Race Hustler, Poverty Pimp on the Great Replacement Theory


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

Whatever the Great Replacement Theory is - and I suppose it's different for everyone who subscribes to it - it has nothing to do with African Americans.

The core of GRT is the Democrats' two-decade old decision to promote illegal immigration, followed by patient waiting until the time is right for massive "immigration reform" that naturalizes tens of millions of those wretched illegals (that is to say, converts them to American citizens), and makes them reliable Democrat voters. The numbers are not sufficient to literally "replace" the native born population, but in a country that is split roughly 50-50, their introduction would guarantee a Leftist majority for at least the next generation, after which, given Leftist tactics, there will be no Republican/Conservative element on the political landscape. They will be like Republicans are today in the District of Columbia.

Parenthetically, thank God for Senator Manchin, whose rational obstructionism has prevented this from happening right now.

It is pathetic, actually, to see how the Race Hustlers jump on to the occasional racist atrocity to call attention to these sporadic incidents of overt racism, while they ignore the weekly carnage visited upon American Blacks by their brothers in our larger Democrat-run cities. In parallel, they point to the various "inequalities" of American life as proof of racism, without bothering to explain how white racists are forcing single Black women, almost uniformly impecunious, to bear 70% of each year's Black births. Might that have something to do with "inequality"?

It is the standard Leftist tactic to slander those with whom they disagree. Reasoned arguments play no role in their strategy. Those of us on the Right who call for ENFORCING EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS are slandered as xenophobic bigots. Those who push for rational voting laws that require voters to SHOW UP ON ELECTION DAY AND SHOW A FUCKING ID CARD, are slandered as racists because this is simply too much to ask of African Americans.

I say, fight racism. Punish racist acts, to the extent that they cause actual harm. But don't presume that wherever there is a difference between outcomes of the different races it is the result of racism. Just as no white person forces Asian kids to study so (damn) hard, no white person tells Black kids to disdain education, punctuality, respect for authority, or the Queen's English. Attributing all differences to racism is not only counter-factual, it is slanderous.
The mistake is in buying into the enemy democrat song and dance that it's whites being replaced. It isn't. It's Americans, of every color that the third world imports are replacing. It's not even a theory. Democrats have been yodeling about the ease in which Americans are being replaced for years.

The replacements from the third world are already used to communism. They are already used to and comfortable with obedience to the government. Those are the replacements.

Whatever the Great Replacement Theory is - and I suppose it's different for everyone who subscribes to it - it has nothing to do with African Americans.

The core of GRT is the Democrats' two-decade old decision to promote illegal immigration, followed by patient waiting until the time is right for massive "immigration reform" that naturalizes tens of millions of those wretched illegals (that is to say, converts them to American citizens), and makes them reliable Democrat voters. The numbers are not sufficient to literally "replace" the native born population, but in a country that is split roughly 50-50, their introduction would guarantee a Leftist majority for at least the next generation, after which, given Leftist tactics, there will be no Republican/Conservative element on the political landscape. They will be like Republicans are today in the District of Columbia.

Parenthetically, thank God for Senator Manchin, whose rational obstructionism has prevented this from happening right now.

It is pathetic, actually, to see how the Race Hustlers jump on to the occasional racist atrocity to call attention to these sporadic incidents of overt racism, while they ignore the weekly carnage visited upon American Blacks by their brothers in our larger Democrat-run cities. In parallel, they point to the various "inequalities" of American life as proof of racism, without bothering to explain how white racists are forcing single Black women, almost uniformly impecunious, to bear 70% of each year's Black births. Might that have something to do with "inequality"?

It is the standard Leftist tactic to slander those with whom they disagree. Reasoned arguments play no role in their strategy. Those of us on the Right who call for ENFORCING EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS are slandered as xenophobic bigots. Those who push for rational voting laws that require voters to SHOW UP ON ELECTION DAY AND SHOW A FUCKING ID CARD, are slandered as racists because this is simply too much to ask of African Americans.

I say, fight racism. Punish racist acts, to the extent that they cause actual harm. But don't presume that wherever there is a difference between outcomes of the different races it is the result of racism. Just as no white person forces Asian kids to study so (damn) hard, no white person tells Black kids to disdain education, punctuality, respect for authority, or the Queen's English. Attributing all differences to racism is not only counter-factual, it is slanderous.
Most, but not all of the problems suffered in our black communities is self inflicted. Blaming everything on external racism is not only wrong-headed but self defeating, since it diverts attention away from any practical solutions to these problems. Illiteracy, sub-standard parenting and glorification of a criminal culture are not unique, but they are much more prevalent in these communities. Desire for change must come from within them, not from government social experiments.
The mistake is in buying into the enemy democrat song and dance that it's whites being replaced. It isn't. It's Americans, of every color that the third world imports are replacing. It's not even a theory. Democrats have been yodeling about the ease in which Americans are being replaced for years.

The replacements from the third world are already used to communism. They are already used to and comfortable with obedience to the government. Those are the replacements.
Except for drug gangs and their attendant violence, most migrants from Mexico have fit into American culture quite well. The greatest impediment to their broader participation in our society is a lack of English language skills. If Canada can teach its people to speak French, the U.S. can certainly teach its people to speak English. Allowing other language communities to develop in isolation is doing them no favors.

This does not mean I am in favor an open southern border. On the contrary, I favor completion of a border fence and strict enforcement of immigration laws. But I much prefer having Mexico as our largest source of migrants rather than what Europe has to deal with. I hope we can keep it that way.
Except for drug gangs and their attendant violence, most migrants from Mexico have fit into American culture quite well. The greatest impediment to their broader participation in our society is a lack of English language skills. If Canada can teach its people to speak French, the U.S. can certainly teach its people to speak English. Allowing other language communities to develop in isolation is doing them no favors.

This does not mean I am in favor an open southern border. On the contrary, I favor completion of a border fence and strict enforcement of immigration laws. But I much prefer having Mexico as our largest source of migrants rather than what Europe has to deal with. I hope we can keep it that way.
Wow. No. Just no. Mexicans don't fit into American culture at all. Not even close. They live along side of American culture. They almost pride themselves in maintaining their own culture and even imposing their culture on Americans. They have television, radio, movies all in Spanish. There really is no reason for many to bother learning English. Americans are more likely to take a Spanish class. I knew a woman, born, raised and schooled in California that never spoke English. In her 70s, she forgot how.
Most, but not all of the problems suffered in our black communities is self inflicted. Blaming everything on external racism is not only wrong-headed but self defeating, since it diverts attention away from any practical solutions to these problems. Illiteracy, sub-standard parenting and glorification of a criminal culture are not unique, but they are much more prevalent in these communities. Desire for change must come from within them, not from government social experiments.
Would whites who have not lived one second as a black person stop trying to make claims as if they know what the problems blacks face are. The root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism. None of the things you say are more prevalent in the black community are and the greatest social experiment started in 1776 based on white preference.

If whites worked on ending racism in their community and were willing to do what it takes to fix the damage white racism has created, things would improve greatly in America.
Except for drug gangs and their attendant violence, most migrants from Mexico have fit into American culture quite well. The greatest impediment to their broader participation in our society is a lack of English language skills. If Canada can teach its people to speak French, the U.S. can certainly teach its people to speak English. Allowing other language communities to develop in isolation is doing them no favors.

This does not mean I am in favor an open southern border. On the contrary, I favor completion of a border fence and strict enforcement of immigration laws. But I much prefer having Mexico as our largest source of migrants rather than what Europe has to deal with. I hope we can keep it that way.

American culture is not and cannot only be defined by whites.

Whatever the Great Replacement Theory is - and I suppose it's different for everyone who subscribes to it - it has nothing to do with African Americans.

The core of GRT is the Democrats' two-decade old decision to promote illegal immigration, followed by patient waiting until the time is right for massive "immigration reform" that naturalizes tens of millions of those wretched illegals (that is to say, converts them to American citizens), and makes them reliable Democrat voters. The numbers are not sufficient to literally "replace" the native born population, but in a country that is split roughly 50-50, their introduction would guarantee a Leftist majority for at least the next generation, after which, given Leftist tactics, there will be no Republican/Conservative element on the political landscape. They will be like Republicans are today in the District of Columbia.

Parenthetically, thank God for Senator Manchin, whose rational obstructionism has prevented this from happening right now.

It is pathetic, actually, to see how the Race Hustlers jump on to the occasional racist atrocity to call attention to these sporadic incidents of overt racism, while they ignore the weekly carnage visited upon American Blacks by their brothers in our larger Democrat-run cities. In parallel, they point to the various "inequalities" of American life as proof of racism, without bothering to explain how white racists are forcing single Black women, almost uniformly impecunious, to bear 70% of each year's Black births. Might that have something to do with "inequality"?

It is the standard Leftist tactic to slander those with whom they disagree. Reasoned arguments play no role in their strategy. Those of us on the Right who call for ENFORCING EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS are slandered as xenophobic bigots. Those who push for rational voting laws that require voters to SHOW UP ON ELECTION DAY AND SHOW A FUCKING ID CARD, are slandered as racists because this is simply too much to ask of African Americans.

I say, fight racism. Punish racist acts, to the extent that they cause actual harm. But don't presume that wherever there is a difference between outcomes of the different races it is the result of racism. Just as no white person forces Asian kids to study so (damn) hard, no white person tells Black kids to disdain education, punctuality, respect for authority, or the Queen's English. Attributing all differences to racism is not only counter-factual, it is slanderous.
Since you have never been black, your opinion has no merit.
I confess, I have been "white" since birth. Nor have I ever been a woman, and yet I condemn the evil of abortion. Mea culpa.

Mexican legal immigrants are fine with me. Mexican farm workers (here on a "guest" visa for that purpose) are fine with me.

But people from south of the border who come here in order to feed off the American trough of benefits (free public schools, welfare, subsidized housing, Medicaid), and to live in enclaves of similarly wretched people and never assimilate...not so much.
Wow. No. Just no. Mexicans don't fit into American culture at all. Not even close. They live along side of American culture. They almost pride themselves in maintaining their own culture and even imposing their culture on Americans. They have television, radio, movies all in Spanish. There really is no reason for many to bother learning English. Americans are more likely to take a Spanish class. I knew a woman, born, raised and schooled in California that never spoke English. In her 70s, she forgot how.
Nonsense. 100% nonsense.
Nonsense. 100% nonsense.
It's mostly nonsense. If Latinos had to cross oceans like previous immigrant groups, they would assimilate. As it is they DO assimilate over several generations. The problem is that there's an endless flood of new Latino immigrants, so their culture is never assimilated. I grew up in Los Angeles, there are neighborhoods where English is never spoken, all the billboards and signs are in Spanish and gangs and poverty are rampant. I worked in some of those neighborhoods, they weren't nice places and very unlike most American neighborhoods.
My Grandmother grew up in Cincinatti Ohio, she could remember when German was spoken like Spanish is in Los Angeles now. The majority of the people in many neighborhoods were German immigrants. But the flow stopped and now they only way the tell Cincinatti was ever a center of German culture are a lot of good German restaurants and bakeries.

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