Race Relations/Racism or "Little Stormfront"?

Swagger, you goofy racialist. Listen, midget, you are not tall, just clever. But not as clever as you think.

Thank you for agreeing your example was silliness swaggerfied.
My god you blacks can't stand being criticized. Some of the biggest babies ever to walk this planet.

-10 percent of your entire male population are in our prisons.
-52.2% of all murders being caused by blacks
-Chicago and New york, you make up over 3/4th of all murders.
-72% of black fathers leave

Yet, all you want is for a double standard. I swear Obama put out a executive order a month ago asking our educational system to over look black trouble makers. How is this the way forward???

You blacks wanted to be treated equally! Now live with it. Get used to being criticized as it is a part of being equal.

I'm not going to shut up, so making stupid ass post like this isn't going to charge shit....The best thing you can do is improve and defend yourselves with your words.

This is unfortunately true

I'm not going to shut up.

Because you are too much of a fucking idiot to realize what a fool you are making of yourself, loser.

Your not one to talk Unkotare, look at the way you yourself react to people, its extremely childish.
The uncomfortable fact is that you're a fucking coward.

Right now, the "anti-white" or "race-denial" crowd is in the nice position of getting to simply smear the other side as a "coward" or a "racist" or a "white supremacist."

That's a perk of power.

They don't have to debate anything. Don't have to engage the issues. Don't have to face facts.

Just yell names.

But that is going to change.
"Little Stormfront" could just be the wave of the future... in real life, not the Internet.

When the collapse comes -- and it will -- do you think the resulting mess will be neatly multi-cultural? Or will everyone, as with post-Soviet Union and post-Yugoslavia, go tribal? That is, clump up racially? It's going to be every man for himself, and PC is going to die fast. Nobody will give a shit about the hurt feelings of blacks. They'll be concerned about protecting their families and keeping them fed.

Since blacks are largely a liability, socially and economically, they'll be excluded from the mini-societies that spring up. A few might hang in, by offering what they can and behaving well.

The entire rickety structure of multicultural PC is a very, very delicate structure, bound together by fear of lawsuits, federal power, social ostracization and "magical thinking." It can be knocked over with a flick of the finger.
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There will be no collapse. But if it is "Revolution" time, the supremacists are already marked. Know what I mean, Vern?
You will, if the time comes.

I'd like to hear more about your secret information and/or plans for whites in the event of social/political collapse.

Do tell.

It sounds like you're privy to something juicy.

Haiti 1803, Zimbabwe, South Africa, etc.

Replacing whites and fucking us over only to fuck themselves by doing it. The end game has nothing to do with being equal.
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75% white, and 12% black, and 1% crazy white.

Yep, whites are in danger.
Since Matthew is not going to change America to an all white nation, he better emigrate to Iran or something.
"Little Stormfront" could just be the wave of the future... in real life, not the Internet.

When the collapse comes -- and it will -- do you think the resulting mess will be neatly multi-cultural? Or will everyone, as with post-Soviet Union and post-Yugoslavia, go tribal? That is, clump up racially? It's going to be every man for himself, and PC is going to die fast. Nobody will give a shit about the hurt feelings of blacks. They'll be concerned about protecting their families and keeping them fed.

LOL! Conspiracy theory for a fucking pathetic coward. You never fail to demonstrate what a worthless little speck of shit you are.

Go run and hide from all the scary people who don't look exactly like you while you wait for 'the end.' :rolleyes: What a hopeless fucking loser.
1775? About 10% Native American, another 10% mixed Native American and Euro American, about 25% black (overwhelming slave, which includes mixed black-white), about 55% Euro-American.

1st language: About 10% Native American, about 10% Gaelic, about 15% African varieties, about 5% German, 2 to 3% other European languages than English, 55 to 60% English.

75% white, and 12% black, and 1% crazy white.

The population of the colonies at the time of the REVOLUTION?


Nice mix.
Any attempt of "Little Stormfront" will result in the massive suppression of such and extinction if necessary.
1775? About 10% Native American, another 10% mixed Native American and Euro American, about 25% black (overwhelming slave, which includes mixed black-white), about 55% Euro-American.

1st language: About 10% Native American, about 10% Gaelic, about 15% African varieties, about 5% German, 2 to 3% other European languages than English, 55 to 60% English.


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