Rabid anti Trump a**hole pepper sprays Trump supporters including two children

With Trump supporters using pepper spray on people, I don't think it's a good idea to bring children to such a rally.....but each to their own.
Did the children punch anyone in the face? I mean, seriously?
It's the Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying, remember?

How about addressing the fact that a no doubt paid protester attacked a bunch of kids, 'tard.
It's Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying...so.....how do we know it wasn't a Drumpf supporter. Remember, this is their MO View attachment 73134

Buttecea...live re-live this moment together, shall we???? (snicker)

Punching a senior citizen in the face wasn't such a good idea, eh?

See? The pepper spraying of people and being gleeful about it is the MO of RW Drumpf supporters.

We expect people to be treated differently at 10 years old than at 19. At least the sane people do.
It's the Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying, remember?
Are you saying it's OK to pepper spray these children?
Absolutely not. I'm not 1stRambo.

You haven't addressed the fact that the woman committed assault and battery FIRST, and the man was defending himself from her attack? Why is that?
But she didn't use pepper spray did she? That's a Drumpf supporter trick.
No, just her hateful rhetoric and her fist.
It's the Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying, remember?

How about addressing the fact that a no doubt paid protester attacked a bunch of kids, 'tard.
It's Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying...so.....how do we know it wasn't a Drumpf supporter. Remember, this is their MO View attachment 73134

I do...she was pushing a Trump supporter and kept getting in his face and wouldn't back off. Apparently only leftards like buttecea believe that they are the only ones allowed to practice free speech...imagine that?
But Drumpf supporters like you use pepper spray and sucker punch people....that's cool, isn't it?
How does that relate to children getting sprayed again? To date, I am aware of no Trump supporter that has assaulted pre-teen children because they were at a political rally. Perhaps you could find such an occurrence?
They weren't at a political rally. They were trying to go to,a city council meeting.
You can't just assume it was a Democrat. Remember, it's Republicans who are ganging up and plotting against Trump.
No, I think we can assume it was a democrat. Republicans don't get so violent.
A LOT of this lies at the feet of police though

A) They allow these scum to block roads and such

B) They don't separate the protesters from who they are protesting. Tell them "you can protest, but you will do so from at least 50' away from any supporters and you will go to jail if you get any closer"

Problem solved.

Freedom of speech certainly doesn't mean you have the right to go push people to the brink an then wonder why they pushed back.

And I couldn't care less if the left is paying these people to protest, that's the free market way baby.
You can't just assume it was a Democrat. Remember, it's Republicans who are ganging up and plotting against Trump.

Oh look another partisan dumbshit who can't just come out and say that no one should have to worry about their children's physical safety at a political rally.

You liberal hacks are sickening.
The protest was to keep the citizens of Anaheim from addressing a city council meeting about a resolution the city intended to adopt.

The purpose was to prevent the citizens from having their voices heard at the most basic level of government. Stop citizen government. Tyranny is the new freedom.

The protest was unsuccessful.
With Trump supporters using pepper spray on people, I don't think it's a good idea to bring children to such a rally.....but each to their own.

The approval of attacking little children continues. Absolutely disgusting.
You have a very odd way of interpreting what people say all wrong. Not disgusting......but not very bright on your part. Or.....is it intentional?
They weren't at a political rally. They were trying to go to,a city council meeting.
Okay, any Trump supporter that has assaulted pre-teen children because they were at a city council meeting?
Look at the video...it was a Drumpf supporter who was waving pepper spray around saying she would use it. Draw your own conclusions.
um, not sure it was a trump supporters spraying people, but they did their thing to get it rolling. they are just as much at fault.

Little Girls Pepper Sprayed, Others Tased After Fights Break Out at Trump Rally Protest

A pro-Donald Trump rally outside the city hall of Anaheim, California dissolved into multiple instances of violence that left at least five people injured, including two children.

Trump’s supporters were protesting a four-hour debate held by the City Council over a proposed resolution to formally denounce the Republican frontrunner. While the council voted to take no action forward, anti-Trump demonstrators soon turned up and things got extremely nasty.

As the two sides shoved and exchanged obscenities in chaotic shouting matches, one pro-Trump woman eventually pulled out a taser while someone from the anti-Trump group had a can of pepper spray. Two young girls, aged 8 and 11, were among the those hit by the pepper spray, and reports have stated that the suspect fled the scene after the discharge

and it's this kind of thing that is why Trump will lose against Hillery. folks need to take a breath and stop acting retarded.
They weren't at a political rally. They were trying to go to,a city council meeting.
Okay, any Trump supporter that has assaulted pre-teen children because they were at a city council meeting?
Look at the video...it was a Drumpf supporter who was waving pepper spray around saying she would use it. Draw your own conclusions.

was a Mexican doing the spraying. it's the anti trump people who start it most of the time.
It's the Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying, remember?

Damn, you are a piece of shit aint ya? Can't even just simply say "whomever did that belongs in jail?"

Your faux-outrage at my comment while completely ignoring 1stRambo's comments that the children were most likely illegals and deserved it is noted. You are developing quite a pattern of selective faux-outrage, aren't you?
It's the Drumpf supporters supporting pepper spraying, remember?

Damn, you are a piece of shit aint ya? Can't even just simply say "whomever did that belongs in jail?"

Your faux-outrage at my comment while completely ignoring 1stRambo's comments that the children were most likely illegals and deserved it is noted. You are developing quite a pattern of selective faux-outrage, aren't you?

Trying to deflect your own bad behavior by pointing out someone elses an saying "why didn't you point out there bad behavior" again? What are you like 8?

You're a piece of shit, so yes everytime I see you post something stupid, I'm going to call it out, that in no way obligates me to call ANYONE else out for stupid bullshit they have posted

Also , nothing faux about my outrage at seeing children being pepper sprayed. I don't do faux rage, For instance you won't ever see me go ape shit over something stupid like someone being asked to go elsewhere to get their cake or something, but when it comes to children, yes I'm concerned when they are harmed. Obviously you are not.

I reiterate, you are a piece of shit.
was not a protest as much as it was a rumble. campaigne ads for Hillery, and members of the trump cult cheer it on. um. aside from being cold, Canada looks good. a friend of mine retired and moved to Costa Rica. may do like him and move some place else and watch ya'll burn.

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