Race Relations/Racism or "Little Stormfront"?

Lonestar, you are entitled to your own opinion not your own facts. Your interpretations do not follow from your opinions.

My facts come the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data and other sources.

BJS, “Number Of Sentenced Inmates Incarcerated Under
State and Federal Jurisdiction per 100,000 Population” (BJS),
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/tables/incrttab.htm. Accessed
June 20, 2005.
54 BJS, “Homicide Victimization, 1950-2002” (BJS), http:/
/www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/tables/totalstab.htm. Accessed
June 20, 2005.
BJS, “National Crime Victimization Survey Violent Crime
Trends, 1973-2003” (BJS), Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
glance/tables/viortrdtab.htm. Accessed June 20, 2005.
BJS, “National Crime Victimization Survey Property Crime
Trends, 1973-2003” (BJS), Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
glance/tables/proptrdtab.htm. Accessed June 20, 2005.

All detailed here.

Where are your facts and what are your sources?
Cherry picked. Factor in the war of drugs and we can talk from a basis of sensibility.

Hmmm. What was the white on black crime rate during the days of slavery then segregation, I wonder?
No concession, just notice that you have failed. Answer the question, son. :lol:

Your facts were dropped like coins on a table, unconnected, rolling around, doing nothing.

I asked you a question, loser boy, and I want an answer.
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Your facts were dropped like coins on a table, unconnected, rolling around, doing nothing.

I asked you a question, loser boy, and I want an answer.

Read the link you moron.

I'll answer you as soon as you provide links proving the facts I produced are wrong.

You say I made up facts, prove it.
You haven't read 52nd Street's nonsense? Huey?

Yo, as you always forget to do, learn to read. Idiot. Use your brain for a little comprehension. This thread is about STORMFRONT. Stormfront doesn't have non-whites.

I said I don't know of any non-white Stormfront types.

Take your own advice and learn how to read, idiot. You specifically mentioned stormfront "types," not stormfront 'members.' Do you understand the difference, idiot?

Are you joking? By saying "Stormfront types" I'm clearly referring to the type of person that hangs around Stormfront. Synonymous with saying "Stormfront members".

Learn to English. There isn't only one way of saying something.

Sorry, but how in the fuck does me saying Stormfront Types, conjure up non-white people in your mind? If I meant to say racist types, I would have fucking said racist types or racists. This is about Stormfront, so I'm obviously talking about them. So put your tail between your legs and shut the fuck up. You're wrong and you just can't accept it.
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Yo, as you always forget to do, learn to read. Idiot. Use your brain for a little comprehension. This thread is about STORMFRONT. Stormfront doesn't have non-whites.

I said I don't know of any non-white Stormfront types.

Take your own advice and learn how to read, idiot. You specifically mentioned stormfront "types," not stormfront 'members.' Do you understand the difference, idiot?

Are you joking? By saying "Stormfront types" I'm clearly referring to the type of person that hangs around Stormfront. Synonymous with saying "Stormfront members".

No it's not, you idiot. "Learn to English" yourself. :rolleyes:
Sorry, but how in the fuck does me saying Stormfront Types, conjure up non-white people in your mind? If I meant to say racist types, I would have fucking said racist types or racists. This is about Stormfront, so I'm obviously talking about them.

Don't post in English if you can't understand the words you are using, moron.
Take your own advice and learn how to read, idiot. You specifically mentioned stormfront "types," not stormfront 'members.' Do you understand the difference, idiot?

Are you joking? By saying "Stormfront types" I'm clearly referring to the type of person that hangs around Stormfront. Synonymous with saying "Stormfront members".

No it's not, you idiot. "Learn to English" yourself. :rolleyes:

How is it not? Explain it to me oh great English master. You fucking can't. You knew what I was saying, and you choose to be a dick about it because you're always doing it.

What I said is perfectly valid English, expressing the fact that I don't know of any non-white Stormfronters... because they are obviously a white supremacist group.

Also I'm a object oriented programmer, soI'm completely familiar with what the word "type" means. And it's perfectly valid usage.
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I did say it. My post:

This thread is about white racists. The kind that flock to Race Relations/Racism subforum.

I don't know of any non white Stormfront types. I don't think they'd take too kindly.

It's plain as day what I'm saying and implying here, because I FUCKING EXPLICITLY STATE IT IN THAT POST. "This thread is about white racists. The kind that flock to Race/Relations/Racism Subforum."

Also, when you responded to my post, you omitted where I said "I don't think they'd take too kindly."

All the fucking information in the world that you need to know that when I say "I don't know of any non white Stormfront types" i'm talking about Stormfronters... not racists in general.

"I don't know of any non white Stormfront types. I don't think they'd take too kindly." doesn't even fucking make sense in the context of how you responded to me. I'm clearly saying that the Stormfront members wouldn't take too kindly to having non-white members.

Jesus Christ Unkotare. Always with this shit. How the fuck can you NOT see what I'm clearly saying, and say what you said. There was NO AMBIGUITY TO IT.
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If you can't (or choose not to) express yourself well, that's your fault. Take more care next time and avoid this kind of embarrassment.
And Unkotare gets his ass kicked for half assing the post before: good, he should get his ass kicked for that.

Just like Lonestar drops a bunch of unlinked facts and thinks he has said something profound.

I linked my facts you lying sack of shit.

You're the one that has not linked to any of you alleged facts.

You're a fucking joke.
No person has to refute anything when there has been nothing worthy to refute.
You dropped a bunch of facts on the table, like coins, and demanded others make the connections.

Not how it is done, bud. Yes, you have conceded, again.

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