Rabbis Need to Take Bernie's Jewish ID Card Away from Him

What do expect from a man who would take a lake house as a bribe to stop challenging Hillary Clinton's nomination?
How does this happen? His parents tried to raise him right, but something went wildly astray.

---Bernie Sanders Gives Stunning Sunday Show Performance as Hamas Propagandist---

Bernie is a secular Jew. It would be like someone claiming to be catholic because their grandmother was italian without ever setting foot in a cathedral.

No, it is Zionists like Netanyahu who admit to being atheists.
You can't be both a Zionist and a Jew.
Zionism is evil and against most of the beliefs of Judaism.

The Zionist are not native to Palestine, have not bought any land there, and are murdering to they can steal the homes of the natives.
"All that I think is that given the incredible suffering in Gaza where we have a poverty rate of 56%, 70% of the young people are unemployed, and after the Israeli attacks you have wastewater plants destroyed, clinics destroyed, hospitals destroyed, I think the United States has got to develop an even-handed approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We have to be pro-Israel, but we have to be pro-Palestinian," Sanders said.

What part of the above was incorrect? He even declares that we have to be pro-Isreal along with Pro-Palestinian.
How does this happen? His parents tried to raise him right, but something went wildly astray.

---Bernie Sanders Gives Stunning Sunday Show Performance as Hamas Propagandist---

Bernie is a secular Jew. It would be like someone claiming to be catholic because their grandmother was italian without ever setting foot in a cathedral.
Being secular means you have a reasonable IQ.
Anyone who believes ANY religion pretty much as to be a moron these days.
And the Old Testament is about the most barbaric and outdated religion there is.
Islam is vastly improved, where women have rights, can testify, inherit, own property, have souls, can go to heaven, divorce, etc.
Democrats would sell their own mothers for their political Agenda. They are traitors to America, is it surprising the Jewish ones would side with Hamas?

Hamas is on the side of law and order, justice, and individual rights.
The Zionists are illegal immigrants from Poland and Russia, without any Mideast DNA.
One thing is for certain.

The Zionist Jew is not a supporter of free speech, debate, or dissent. The Zionist Jew may be Democrat but is not democrat.... And last November showed us what Zionist Jews think of free and fair elections....

The overwhelming evidence of that area since 1948 is that Albert Einstein was 100% spot on....
How does this happen? His parents tried to raise him right, but something went wildly astray.

---Bernie Sanders Gives Stunning Sunday Show Performance as Hamas Propagandist---

Bernie is a secular Jew. It would be like someone claiming to be catholic because their grandmother was italian without ever setting foot in a cathedral.
Being secular means you have a reasonable IQ.
Anyone who believes ANY religion pretty much as to be a moron these days.
And the Old Testament is about the most barbaric and outdated religion there is.
Islam is vastly improved, where women have rights, can testify, inherit, own property, have souls, can go to heaven, divorce, etc.

"Islam is vastly improved, where women have rights..."

Yes, the right to cover their entire body literally from hair to toe or risk death by stoning for lacking the proper degree of shame for being born female. Anyone trying to make the argument you just made is a myopic fool.
How does this happen? His parents tried to raise him right, but something went wildly astray.

---Bernie Sanders Gives Stunning Sunday Show Performance as Hamas Propagandist---

Bernie is a secular Jew. It would be like someone claiming to be catholic because their grandmother was italian without ever setting foot in a cathedral.
Being secular means you have a reasonable IQ.
Anyone who believes ANY religion pretty much as to be a moron these days.
And the Old Testament is about the most barbaric and outdated religion there is.
Islam is vastly improved, where women have rights, can testify, inherit, own property, have souls, can go to heaven, divorce, etc.

Being secular means you don't believe in God which makes you not religious which makes you not Jewish.
Not to be mistaken with "God" an undefined creator if there could be such a thing, Yahweh was a ridiculous, demonic, middle east, never existed, deity adopted by an ethnic cult called the Israelites that devised the "Bible" and "Talmud" for their benefit and not yours assuming you are intelligent and racist.

No, it is Zionists like Netanyahu who admit to being atheists.
You can't be both a Zionist and a Jew.
Zionism is evil and against most of the beliefs of Judaism.
The Zionist are not native to Palestine, have not bought any land there, and are murdering to they can steal the homes of the natives.
Netanyahu has it right. Most US leaders have it right. Power wins. Once you put military planes in the air and start dropping bombs, you get respect. Your enemies notice and they back off.

No, it is Zionists like Netanyahu who admit to being atheists.
You can't be both a Zionist and a Jew.
Zionism is evil and against most of the beliefs of Judaism.
The Zionist are not native to Palestine, have not bought any land there, and are murdering to they can steal the homes of the natives.
Netanyahu has it right. Most US leaders have it right. Power wins. Once you put military planes in the air and start dropping bombs, you get respect. Your enemies notice and they back off.

Israeli pilot - but sir, it is an American ship, I can see the flag

IDF HQ - follow orders, hit it

And every pro Israel Christian stood up and cheered as the Israelis attacked and murdered the USS Liberty.

Israel is our ally, no matter how many times they prove they are not....

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