Race Relations/Racism or "Little Stormfront"?

Gotta love the "we whites like to live in clean, safe, environment" mantra.

As opposed to what - a filthy, dangerous environment? Is that exclusively a white thing?

That's my point he assumes only whites like to live in clean safe environments.

I would hope that everyone wants these things, having them starts at home and within the community...Your post doesn't quote op so there's no point of reference or context for your comment. Sorry, I still don't know who "he" is :dunno:
As opposed to what - a filthy, dangerous environment? Is that exclusively a white thing?

That's my point he assumes only whites like to live in clean safe environments.

I would hope that everyone wants these things, having them starts at home and within the community...Your post doesn't quote op so there's no point of reference or context for your comment. Sorry, I still don't know who "he" is :dunno:

Who else? Matthew
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You are creepy. No teens are talking to you.

No difference between squeeze berry or salt jones.

Both the scrapings from the bottom of the toilet.

The youth of America are not fooled by their nonsense.

pompous boob

some of the white teenagers I have talked with are sick and tired of the double standards concerning race in this country.

all you have is personal attacks to fall back on.
You are creepy. No teens are talking to you.

No difference between squeeze berry or salt jones.

Both the scrapings from the bottom of the toilet.

The youth of America are not fooled by their nonsense.

some of the white teenagers I have talked with are sick and tired of the double standards concerning race in this country.

all you have is personal attacks to fall back on.

so when are you going to shaow us the link to where I declard I was a white supremacist?

You are stalking and harassing me by PM saying all kinds of lies.
I honestly don't hate black people, but we as a nation must face the facts that the black community is a large part of the destruction of our cities. This may end up harming our nation in very real ways from safety to competing with the rest of the world.

We must discuss this issue. This issue is nearly as important as the Union issue with balancing the budget. If we allow it to grow it may one day destroy this nation.
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What are you talking about? Did you post such a link? I would not be surprised. Anyone here, though, can come to that conclusion by reading your posts.

If you are confused about it, go read your own posts.

You negged, I told you you were full of crap, and you have been crying to me ever since. Simply stop PMing me, and I will not reply.

You are creepy. No teens are talking to you.

some of the white teenagers I have talked with are sick and tired of the double standards concerning race in this country.

all you have is personal attacks to fall back on.

so when are you going to shaow us the link to where I declard I was a white supremacist?

You are stalking and harassing me by PM saying all kinds of lies.
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I love it.

Some dork from the far right pork neg reps me, I tell them off, their feelings get hurt, they PM, I PM them back, and then somehow I am stalking when the other person started it.

Simply don't PM me is the answer.
What are you talking about? Did you post such a link? I would not be surprised. Anyone here, though, can come to that conclusion by reading your posts.

If you are confused about it, go read your own posts.

You negged, I told you you were full of crap, and you have been crying to me ever since. Simply stop PMing me, and I will not reply.

You are creepy. No teens are talking to you.

so when are you going to shaow us the link to where I declard I was a white supremacist?

You are stalking and harassing me by PM saying all kinds of lies.

well then the DOJ and FBI must be a bunch of white supremacists too.
What are you talking about? Did you post such a link? I would not be surprised. Anyone here, though, can come to that conclusion by reading your posts.

If you are confused about it, go read your own posts.

You negged, I told you you were full of crap, and you have been crying to me ever since. Simply stop PMing me, and I will not reply.

so when are you going to shaow us the link to where I declard I was a white supremacist?

You are stalking and harassing me by PM saying all kinds of lies.

well then the DOJ and FBI must be a bunch of white supremacists too.

He will spin their stats as having something to do with that. Blacks can't be held to the same standards you see.

Enforcing the laws equally among all races will show a far higher black crime rate. This is reality.
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What are you talking about? Did you post such a link? I would not be surprised. Anyone here, though, can come to that conclusion by reading your posts.

If you are confused about it, go read your own posts.

You negged, I told you you were full of crap, and you have been crying to me ever since. Simply stop PMing me, and I will not reply.

You are creepy. No teens are talking to you.

so when are you going to shaow us the link to where I declard I was a white supremacist?

You are stalking and harassing me by PM saying all kinds of lies.

JakeStarkey said:
Why are you a white supremacist?
:lol: Thank you for stopping the PMs. But you are still obsessed with me here.

Why are you so wacky, squeeze berry.
Non sequitur.

We are talking about you, Mr. Wacky.

proving that you are obsessed with me

The black crime rate is a very real issue that could end up harming this nation...Yet, people like him don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

It's always to focus on the message of such. These people want to give a fucking pass to the black community from the street cornor to the class room. This is their way foward.:badgrin:
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