Race, Evolution & Behavior: Why Neither 'family Values' Nor Government Spending Change Anything

Race Evolution Behavior abidged version J. Philippe Rushton Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

The left says "racism" and lack of government spending are what make non-whites poor and violent.

The right says "lack of family values" are what make non-whites poor and violent.

Neither are correct.

NATURE is what makes non-whites poor and violent.

What are you saying William. Be blunt if you have a point. Don't make it seem like the words of others.

(I only have a few minutes to read lol)
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

What hear did the whities get the better behavior gene?
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

I think the point you are missing is that what a white mans measure of advancing may be has no bearing on anything but a white man. pretending the death of the Industrial revolution in the rust belt was not the reason for the demise of Black communities borders on simpletons logic.
Race Evolution Behavior abidged version J. Philippe Rushton Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

The left says "racism" and lack of government spending are what make non-whites poor and violent.

The right says "lack of family values" are what make non-whites poor and violent.

Neither are correct.

NATURE is what makes non-whites poor and violent.

Ey, did anyone have an answer for what year whites got the passive gene or whatever we are applauding?

Come one guys. Someone has to have an answer. Perhaps this thread is about something else?
Race Evolution Behavior abidged version J. Philippe Rushton Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

The left says "racism" and lack of government spending are what make non-whites poor and violent.

The right says "lack of family values" are what make non-whites poor and violent.

Neither are correct.

NATURE is what makes non-whites poor and violent.

Ey, did anyone have an answer for what year whites got the passive gene or whatever we are applauding?

Come one guys. Someone has to have an answer. Perhaps this thread is about something else?
Well I can tell the odds are they never got it. More likely they have the aggressive gene. History will bear me out. White people excelled at making weapons of war.
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

I think you're better off observing the changes (or natural reversal) in former British and French possessions in Africa. When under European stewardship these territories were largely productive, peaceful, law-abiding and educated. After British and French withdrawl we see the damaging effect tribalism has had on the fabric of the nation state.
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Why do right winger Teanut baggers on the USMB start off so many threads with "what the left believes is" and then spew so much nonsense?
At least I provide links and video:

That was a really, really lame attempt at distracting attention away from some painful truths, Rdean.
Race Evolution Behavior abidged version J. Philippe Rushton Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

The left says "racism" and lack of government spending are what make non-whites poor and violent.

The right says "lack of family values" are what make non-whites poor and violent.

Neither are correct.

NATURE is what makes non-whites poor and violent.

So being white is what made these people poor and violent???

That culture was as notable for what it did not have as for what it had. It did not emphasize education, for example, or intellectual interests in general.

Illiteracy was far more common among whites in the antebellum South than among whites in the North, and of course the blacks held in bondage in the South were virtually all illiterate. On into the early 20th century, Southern whites scored lower on mental tests than whites in other parts of the country, as blacks continued to do.

Violence was far more common in the South — and in those parts of Britain from which Southerners came. So was illegitimacy, lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. All of this would become part of the cultural legacy of blacks, who lived for centuries in the midst of the redneck culture of the South.

Thomas Sowell

These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can't or won't hold a job, they flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards would shame an alley cat. For some reason or other; they absolutely refuse to accommodate themselves to any kind of decent, civilized life. This was said in 1956 in Indianapolis, not about blacks or other minorities, but about poor whites from the South. Nor was Indianapolis unique in this respect. A 1951 survey in Detroit found that white Southerners living there were considered "undesirable" by 21 percent of those surveyed, compared to 13 percent who ranked blacks the same way. In the late 1940s, a Chicago employer said frankly, "I told the guard at the plant gate to tell the hillbillies that there were no openings." When poor whites from the South moved into Northern cities to work in war plants during the Second World War, " occasionally a white southerner would find that a flat or furnished room had 'just been rented' when the landlord heard his southern accent.

Black Rednecks White Liberals

What you like to post any other easily disproved theories??
Another reason you should focus on Africa is because the decay is so obvious liberals and apologists can't ignore the fact that since Whites withdrew from former British, French and Belgian possessions in Africa, these nations have declined from order into chaos. I mean, in spite of supposedly championing minorities, White liberals still prefer to live in safe, ordered societies where the rule of law is respected. Such societies used to exist in Africa, but where we once saw well-built roads and infrastructure funded by taxpayers, now we see dirt tracks with bodies heaped on the side of the track with aid workers struggling to feed and medicate the refugees fleeing from the many conflicts that ravage the continent.
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

I think you're better off observing the changes (or natural reversal) in former British and French possessions in Africa. When under European stewardship these territories were largely productive, peaceful, law-abiding and educated. After British and French withdrawl we see the damaging effect tribalism has had on the fabric of the nation state.

Yeah, seems Europeans have never suffered from your theory..
Bosnian War
Calculating the number of deaths that resulted from the conflict has been subject to considerable and highly politicised debate.[119] There are large discrepancies between estimates of the total number of casualties, ranging from 25,000 to 329,000. These are partly the result of the use of inconsistent definitions of who can be considered victims of the war. Some research calculated only direct casualties of the military activity while other also calculated indirect casualties, such as those who died from harsh living conditions, hunger, cold, illnesses or other accidents indirectly caused by the war conditions.

The Troubles
The Troubles (Irish: Na Trioblóidí) is the common name for the ethno-nationalist[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] conflict in Northern Ireland that spilled over at various times into the Republic of Ireland, England and mainland Europe. The Troubles began in the late 1960s and is deemed by many to have ended with the Belfast 'Good Friday' Agreement of 1998,[14][15][16][17][18] but sporadic violence has continued since then.[15][19][20] Internationally, the Troubles is also commonly called the Northern Ireland conflict.[21][22][23][24][25] And has often, disputably, been described as a war.
The Republic of Ireland's security forces played a smaller role. More than 3,500 people were killed in the conflict
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

I think you're better off observing the changes (or natural reversal) in former British and French possessions in Africa. When under European stewardship these territories were largely productive, peaceful, law-abiding and educated. After British and French withdrawl we see the damaging effect tribalism has had on the fabric of the nation state.

Good point. There are those who claim the current abuse of the White Minority in South Africa by blacks is some kind of apartheid payback, when in reality it's really just blacks acting like they do when there is no civilizing influence to keep them in check.
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

I think you're better off observing the changes (or natural reversal) in former British and French possessions in Africa. When under European stewardship these territories were largely productive, peaceful, law-abiding and educated. After British and French withdrawl we see the damaging effect tribalism has had on the fabric of the nation state.

Yeah, seems Europeans have never suffered from your theory..
Bosnian War
Calculating the number of deaths that resulted from the conflict has been subject to considerable and highly politicised debate.[119] There are large discrepancies between estimates of the total number of casualties, ranging from 25,000 to 329,000. These are partly the result of the use of inconsistent definitions of who can be considered victims of the war. Some research calculated only direct casualties of the military activity while other also calculated indirect casualties, such as those who died from harsh living conditions, hunger, cold, illnesses or other accidents indirectly caused by the war conditions.

The Troubles
The Troubles (Irish: Na Trioblóidí) is the common name for the ethno-nationalist[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] conflict in Northern Ireland that spilled over at various times into the Republic of Ireland, England and mainland Europe. The Troubles began in the late 1960s and is deemed by many to have ended with the Belfast 'Good Friday' Agreement of 1998,[14][15][16][17][18] but sporadic violence has continued since then.[15][19][20] Internationally, the Troubles is also commonly called the Northern Ireland conflict.[21][22][23][24][25] And has often, disputably, been described as a war.
The Republic of Ireland's security forces played a smaller role. More than 3,500 people were killed in the conflict

I'm not denying that Europe is immune from conflict and its consequences, the examples you've cited prove that. But the aftermath of those conflicts were managed and life returned to normal compared to what we seeing happening in Africa, where one conflict is almost immediately replace by another.
Ok....after all night no one told me what year the whites got the good behavior gene.

Come on guys, tell me when whites became superior this way or tell the OP you disagree with him.
I've read the book and recommend others do before committing to say anything. As to the subject, it seems that left to their own devices (no Western influence) most brown cultures do not advance in any measure, and once the influence of European stewardship wains, they revert back to old ways. Look at predominately black or otherwise minority cities in America as the perfect example.

There are characteristics within the races that have been forged through thousands of years of evolution. To pretend that we are all the same is so stupid as to be delusional, and inasmuch as the differences between the races are real and genetic, to attempt to rectify perceived inequality through government intervention and affirmative action is the very height of stupidity.

I think you're better off observing the changes (or natural reversal) in former British and French possessions in Africa. When under European stewardship these territories were largely productive, peaceful, law-abiding and educated. After British and French withdrawl we see the damaging effect tribalism has had on the fabric of the nation state.

Yeah, seems Europeans have never suffered from your theory..
Bosnian War
Calculating the number of deaths that resulted from the conflict has been subject to considerable and highly politicised debate.[119] There are large discrepancies between estimates of the total number of casualties, ranging from 25,000 to 329,000. These are partly the result of the use of inconsistent definitions of who can be considered victims of the war. Some research calculated only direct casualties of the military activity while other also calculated indirect casualties, such as those who died from harsh living conditions, hunger, cold, illnesses or other accidents indirectly caused by the war conditions.

The Troubles
The Troubles (Irish: Na Trioblóidí) is the common name for the ethno-nationalist[7][8][9][10][11][12][13] conflict in Northern Ireland that spilled over at various times into the Republic of Ireland, England and mainland Europe. The Troubles began in the late 1960s and is deemed by many to have ended with the Belfast 'Good Friday' Agreement of 1998,[14][15][16][17][18] but sporadic violence has continued since then.[15][19][20] Internationally, the Troubles is also commonly called the Northern Ireland conflict.[21][22][23][24][25] And has often, disputably, been described as a war.
The Republic of Ireland's security forces played a smaller role. More than 3,500 people were killed in the conflict

Post one advanced African nation that has no genetic European influence.

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