Race riots are ok


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
We have been terrorized for months. Democrats/liberals burning down parts of our cities creating havoc and looting and destroying public property, Democrats either aided and abetted that or they tacitly supported it. Democrats did that. Provable. What did Trump do? He might have set off people or not, that went off for a few hours in DC on the 6th, anyone see a rather blaring disconnect here?
We have been terrorized for months. Democrats/liberals burning down parts of our cities creating havoc and looting and destroying public property, Democrats either aided and abetted that or they tacitly supported it. Democrats did that. Provable. What did Trump do? He might have set off people or not, that went off for a few hours in DC on the 6th, anyone see a rather blaring disconnect here?
Don't be stupid. Really.

You first.
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We have been terrorized for months. Democrats/liberals burning down parts of our cities creating havoc and looting and destroying public property, Democrats either aided and abetted that or they tacitly supported it. Democrats did that. Provable. What did Trump do? He might have set off people or not, that went off for a few hours in DC on the 6th, anyone see a rather blaring disconnect here?
Don't be stupid. Really.
Really? That never happened? All those race riots NEVER EVER happened? And funny how those race riots that never happened helped the democrats? Reminds me once upon a time when the NAZIs burned down the fucking Reichstag and blamed their enemies for it. History is repeating itself.
We have been terrorized for months. Democrats/liberals burning down parts of our cities creating havoc and looting and destroying public property, Democrats either aided and abetted that or they tacitly supported it. Democrats did that. Provable. What did Trump do? He might have set off people or not, that went off for a few hours in DC on the 6th, anyone see a rather blaring disconnect here?
Talk to the city and government leaders where they allowed it. While you are in town, ask the dumb ass business community why they are still there if their civic leaders support that. If the business leaders and the civic leader in that location like it. Don't live there. If you live there now, move. What is so great about living in a place like that when well over 95% of the towns and cities in American had no destructive riots as the probably never showed a tolerance for it. Most of us probably have lower tax rates also.
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Really? That never happened? All those race riots NEVER EVER happened? And funny how those race riots that never happened helped the democrats? Reminds me once upon a time when the NAZIs burned down the fucking Reichstag and blamed their enemies for it. History is repeating itself.
Riots against so-called 'white privilege' are OK per the Democrat Marxists. They will gain more power by dividing the American people. They are traitors and revel in sedition. They will call anyone who disagrees with them the same. That's their game. Don't fall for it.
White privilege? I've heard about that... Its like a fucking unicorn or sasquatch, I've never seen it. Where do I sign up for that elusive yet prevalent "Privilege"? I sure as hell never had it.
Really? That never happened? All those race riots NEVER EVER happened? And funny how those race riots that never happened helped the democrats? Reminds me once upon a time when the NAZIs burned down the fucking Reichstag and blamed their enemies for it. History is repeating itself.
Riots against so-called 'white privilege' are OK per the Democrat Marxists. They will gain more power by dividing the American people. They are traitors and revel in sedition. They will call anyone who disagrees with them the same. That's their game. Don't fall for it.
You actually live in a city that has Democrat Marxists (never even heard of that party) saying that? Why would you live in a city like that?
White privilege? I've heard about that... Its like a fucking unicorn or sasquatch, I've never seen it. Where do I sign up for that elusive yet prevalent "Privilege"? I sure as hell never had it.
Yeah the privilege of walking in the US capitol and putting your shit kickers on the speakers desk like you own the place and not getting shot! The privilege of comparing minorities protesting for justice to privilege millionaires lying to privilege regular people to do their bidding
Explain to me what "white privilege" is. I'm white , elderly and yet never do I see any privilege. This "white" privilege thing is the biggest lie I've ever heard of. It doesn't exist, its like sasquatch, so stop demonizing ALL whites.
Explain to me what "white privilege" is. I'm white , elderly and yet never do I see any privilege. This "white" privilege thing is the biggest lie I've ever heard of. It doesn't exist, its like sasquatch, so stop demonizing ALL whites.
Lady if you're elderly I'm sure you know the difference and have experienced the difference between the way you're treated in certain situations than a minority. Maybe you don't go out much are you don't live around many minorities but you know you would get treated differently..you're not slow
Explain to me what "white privilege" is. I'm white , elderly and yet never do I see any privilege. This "white" privilege thing is the biggest lie I've ever heard of. It doesn't exist, its like sasquatch, so stop demonizing ALL whites.
I've seen it. Hell, I've used it when I was young and dumb. Got hauled to jail at the age of 19, was totally in the right and a sheriff from another county hauled us in and damaged my brand new van, breaking into it and using it to haul prisoners to his county. When released an 2 hours later (there was 73 of us) and pointed out the damage was told to get out and don't come back or I would be doing 90 days as he was the law in that county. I told dad. He called a Federal Judge in a different state that was a friend and sent me back to ask nicely to repair my property. Sheriff said he told me not to come back and I was under arrest as he told me I would be. My brother, pulled out the Federal Judge's direct number and his home number asked to call our father and called the Federal Judge, who told the county sheriff there would be a warrant for his arrest served by federal marshalls withing 24 hours if he proceeded on that course. Sheriff decided it was only right that the county pay for all damages to my vehicle and that we had just had a misunderstanding. OK.........,That is white privilege. We were near the river. The is Tennessee. Back then I would have been floating in that river if I were black, as we were less than 50 miles from the birthplace of the KKK and 10 miles from a small town you couldn't pay a black person to be out on the streets after dark as not a single one lived there. They knew better. Heck they got the asshole a few years later on bribery, kickback, extortion and mail fraud in connection with a protection racket on liqueur he was running in that very dry county and sent his but away on federal charges. Without a doubt white privilege saved my ass and we were not even wealthy people.

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