R. Kelly sentened to 20 years in prison in Chicago sex crimes case

wasn’t R. Kelly in the Middle East a year or so ago. Why would he ever come back to United States for trial?

How did you get in this situation? This country was set up for you.

Of course you don't, you only want to deal with the black men who will show you their teeth, coon and bow down for you.

Black men don't see white men as being oppressed and if they are oppressed it is another white man oppressing them.
I don’t really like dealing with Internet tough brother. Here in America we have millions of white people and Black people who are poor who have absolutely nothing going on in their lives ..living a shit hole life. And it’s on men like us to help them out. There’s no room in this country for groups like Black Lives Matter which are again a disgrace to the African nation
Matt Gaetz is going to get off Scott free, because he knows the right folks.
Gaetz is getting off scot free because he is as innocent as a newborn babe.

And no, he doesn't "know the right folks " at all. In fact he has the enmity of the entire Biden DOJ that has been trying to crucify him for years.
Do me a favor stop quoting me if you’re going to continue to talk like you do above.

I don’t want to be around weak people , weak minded black man or weak white men. I want nothing to do with those that make me weak. Learn that from Andrew Tate my friend …And brother I hope that you could realize that the African nation is a proud nation and they have absolutely nothing to do with Black Lives Matter which is a beta group of weak people
What do you consider to be a weak minded man?

What makes you weak?

So because BLM wants the police to be held accountable when they unjustly murder black folks they are weak folks? That makes no sense too me.
I don’t really like dealing with Internet tough brother.
Internet tough brother?
Here in America we have millions of white people and Black people who are poor who have absolutely nothing going on in their lives ..living a shit hole life. And it’s on men like us to help them out. There’s no room in this country for groups like Black Lives Matter which are again a disgrace to the African nation.
So in other words black folks should just keep turning the other cheek and wait for you to one day decide to do the right thing. If not for BLM there are many cases where cops would have never been brought to the Bar of Justice.
Gaetz is getting off scot free because he is as innocent as a newborn babe.
Gaetz is getting off because he is privileged, the dude is guilty as hell and it has been proven.
And no, he doesn't "know the right folks " at all. In fact he has the enmity of the entire Biden DOJ that has been trying to crucify him for years.
Sure he does, it is the reason why he and many other rich or connected white criminals have gotten away from Justice.
Gaetz is getting off because he is privileged, the dude is guilty as hell and it has been proven.

Sure he does, it is the reason why he and many other rich or connected white criminals have gotten away from Justice.

Gaetz's political enemies are in charge of the DOJ.

His "connections"are actually a point of negativity here.
Greenberg took one for the team.
That's not evidence. I find it hard to believe that the FBI/DOJ investigated someone like Gaetz for 2 years and didnt find anything if there was anything to be found. He's not exactly a popular person in Washington.
He needs to rot in jail for his crimes, but why don't you feel that way about Matt Gaetz?
Probably because there is zero evidence Matt Gaetz committed any crime...

Just more bullshit leftist propaganda like Christine "the lying cúnt" Blasey Ford's allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

If a leftist claims it, you should bet money on "lies" everytime. You will be able to retire rich at a very young age.
Probably because there is zero evidence Matt Gaetz committed any crime...

Just more bullshit leftist propaganda like Christine "the lying cúnt" Blasey Ford's allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

If a leftist claims it, you should bet money on "lies" everytime. You will be able to retire rich at a very young age.
It was a Trump Humper who opened the investigation against him. Must be nice to be privileged.
Probably because there is zero evidence Matt Gaetz committed any crime...

Just more bullshit leftist propaganda like Christine "the lying cúnt" Blasey Ford's allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

If a leftist claims it, you should bet money on "lies" everytime. You will be able to retire rich at a very young age.

Bullshit. There is all kinds of evidence, but the witnesses aren't credible and Gaetz is really fucking rich.

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