Race Relations/Racism or "Little Stormfront"?

Blacks are really good at shooting their own people in the feet. Blacks that want to do well in school are going to get hurt along side whites, ect.

A asshole needs to be removed no matter what color they're!

A fair system of treating each other equally is the answer.
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I honestly don't hate black people, but we as a nation must face the facts that the black community is a large part of the destruction of our cities. This may end up harming our nation in very real ways from safety to competing with the rest of the world.

We must discuss this issue. This issue is nearly as important as the Union issue with balancing the budget. If we allow it to grow it may one day destroy this nation.

As an African-American I certaintly believe you hate me, and those that look like me. Matthew you are not concerned at any kind of dialogue. Besides why would you be concerned with someone that you consider sub-human? You think one ethnic group is damaging to the rest of the world?


Blacks do not need to taint the image of America, our government is already doing that. You don't need the likes of Snoop Dogg or Dr. Dre, or some hoodlums in crime statistics messing up the image of the United States, our image is already tainted.

Matthew you are a hateful individual and no words you say, whether you highlight them in bold or in some fancy color would change my mind about that fact.

I don't know about Matthew, but I'm less concerned about image of the US than staying alive.

For that reason I'm armed to the teeth.

What is it you're scared of, exactly?
Blacks are really good at shooting their own people in the feet. Blacks that want to do well in school are going to get hurt along side whites, ect.

A asshole needs to be removed no matter what color they're!

A fair system of treating each other equally is the answer.

This is exactly why all the crap about "I don't hate blacks" is why none of the stuff you say has any credibility. It's too bad cowardice of this kind, is too contagious.
Not in our district and hopefully not in your district.

We are talking about students who get in fights.

Now pay attention.

None of you stormies are talking reality. Here is reality:

Not in our school district, weak head. They both are suspended, get 200 hours community service from the local court, and be supervised carefully. The parents are put on notice.

I am pretty sure it is the same where you live.

Do you actually expect anyone to believe that a student who is oversleeps and is late to class is suspended, entered into the judicial system, put on court supervision and sentenced to community service alongside a student who commits assault and battery?

Not in our district and hopefully not in your district.

We are talking about students who get in fights.

Now pay attention.

Nope, YOU pay attention. Matt compared a student getting i8n a fight with a student oversleeping and you said they both would end up in a court. of law Now at least try and keep up with your own posts.
I said anyone who fought would end up in court. Now pay attention. Matt was posting stupidly, so why respond to untruth.

Stay focused.
I said anyone who fought would end up in court. Now pay attention. Matt was posting stupidly, so why respond to untruth.

Stay focused.


'Nuff said.
Nuff said. I was talking about fighting.

But at least you are not fighting about race which is good for you. Bravo.

I said anyone who fought would end up in court. Now pay attention. Matt was posting stupidly, so why respond to untruth.

Stay focused.


'Nuff said.

There's nothing to fight about, you shouldn't get so emotional and should really think think twice before you click "Submit Reply" if you want to be appear coherent and be taken seriously. I've already told you that I deal only in facts, whether the topic is race or anything else. You have no facts to disprove Matthew's statements. You're nobody, and I have bigger worries than being called a racist because you don't like my citations on a particular topic.

You'd really come unglued if Matthew had been discussing STD rates or welfare statistics.
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Nah, Jeannie, I was obvious about fighting and that it was not about race.

You don't agree, OK. No one cares.

The overwhelmingly white school down the road in a rural district has a much higher STD rate and alcohol abuse level than does our multi-race school here. On the other hand, we have a pregnancy rate and marijuana usage level higher than the other school.

The point, and I know you hate it: Americans as a whole, regardless of race, like to fornicate, drink, and use drugs. No way around it.

Now let's see that sly white supremacist comment you will come with, Jeannie.

I must be old-fashioned because I find that kind of race disease far more loathsome in a female than a male. Race disease corrupts the soul as well as the emotions.
I must be old-fashioned because I find that kind of race disease far more loathsome in a female than a male. Race disease corrupts the soul as well as the emotions.

Damn, guess I'll have to take that prom dress back then... :laugh2:
Can't help it that you are confused with your sexuality, but 3 to 7% of the population suffers from that just like you.
Matthew, as is ever StormFront wannabee, is the loser. Always.

do you visit stormfront often?

I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

Note: Pro-minority sites that convey exactly the same message - sometimes violent - as white nationalist sites like Stormfront never attract the same level of media interest and eventually condemnation. Consequently, this deliberate hypocrisy exposes the concept of multiculturalism for the fallacy it's always been.
Swagger apparently has great familiarity with the racist site, Stormfront. Swag, if you are interested, study the parallels between Julius Streicher's writings in the "Attacker", normally mistranslated as the "Stormer", attacking the Jewish race with those articles on Stormfront attacking the stormers' enemies.

This may help. Julius Streicher

Also study logical fallacy. Exposing evils like Stormfront and the "Attacker" is not an attack on decency.
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No "apparently" about it, Jake. I quite clearly declared that I sometimes visit Stormfront.

But answer me this, Jake. Do you regard non-white, racial interest sites that boast equal volumes of traffic, and almost always espouse the same message and content as Stormfront (though, conspicuously, never attract the same level of media vitriol), be they Chabad Talk (Jewish), BlackNet (Black) and Latino and Asian interest sites as "evil"?
All such sites are trash, indeed.

The difference I imagine is that the other ethnicities, religions, and interests did not make it a centuries old pattern of killing people regularly because of those differences.

Truly, study Streicher. I gather he is the model for racialists.
All such sites are trash, indeed.

The difference I imagine is that the other ethnicities, religions, and interests did not make it a centuries old pattern of killing people regularly because of those differences.

Truly, study Streicher. I gather he is the model for racialists.

You've got to be kidding me, right. Muslims regularly kill Christians for their faith alone. Blacks regularly attack and kill whites for their colour alone. Persecuting others, for whatever reason, isn't exclusive to whites.
Matthew, as is ever StormFront wannabee, is the loser. Always.

do you visit stormfront often?

I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

So, you're saying that you're a racist but you're too much of a pussy to own up to it?

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