Rabid anti Trump a**hole pepper sprays Trump supporters including two children

The paid protesters had no way of knowing who was pro Trump, anti Trump or just wanted to observe the process. They were going to keep everyone out of that meeting.
um, not sure it was a trump supporters spraying people, but they did their thing to get it rolling. they are just as much at fault.

Little Girls Pepper Sprayed, Others Tased After Fights Break Out at Trump Rally Protest

A pro-Donald Trump rally outside the city hall of Anaheim, California dissolved into multiple instances of violence that left at least five people injured, including two children.

Trump’s supporters were protesting a four-hour debate held by the City Council over a proposed resolution to formally denounce the Republican frontrunner. While the council voted to take no action forward, anti-Trump demonstrators soon turned up and things got extremely nasty.

As the two sides shoved and exchanged obscenities in chaotic shouting matches, one pro-Trump woman eventually pulled out a taser while someone from the anti-Trump group had a can of pepper spray. Two young girls, aged 8 and 11, were among the those hit by the pepper spray, and reports have stated that the suspect fled the scene after the discharge

and it's this kind of thing that is why Trump will lose against Hillery. folks need to take a breath and stop acting retarded.
In other words the Trump bigots showed up to create shit. A city council has no right to be making those decisions for their constituents in the first place.

So you got confused over who the retards are.
The floor was supposed to be open for four hours. After two hours of riducule and contempt the woman who wrote the resolution left in tears. Needless to say, the resolution did not pass.
um, not sure it was a trump supporters spraying people, but they did their thing to get it rolling. they are just as much at fault.

Little Girls Pepper Sprayed, Others Tased After Fights Break Out at Trump Rally Protest

A pro-Donald Trump rally outside the city hall of Anaheim, California dissolved into multiple instances of violence that left at least five people injured, including two children.

Trump’s supporters were protesting a four-hour debate held by the City Council over a proposed resolution to formally denounce the Republican frontrunner. While the council voted to take no action forward, anti-Trump demonstrators soon turned up and things got extremely nasty.

As the two sides shoved and exchanged obscenities in chaotic shouting matches, one pro-Trump woman eventually pulled out a taser while someone from the anti-Trump group had a can of pepper spray. Two young girls, aged 8 and 11, were among the those hit by the pepper spray, and reports have stated that the suspect fled the scene after the discharge

and it's this kind of thing that is why Trump will lose against Hillery. folks need to take a breath and stop acting retarded.
In other words the Trump bigots showed up to create shit. A city council has no right to be making those decisions for their constituents in the first place.

So you got confused over who the retards are.

So, people who show up to protest a proposed city ordinance are retards now?

And as an aside, what is a city council doing wasting time on a city ordinance denouncing a political candidate anyway? I don't care who that political candidate is, that isn't their place, or what they were elected to do..
They weren't at a political rally. They were trying to go to,a city council meeting.
Okay, any Trump supporter that has assaulted pre-teen children because they were at a city council meeting?
Look at the video...it was a Drumpf supporter who was waving pepper spray around saying she would use it. Draw your own conclusions.
My conclusion is that I want to see evidence that she sprayed children with it. Minus that, it's hardly on par with the incident cited in the OP, correct?
um, not sure it was a trump supporters spraying people, but they did their thing to get it rolling. they are just as much at fault.

Little Girls Pepper Sprayed, Others Tased After Fights Break Out at Trump Rally Protest

A pro-Donald Trump rally outside the city hall of Anaheim, California dissolved into multiple instances of violence that left at least five people injured, including two children.

Trump’s supporters were protesting a four-hour debate held by the City Council over a proposed resolution to formally denounce the Republican frontrunner. While the council voted to take no action forward, anti-Trump demonstrators soon turned up and things got extremely nasty.

As the two sides shoved and exchanged obscenities in chaotic shouting matches, one pro-Trump woman eventually pulled out a taser while someone from the anti-Trump group had a can of pepper spray. Two young girls, aged 8 and 11, were among the those hit by the pepper spray, and reports have stated that the suspect fled the scene after the discharge

and it's this kind of thing that is why Trump will lose against Hillery. folks need to take a breath and stop acting retarded.
In other words the Trump bigots showed up to create shit. A city council has no right to be making those decisions for their constituents in the first place.

So you got confused over who the retards are.

So, people who show up to protest a proposed city ordinance are retards now?

And as an aside, what is a city council doing wasting time on a city ordinance denouncing a political candidate anyway? I don't care who that political candidate is, that isn't their place, or what they were elected to do..
You responded o the wrong poster.
um, not sure it was a trump supporters spraying people, but they did their thing to get it rolling. they are just as much at fault.

Little Girls Pepper Sprayed, Others Tased After Fights Break Out at Trump Rally Protest

A pro-Donald Trump rally outside the city hall of Anaheim, California dissolved into multiple instances of violence that left at least five people injured, including two children.

Trump’s supporters were protesting a four-hour debate held by the City Council over a proposed resolution to formally denounce the Republican frontrunner. While the council voted to take no action forward, anti-Trump demonstrators soon turned up and things got extremely nasty.

As the two sides shoved and exchanged obscenities in chaotic shouting matches, one pro-Trump woman eventually pulled out a taser while someone from the anti-Trump group had a can of pepper spray. Two young girls, aged 8 and 11, were among the those hit by the pepper spray, and reports have stated that the suspect fled the scene after the discharge

and it's this kind of thing that is why Trump will lose against Hillery. folks need to take a breath and stop acting retarded.
In other words the Trump bigots showed up to create shit. A city council has no right to be making those decisions for their constituents in the first place.

So you got confused over who the retards are.

Trump supporters showed up, some Mexican pro amnesty group showed up, they both talked shit as they always do into in the middle of their scree a fat and likely gay Mexican maced two little girls. The anti trump people are as bad or worse then the drumphfs.
The two girls that were pepper sprayed were Mexican.

What does that matter? Surely you aren't saying it's okay since they were Mexican.....
No. I'm saying that a Mexican pepper sprayed Mexican children to keep their parents from attending a city council meeting.

and Hillery thanks trump not only for all the money he gave her and bill, but for their next campaigne ad featuring a little Hispanic girl with pepper spray all over her face, even though it was a protester who sprayed her.
And no one will care. Hillary has already lost.

ah, ya. nope. little kids with pepper spray all over their face tend to keep republicans home. Trump will lose and scenes like this along with being a retard is what will kill him.

So , a Trump protester in some rinky dink town pepper sprays children and NOT only do you not condemn the woman, you blame Trump? That's a special kind of stupid.
And no one will care. Hillary has already lost.

ah, ya. nope. little kids with pepper spray all over their face tend to keep republicans home. Trump will lose and scenes like this along with being a retard is what will kill him.

So , a Trump protester in some rinky dink town pepper sprays children and NOT only do you not condemn the woman, you blame Trump? That's a special kind of stupid.
Anaheim is a rinky dink town?

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