Race Relations/Racism or "Little Stormfront"?

do you visit stormfront often?

I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

So, you're saying that you're a racist but you're too much of a pussy to own up to it?

No. But how is it "racist" to admit to browsing a message board that's focused on my racial interests? Are you actually familiar with the standard definition of racism?
Swagger, when you are quite clear on your beliefs and you admit you go to Stormfront, yeah, you are a hater.

I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

So, you're saying that you're a racist but you're too much of a pussy to own up to it?

No. But how is it "racist" to admit to browsing a message board that's focused on my racial interests? Are you actually familiar with the standard definition of racism?
So whenever someone, of any race, browses a site that focuses on their specific racial interests, they're automatically designated a "hater".

Got it.

Though it goes without saying that I strongly disagree.
No, no, no, swagger, you don't create a false argument.

No one said that but you, and we know, by your postings, that you are a hater.

Yes, I understand you disagree, and I understand why you disagree.
I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

So, you're saying that you're a racist but you're too much of a pussy to own up to it?

No. But how is it "racist" to admit to browsing a message board that's focused on my racial interests? Are you actually familiar with the standard definition of racism?

Thanks for proving my point.
So whenever someone, of any race, browses a site that focuses on their specific racial interests, they're automatically designated a "hater".

Got it.

Though it goes without saying that I strongly disagree.

And people who attend kkk rallies are just innocently exploring their interest in the various ways to burn things in the shape of a cross. Sure, yeah, that's it, that's it...
So, you're saying that you're a racist but you're too much of a pussy to own up to it?

No. But how is it "racist" to admit to browsing a message board that's focused on my racial interests? Are you actually familiar with the standard definition of racism?

Thanks for proving my point.

As far as I'm aware I've done no such thing. What is clear, however, is that you've failed to answer my question. Would you be so kind as to answer it?
Matthew, as is ever StormFront wannabee, is the loser. Always.

do you visit stormfront often?

I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

That pretty much sums it up. I'm often attacked for being a "coward" because I admit that I don't blare my concerns, say, at the office. But that would only get me fired. Still, the issues are legitimate and need to be discussed. The taboo is just too powerful.
do you visit stormfront often?

I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

That pretty much sums it up. I'm often attacked for being a "coward" because I admit that I don't blare my concerns, say, at the office. But that would only get me fired. Still, the issues are legitimate and need to be discussed. The taboo is just too powerful.

You ARE a pathetic fucking coward because you've admitted to being afraid to say what you really think out in the real world and because you've declared over and over again that you are scared of black people. Face it, you're a fucking pussy.
I do, sometimes, but I rarely comment.

Like many other whites on here who'd rather not alienate their equally anxious [white] USMB peers by declaring their interest, I'm guessing that JakeStarkey holds more than a scant familiarity with Stormfront. The attraction to Stormfront is that it deals with issues and injustices against whites that the media would rather avoid covering for fear of provoking racial solidarity among whites, who are still the demographic majority in the United States, Canada, Britain and so forth. On the other hand, however, there's always the possibility of incurring the fearsome wrath of the ADL and the SPLC, whose power and reach are feared by whites who'd like to speak their mind, but need to pay the bills. So they buckle under the presumed threat of ruination and remain silent.

That pretty much sums it up. I'm often attacked for being a "coward" because I admit that I don't blare my concerns, say, at the office. But that would only get me fired. Still, the issues are legitimate and need to be discussed. The taboo is just too powerful.

You ARE a pathetic fucking coward because you've admitted to being afraid to say what you really think out in the real world and because you've declared over and over again that you are scared of black people. Face it, you're a fucking pussy.

You're forgeting the obstructive double standard applied to whites. For instance, if William Joyce decided one day to throw caution to the wind and publically declare the stances he holds on racial issues, the chances are he'd be out of ajob and facing "hate speech" charges. He'd be ruined, in other words.

However, the leader of a black nationalist movement who's been recorded (in public) saying that every white man, woman and child should be killed intimidates only white voters with a weapon and prevents them from entering a polling station escapes all charges.
Neither Wm Joyce nor the nationalist black leader, you mentioned, have free speech rights in our family businesses across the south.

If they both did what you said, they would both be out on the street, as they should.

What's your point? That you want to say whatever you want without consequences?

That pretty much sums it up. I'm often attacked for being a "coward" because I admit that I don't blare my concerns, say, at the office. But that would only get me fired. Still, the issues are legitimate and need to be discussed. The taboo is just too powerful.

You ARE a pathetic fucking coward because you've admitted to being afraid to say what you really think out in the real world and because you've declared over and over again that you are scared of black people. Face it, you're a fucking pussy.

You're forgeting the obstructive double standard applied to whites. For instance, if William Joyce decided one day to throw caution to the wind and publically declare the stances he holds on racial issues, the chances are he'd be out of ajob and facing "hate speech" charges. He'd be ruined, in other words.

However, the leader of a black nationalist movement who's been recorded (in public) saying that every white man, woman and child should be killed intimidates only white voters with a weapon and prevents them from entering a polling station escapes all charges.
Neither Wm Joyce nor the nationalist black leader, you mentioned, have free speech rights in our family businesses across the south.

If they both did what you said, they would both be out on the street, as they should.

What's your point? That you want to say whatever you want without consequences?

You ARE a pathetic fucking coward because you've admitted to being afraid to say what you really think out in the real world and because you've declared over and over again that you are scared of black people. Face it, you're a fucking pussy.

You're forgeting the obstructive double standard applied to whites. For instance, if William Joyce decided one day to throw caution to the wind and publically declare the stances he holds on racial issues, the chances are he'd be out of ajob and facing "hate speech" charges. He'd be ruined, in other words.

However, the leader of a black nationalist movement who's been recorded (in public) saying that every white man, woman and child should be killed intimidates only white voters with a weapon and prevents them from entering a polling station escapes all charges.


Perhaps I should've made myself clearer, seeing as you seem to have a short memory; or are refuse to acknowledge what happened in Philidelphia. The leader of the New Black Panther Party stood outside a polling station with a batonand threatened and intimidated white voters, preventing them from entering. He harrassed them on account of their skin colour. No charges were brought after Eric Holder stepped in.
And you are frightened of 7 black hoods? Wimps. Call the police.

7 hoods in one incident in Philadelphia and all of "blackdom" is out to stop your voting rights.

You are simpy too stupid for words.
And you are frightened of 7 black hoods? Wimps. Call the police.

7 hoods in one incident in Philadelphia and all of "blackdom" is out to stop your voting rights.

You are simpy too stupid for words.

So, despite your false ignorance, you did know what I was referring to after all. No wonder they call you Jake the Fake.

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