John 4:1 "Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."

Allah,Satanael,Lucifer,The falling daystar,dark prince....whatever his name is,just know his nature is pure evil is enough to me.
Well......interestingly enough......Hagar is kinda who started the whole IsLAME thing.......

Abraham and Sarah were traveling through the desert when they were taken to the Egyptian pharoh. The pharoh was going to take Sarah and kill Abraham, but Abraham told the pharoh that Sarah was his sister.

The pharoh then tried to woo her by presenting Abraham with a huge dowry. When God told the pharoh that Sarah was really Abraham's wife, and he should let them go or he would sin and be killed, he did.

He also gave Abraham slaves and animals and told him to go on his way. One of those servants was a handmaiden who was an Egyptian princess. Her name was Hagar, and she was Sarah's handmaiden.

She was also the mother of Ishmael, and when Sarah told Abraham to kick Hagar out of the tribe, he did.

Hagar then wandered towards Egypt (Mecca and the Zam Zam well) with her teenage son Ishmael. Now......according to legend.......Hagar couldn't bear to see her son die, so she placed him in some bushes and went away from him and prayed.

Now.......Ishmael was Abraham's son, and had been raised believing in HaShem. Hagar (his mother) was an Egyptian princess who had just been kicked out of the tribe. So, it's not too far of a stretch to think that she told Ishmael to go stand behind some bushes as she was going to try praying to her Egyptian deities, and she didn't want Ishmael to see her, as he would have probably tried to stop her.

Nope..........allah (may his name forever be a curse......ptooie.....) is actually an Egyptian deity.
Would this be difficult to photoshop or tattoo on? Or even to create bruises like this?

Exactly what verses were written? All it says is that script was written in Vesti saying very generic things. Is this supposed to be some proof of islam?
Would this be difficult to photoshop or tattoo on? Or even to create bruises like this?

Exactly what verses were written? All it says is that script was written in Vesti saying very generic things. Is this supposed to be some proof of islam?

You know..........the right shade of henna (like what Hindu brides tattoo themselves with), could be used here.

Matter of fact, you can even get really super fine detail with a paintbrush. Just look at the henna tattoos that Hindu women put on their face and hands when they get married.

Methinks this may be a hoax.
Allah was a donkey fucker.

That child is a S-C-A-M

You do know that Allah is the arabic name for Yahweh?

Allah is the name of the god that Muslims worship. Its not anyone else's god.

It always makes me laugh when I hear Christians slander the word "Allah"

Allah is arabic for "the God" or "One God"

There are tens of millions of Arab Christians in the Middle East.

Their Church services are in arabic. Their minister preaches the "Word of Allah"

And their Bibles are printed in the Arabic language.

Their Bibles use Allah in place of God.

When arabic Christians refer to Jesus being God. They say "Jesus is Allah"
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You do know that Allah is the arabic name for Yahweh?

Allah is the name of the god that Muslims worship. Its not anyone else's god.

It always makes me laugh when I hear Christians slander the word "Allah"

Allah is arabic for "the God" or "One God"

There are tens of millions of Arab Christians in the Middle East.

Their Church services are in arabic. Their minister preaches the "Word of Allah"

And their Bibles are printed in the Arabic language.

Their Bibles use Allah in place of God.

When arabic Christians refer to Jesus being God. They say "Jesus is Allah"

Every religion uses the word "god" as the name for their god. Different languages have different words for "god", but they are still saying the same thing basically. With that said, just because there has been a somewhat universal usage of the title "god" does not mean they are all one and the same. Different religions have different beliefs, therefore the god they worship is not the same god. This means by default that even if one were to assume there is such thing as god, 99.999% of all religions are false religions. Only one could possibly be right, though i believe they are all wrong. Put a muslim cleric and a catholic priest side by side, one of the two has wasted his entire life on something that doesnt exist, though that is likely true for both.

For the record, this baby is either a hoax, or someone needs to arrest its parents for putting marks on the poor things body.
Would this be difficult to photoshop or tattoo on? Or even to create bruises like this?

Exactly what verses were written? All it says is that script was written in Vesti saying very generic things. Is this supposed to be some proof of islam?

you are a joke!;
it's well known that babies can't support tattoos

those clear quranic verses appear and disappear, and doctors can't explain this phenomena
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vmH9mb5iOM]YouTube - Signs of Allah? Inscriptions on the body of a baby[/ame]
Would this be difficult to photoshop or tattoo on? Or even to create bruises like this?

Exactly what verses were written? All it says is that script was written in Vesti saying very generic things. Is this supposed to be some proof of islam?

you are a joke!;
it's well known that babies can't support tattoos

those clear quranic verses appear and disappear, and doctors can't explain this phenomena
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vmH9mb5iOM]YouTube - Signs of Allah? Inscriptions on the body of a baby[/ame]

Henna tattoos fade after about a week. Oh yeah.....they're put on with a paint brush.

Mendhi (also Mehandi, Mehendi, etc.) is the application of Henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in South Asia, Southwest Asia, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, as well as by expatriate communities from these areas. Mehendi decorations became fashionable in the West in the late 1990s, where they are sometimes called henna tattoos. Henna is typically applied during special occasions like weddings and festivals. It is usually drawn on the palms and feet, where the color will be darkest because the skin contains higher levels of keratin which binds temporarily to lawsone, the colorant of henna. Henna was originally used as a form of decoration mainly for brides.

The term henna tattoo is inaccurate, because tattoos are defined as permanent surgical insertion of pigments underneath the skin, as opposed to pigments resting on the surface as is the case with mehndi

Likely due to the desire for a "tattoo-black" appearance, many people have started adding the synthetic dye PPD to henna to give it a black color. PPD is extremely harmful to the skin and can cause severe allergic reactions resulting in permanent injury or death.[1]

Alata (Mahur) is a flower-based dye used to paint the feet of the brides in some regions of India. It is still used in Bengal.

The term Mendhī refers to the plant Lawsonia inermis and the dye produced from it, while the word Henna was used with the same meaning, in Arabic. Although these were originally synonymous terms, a distinction later arose between them, wherein Henna became the related art form.


Application of the Henna paste

Henna paste is usually applied on the skin using a plastic cone or a paint brush, but sometimes a small metal-tipped jacquard bottle used for silk painting (a jac bottle) is used. The painted area is then wrapped with tissue, plastic, or medical tape to lock in body heat, creating a more intense colour on the skin. The wrap is worn overnight and then removed. The final colour is reddish brown and can last anywhere from two weeks to several months depending on the type of the paste.

Mehndi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So......what I think is that someone is painting henna tattoos on the kid, when they fade they say it's the will of allah (may his name forever be a curse......ptooie.......), and then wait a couple of days and paint the kid again.

Simple scam actually.

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