Rabid anti Trump a**hole pepper sprays Trump supporters including two children

You dont bring kids to a political rally.

No you don't, now make me a sammich....or something :smoke:

Would pork loin chops with raspberry sauce be okay?
It's one of my favorites.

Sounds fantastic :thup:

Oh it is...trust me.
It makes the redneck version of chops and apple sauce seem downright uncivilized.
But of course I love those as well...
Being an uncivilized brute and all..
Doesn't matter who did what, a little kid got pepper sprayed. So as it was implied in post 1, it's not Ted Cruz's job to condemn this, It's not Trumps job to make adults act like adults. All of the politicians involved Hillary and Bernie included need to get on TV and have their people behave.like all the thug lives matter people. All this is dumb.
You dont bring kids to a political rally.

I think you should. they would hate it, but it gets them off the damn xbox.

Concerned about liberals doing what liberals do....violence.
And besides,it's easier to swing if you arent holding your kids hand.

when we went it was to see Dubya in Kingsport Tennessee. I thought it would be good for them. So when my Son turned 18 he said he had been waiting 11 years to call me a dick,lol. ahh, the memories. nowadays, I agree. to damn crazy.
You dont bring kids to a political rally.

I think you should. they would hate it, but it gets them off the damn xbox.

Concerned about liberals doing what liberals do....violence.
And besides,it's easier to swing if you arent holding your kids hand.

Hell,you think i'm kidding....
I've had about enough of the liberal bullshit. Put em in front of me and I'll knock em down.

I ain't even kidding.
Ya ever notice we dont have the bullshit in southEast Texas?
The dumbfucks know better.

No we dont. a rabbit anyone out here won't get hosed with pepper spray, they will get a pack of black mouth Kerr set on them and sprayed with 00 buck shot if they don't behave.
Ya ever notice we dont have the bullshit in southEast Texas?
The dumbfucks know better.

No we dont. a rabbit anyone out here won't get hosed with pepper spray, they will get a pack of black mouth Kerr set on them and sprayed with 00 buck shot if they don't behave.

The thing about southern blacks and southern whites? We generally get along unless the brothers are ghetto.
The wife and and I sit in a Cajun joint and we're the only white folks in the place.
No Problems.
Ya ever notice we dont have the bullshit in southEast Texas?
The dumbfucks know better.

No we dont. a rabbit anyone out here won't get hosed with pepper spray, they will get a pack of black mouth Kerr set on them and sprayed with 00 buck shot if they don't behave.

The thing about southern blacks and southern whites? We generally get along unless the brothers are ghetto.
The wife and and I sit in a Cajun joint and we're the only white folks in the place.
No Problems.

yup. it's pretty chill out here. we do little mini rodeos out here. people who come for the fest time are shocked to see black cowboys,lol. but I will say, they (everyone black and white) can be a bit aloof towards non locals. but we get along fine.
I've taken my kids to every political event I've gone too, community meetings too. I think it's important for them to hear what's going on in their area and how it affects their lives; citizen duty kind of stuff.

Of course, we don't have scummy agitators up here because the truth of it all is our votes are rather inconsequential in the grand scheme of national politics so it's not worth paying assholes to riot at them...

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